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Everything posted by WhiteSox2023

  1. Considering the situation and the fact that it wasn’t just barely over the fence. Insane.
  2. A player this absolutely brain-dead in a single 3 hour game should be straight up released.
  3. And while Thorpe is rehabbing his arm there, Jerry also has him shilling Campfire Milkshakes to fans as well.
  4. 2 or 3 would be tons of arm rest and room sitting next to little people.
  5. Why would you want to go and do that? Only one GM in baseball thought Lopez was worth trading for AND paying $4.3 million and it wasn’t Anthopoulos.
  6. Avoided the shutout again. Does anyone know how many 1-run games this team has had? Seems like a ton.
  7. They just tied the franchise record second worst number of losses. 4 more losses to tie the franchise record for most losses in a season.
  8. Did The Loser and Schitten ever announce the attendance for this shitshow?
  9. This is true for BR, at least from my experience with Coach Q right after he was hired. He was dragging around his two young children to organized football leagues in the area. He was attending my son’s BGYFL Downers Grove Panthers games on a weekly basis mainly to recruit QB Owen Lansu among others, and that’s when he first talked to my son about BR. Many of the other kids on my son’s DG Panthers team ended up going to Downers Grove North HS, including Lansu. Q lives in Hinsdale so it was a nice and close recruiting effort for him, but I know from other parents that he was making the rounds throughout Chicagoland to recruit his first freshmen team, which are now juniors comprising most of the Varsity team.
  10. He’s a junior and starting right guard on the varsity team. He likes Q.
  11. Yeah, it’s kind of like one of @Downtown Brown’s family members buying a Jeep. Did his family member really choose a Jeep over other SUV brands because they thought it was the best choice, or did they simply buy a Jeep due to peer pressure and a cashback factory rebate and family discount from @Downtown Brown?
  12. And don’t forget about the relievers that were with the Sox at some point that Getz dumped and are now productive with other teams. Jake Cousins Jesse Chavez Declan Cronin Tim Hill
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