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Everything posted by WhiteSox2023

  1. If you listened to JR’s press conference announcing the promotion of Getz to GM, there is no doubt that he was talking about the Sox being competitive in 2024, not in 5 years. 5 years would be a full rebuild and JR wanted nothing to do with that, per his comments that he may not be around that long.
  2. Maybe Getz should have tried harder to push for change rather than simply falling in line with the rest of JR’s loyal servants just to keep his cushy gig?
  3. They won’t be similar though. It’s likely that only one will be the next Stroud, and they have to pick that guy at #1. A stud WR still isn’t worth close to what a stud franchise QB is.
  4. Probably. Santos felt inflammation in his right elbow in September but all of his medical reports came back clean.
  5. Sheets is listed far too many times for my liking.
  6. He’s a lottery ticket. A productive season in the KBO is not the same as the MLB. He has a 5.41 career ERA in 6 seasons in the majors. Maybe he has learned a new pitch but I wouldn’t put my money on him to be a good starter in 2024.
  7. ? You are delusional. Just because the Sox acquired more players than the Cubs doesn’t mean they have had a better offseason than them. Which player have the Sox acquired that wasn’t dumpster diving? Apparently acquiring multiple negative WAR players means you are having a great offseason. Name one player the Sox have acquired this offseason that had a productive season last year. I hate them too, but the fact is that the Cubs have won a WS far more recently than the Sox and if you can’t admit they currently have a competitive team while the Sox are in the basement of the worst division in baseball, you are lying to yourself.
  8. By politicians you mean taxpayers and they shouldn’t have to pay for a new stadium for a pathetic owner of a team that doesn’t try to win. A new stadium for the Cubs would be a different argument unfortunately. I’m not a Cubs fan but they actually try to win and bring a ton of money to the city. JR is a deadbeat Scrooge just trying to line his pockets. This is an obvious ploy to jack of the value of the Sox franchise for his heirs once the team is sold. That’s fine and dandy but don’t try to get taxpayers to fund your plan to leave a bigger estate to your heirs. But you don’t blame the scumbag tyrant owner that is trying to take money out of taxpayers’ pockets to get even richer, as if he needs the money? I hope the city tells JR to go F himself if he tries to get any public funding.
  9. Agreed, but Monaco isn’t stupid. He wasn’t going to put himself in the exact same position as Benetti.
  10. Great article. Like I said, I have no doubt Monaco talked to Benetti and then wanted nothing to do with the job. These are the leftovers. A guy like Connor McKnight definitely isn’t going to do any better and will be willing to work for tyrants.
  11. You know the Braves will turnaround Bummer and Sale will probably have a healthy season. The rest of the ex-Sox are just bodies for AAA.
  12. Between Love and Carlson, the Packers were primed for chokage.
  13. Never fear. Jordan Love is always good for a stupid INT. Goodbye, Packers!
  14. The way the free agent market is going, I think I would agree. Some guys are going to have to accept some cheap deals and I think he is one of them.
  15. Nailed it, haha. Loved the Reinsdorf dunk tank comment.
  16. Whoever mentioned it could be worse is right I guess. Someone said at least it’s not Zach Zaidman and they were spot on. I have no idea how that guy has a career in broadcasting. Worst monotone and boring voice of all time.
  17. Unfortunately, not every player you can acquire can be a former Royal.
  18. The local push actually started months ago. I thought it was going to be Monaco for sure so I wasn’t too worried about it, but once I heard tools like Lawrence Holmes and Dan Bernstein hyping up McKnight for the job just because he was a Score guy, I started getting worried. McKnight is terrible.
  19. Is there any doubt that Monaco talked to Benetti about this shitshow of a gig and immediately took his name out of the hat? Connor McKnight? Seriously? This tool gets to the finals? Good god. I don’t even like Benetti all that much but I’d rather watch him eat than listen to these three tools. Reinsdorf, never change, you douche.
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