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Everything posted by WhiteSox2023

  1. What value have you provided? Oh that’s right, I forgot that you speak for your GM Elias exactly on what he will and won’t accept in a Cease trade. You haven’t provided anything but snarky ass comments, when you know absolutely jack s%*# like everyone else. Congrats!
  2. Your other friend doesn’t think the current rankings are accurate and seems to think Basallo is untouchable.
  3. Yep, like I said. ? Only your opinion matters, Mr. Elias.
  4. The funny thing is that this Sports Guy rat and his other buddies here are reporting back to his Orioles message board trying to clown everything that is said here. Meanwhile, I don’t see any Sox fans posting anything at his Orioles board. This guy is a troll and should be thrown in the flaming dumpster that Getz is currently picking players from.
  5. It’s hard to tell the difference between you guys. The hot air you guys are spitting is melting my brain.
  6. Did you miss the memo? Every all bat/weak glove Orioles prospect is destined to pan out at the hardest position. Mayo at 3B and Basallo at C. Neither will end up at 1B. No chance, not happening…
  7. More BS spouted by Sports Guy apparently. Thanks for correcting him. It is appreciated. ??
  8. I never admitted that. And I definitely am not putting my money on a random biased Orioles fan named Sports Guy being better than him at his job writing for MLB.com.
  9. 57 yard field goals aren’t gimmes indoors or outdoors. It was a dumb call.
  10. Where did I call it a rumor? The point is that an MLB.com writer thinks that Cease’s trade value is higher than an obviously biased Orioles fan. Go figure…
  11. It’s a bit too good but I don’t doubt the Cubs would deal Morel since he has no position. But I can see the reasoning behind the writer’s trade idea. The Cubs have done absolutely jack s%*# this off-season and smart Cubs fans are legitimately pissed. But Hoyer isn’t overspending and I don’t think he wants to give up any of his prospects. They are still building from within.
  12. Yeah, do another facepalm emoji. Very meaningful. Why should anyone care about what some random and biased Orioles fan from a message board thinks about Cease’s trade value over an actual MLB.com writer? And I don’t even think much of this MLB.com writer, but what are your credentials?
  13. MLB baseball writer — wrong about Cease’s value Random Orioles message board posters — definitely right about Cease’s value ???
  14. The Reds can barely compete with the Brewers and Cubs by building from within with their own prospects. They honestly have zero reason to want to trade any of their prospects for Cease. So yeah, this makes some sense. Either way, I doubt the Reds interest in Cease was ever legitimate.
  15. Oops sorry. My mistake. I still doubt Hahn made that ask.
  16. Definitely. But wouldn’t it make sense that Getz is simply waiting for the other starting pitchers that may be as good as Cease to come off the market, like Snell and Montgomery? Supply and demand.
  17. Agreed, or that Getz ever expected to get Holliday at last year’s trade deadline.
  18. I disagree. I don’t think Getz is going to get his initial ask (which was likely massive), and I also don’t think he wants to play with fire and watch Cease potentially get injured before the trade deadline.
  19. Exactly. Getz may not get what he initially asked for when he was shooting for the moon, but waiting until all of the rest of the good pitchers come off the board seems to indicate he is waiting for a team to blink and perhaps not give into his initial ask, but his secondary ask.
  20. I am not a fan of Getz yet, as his offseason of dumpster diving has been an embarrassment. But I sure am glad he is sticking to his guns with this Cease trade. Eventually, some team will blink.
  21. It’s not true. It’s Heyman the toad spouting whatever Boras tells him to. Without Boras, Heyman is nothing, and he wouldn’t be able to post meaningless tweets all day long.
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