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Everything posted by WhiteSox2023

  1. Can we go back in time and offer Fedde for Jordan Walker in a one-for-one swap without the lesser prospects?
  2. The only way this makes sense is if Getz thought Edman would bring a better return of prospects than Fedde, and that wouldn’t make sense to me either.
  3. I still can’t believe Fedde for Edman was a one for one swap. I would have told the Cardinals and the Dodgers to go shove and traded Fedde for the best prospect return from another interested team. He then included Kopech and Pham and still got back a mediocre return. I don’t care about Pham because he wasn’t worth much but Fedde and Kopech should have been traded separately to maximize the prospect return.
  4. Nothing. How hilarious that without Hahn’s trades at last year’s deadline, Getz would have nothing in the minors.
  5. Just what I was wondering about last Friday…
  6. The Sox had to add at least one legit offensive piece for Fedde. They have 7 lineup spots to fill, and that’s if you think Montgomery and Quero are the real deal. Instead, Getz packaged him with Kopech and Pham and still didn’t even get back a single legit offensive piece.
  7. He lost the big three right in the beginning of the season! Oh wait, two of them came back and still suck.
  8. Colas should be up because Sheets should be DFA’ed.
  9. I would say this thread should be stickied but I have a feeling it won’t be leaving the first page of threads any time soon. Oh yeah…
  10. There’s no sugar-coating this deal, try as you might. The Sox should have done better than Vargas as the headliner.
  11. I expected this trade deadline would end up worse than our expectations because Getz was gonna Getz, but not the epic failure this has become. The Sox had the most trade assets to move and Getz already managed to blow three of them in one awful trade. Now he is talking sh1t about his best trade asset. What a fucking moron. How about just not answering the question you clueless excuse for a GM?
  12. Yes Chris, please continue to devalue your own best trade asset prior to trading him, you stupid ass-clown. Pretty obvious Getz is saying this crap to save face with Sox fans rather than extract the most return out of Crochet. “It’s Garrett’s fault that we had to trade him! We didn’t want to, promise!” Otherwise, why even answer this question? “No comment” dumbass…
  13. No thanks, Chris. Please, no more deals. Your trades all suck and you make me miss Rick.
  14. Worth more than what our absolute boner of a GM traded him for, after also packaging him with Kopech and Pham.
  15. Ah okay, didn’t see the WSD post. At least there was still some moronic rationale for Getz to choose a worse return I guess. Dear lord…
  16. Better to whom? Rational Sox fans? This doesn’t really make any sense, unless in Getz’s mind, the return he chose was better.
  17. Yeah, this isn’t true even if you hate Kopech and realize Pham is just a fourth outfielder. I thought the Fedde signing would be a bust but it wasn’t. It was one of the very few good acquisitions Getz made this past offseason.
  18. Chuck thought ex-Dodger Yasiel Puig would be a good acquisition for the Sox this past offseason. Sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he could still outhit Miguel Vargas.
  19. Well, it hasn’t translated to the majors, but I’m sure the Sox will be the team to adjust his swing and get him going again even though the Dodgers could not.
  20. This trade return is more like the massive turd my son leaves in the toilet that won’t flush down without manual intervention. ? ??
  21. Is Jordan Walker still available? I have more faith in the Sox fixing his swing than in the return from this trade.
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