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Everything posted by shoelessinva

  1. Kenny would likely do that deal in a heartbeat. Unless he is smitten over someone else, like he has been for Andruw Jones and Griffey for years. Still, gotta give something to get something. Beckham at SS would be great! And I could do without the Alexi attitude.
  2. NO way you play Q over JD in RF. You need a cannon for an arm for RF. And Q does not even compare to JD's rocket arm. I'd say Q splits time at DH and LF. And, as much as i would hate to see this, move Ramirez for prospects and perhaps bullpen help. He's got real value now and Bacon appears to be staying and should play his natural SS position. Just my thoughts.
  3. Loving me some Johnny Danks, baby!!! Sweet W! Wish I was there.
  4. Born in Oak Park. Raised in Berwyn. Lived for a couple years in Bridgeport, just 3 blocks from Comiskey. Live now in DC area. Virginia lic plate = WH1T SOX since June 05.
  5. Love to see him in bronze sporting the mocking "Sammy Sosa kissing" episode in the Cubs dugout! Now that was classic!!!
  6. OK, a Chicago transplant in Virginia here. Went to Camden Yards in July 01 for a game. It was rained out. Our rain-out date was the week of 9/11 when they cancelled the games. Our next rain-out date, just happened to be the final Cal Ripken home game of the games that were added to the end of the schedule. Needless to say, many O's fans who bought prime tix for the actual final reg season game were pissed.
  7. I've got the premium "WH1T SOX". OK, so it is a Virginia plate. Still feels good to ride around DC area with all these BoSox wannabees.
  8. Just found this link. http://www.dailynews.com/sports/ci_7887205 Any further info on Kendrick? Decent stats from last year but for only 88 games. If we can get Figgins in this deal, this would make this off-season a clear winner with Santana, Kendrick and Figgins. Thoughts?
  9. Here's to rooting for another expansion team winning it all before the Cubs. GO ROCKS!!!
  10. OK, OK, everyone please calm down. Put the pistols away. Consider for a moment the fact that KW has already delivered one World Championship. Yes I, like many of you, remain greedy for more, more, more - for the pride of all of baseball and for the pride of Chicago. Let us all never forget the 2005 playoffs and World Series and the fact that it was pitching that ultimately delivered the Crown. Yes, there were some clutch hits in there as well. But, our studs pitched outstanding during that stretch of October, losing only once. It would therefore make sense that the old addage, "Pitching wins championships" rings true, as we witnessed in 05. I trust KW and believe he would not have made these deals if he did not believe it would help us both now and for the long haul. I don't want this era's Sox to be remembered as one-year wonders. I want to see a contender every year - preferably in the mold of Minn, Atl, or Oak. Give KW a break and look at the potential. There is also another old addage that applies to baseball and life in general: Risk a little, gain a little. Risk a lot, gain a lot.
  11. Definitely a team effort! Great chemistry and the right pieces. But, you just can't undervalue what a true leader means to a team and the significance of his impact to keep us focused and on mission! As a Marine, I understood the value of each and every member of a platoon, company or even battalion. But, without a leader or leaders, we'd have no direction, no purpose and no drive.
  12. A good pep talk on the mound; calling a superb game for his staff; delivering the hardest high-fives to those that produce; spearheading the cheers from the bench, behind the plate, or as he circles the bases; never being afraid of smacking down opposing batters as they step into the box; always in search of putting a serious physical hurt on an opposing player; giving an earfull to a player who performs well under expectations... the list could go on and on. It simply describes the attributes of the best off-season move that Kenny Williams made before the season - acquiring a LEADER, one who inspires, motivates and goes above and beyond what his paycheck asks to bring a victory! And that, my faithful friends, is what AJ Pierzinski means to this team. We'd be lost without him. So thank you KW and thanks to AJ for commanding these troops so efffectively!
  13. All the injuries and worries about Duque before the season and KW proves he knew what he was doing - it's all about winning in OCTOBER, baby! The best 3 inning pitching performance we have seen in a long time!!! Hats off to the STOPPER - El Duque!
  14. "This is what I get for accepting a triple-dog-dare that my nose wouldn't stick to this freshly-painted wall."
  15. I don't care who they are playing. Heck, they could be playing the Stickney Little League All-Stars for 3 series in September. As long as they get used to the feeling of winning and continue to build their confidence before October. That is all that matters. WIN, BABY! And WIN often. Learn to love the feeling and EXPECT that you will win each and every day! That is where the confidence swells and how WS winners are born!
  16. I'd love his bat without his D or attitude. He's a punk and we better not mess with what appears to be a great clubhouse atmosphere. One bad apple (or a**hole) could spoil the bunch!
  17. Check back to this post for possible meet-up arrangements.
  18. I am going to 1 or 2 games in the Sox vs. O's series at Camden and wondered if any other transplanted Chicagoans in the VA/MD area will also be attending. Maybe we could try to do drinks somewhere in club level or another part of Camden and relish the Soxcess of this season together. And, what a great opp to give it to Juice/Cork Boy Sammy! BTW, I'll be sporting the Sox cap at the Nats/Mets game tomorrow (7/7) if anyone is interested or going to that game. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO TIP YOUR BEERMAN!!!
  19. I have to agree that MLB.TV is a great alternative. I am now 6 years removed from Chicago living in Virginia and continue to follow the Sox religiously. MLB.TV is simply awesome and, at $80, it is a steal!
  20. I don't care why he was "shipped." I'm just glad he's gone!
  21. I am sorry if you took offense to the Bush 2004. Well, actually, I am not sorry, but rather I hope and pray to help you. You are almost there. Being a Sox fan is just one part of being deemed a responsible American. The other part requires that you understand the basic foundation of principles upon which this country was established. Principles that include elevating the individual American citizen as the sparkplug of America rather that relying on the Government. It means you truly value freedom and appreciate the words inscribed at the Korean War Memorial in DC, which states "Freedom is not free." It means that you are the best one to decide how to spend your own hard-earned money - not the government. It means you respect all life, even and especially the unborn - who had no choice in irresponsible adult sexual behavior. The list could go on, and probably will in future installments. In short, I hope you will re-evaluate how you might feel about our President. He's a good man who has true character. And he serves the Big JC.
  22. Hello again on this wonderful day! I, like other Sox fans, am probably going to make October 15th a family holiday. Perhaps we shall call it Cubs Choke Day - CC Day! We'll start an annual tradition of eating a Fish or Marlin meal each and every CC Day. We might even make an annual pilgrimage to Miami on October 15 to celebrate. Yes the Cubs will retain their appropriate title of being the Lovable Losers or All-Time Losers. So, it is safe - no it is mandatory - to equate the Cubs with Losers. So if Cubs equals Losers, then it can be deduced that Cubs Fans are Loser Fans. Kinda like Liberals equal Losers. Liberals, like the Cubs Fans, support a cause that is just beyond comprehension for the normal mind. In other words, liberals and Cubs Fans are just plain dumb. Or, it is kinda like the Number 2. I mean if you could be a number, would you really want to be Number 2. Number 2 is, afterall, CRAP. You know, the stuff we traditionally find in baby diapers or in the toilet after being engrossed in a good Sports Illustrated story. Oh, hey, that's right, the Cubs did attain the coveted title of being Number 2 in the National League. C for Cubs. C for Crap. Now it all makes sense. I finally understand why all those people were jumping up and down and screaming inside and outside of Wrigley. They love being Number 2! They love to sport the Big "C" which clearly signifies CRAP! They love being equated with excrement. So, way to go Cubs and Cubs Fans, you truly are Number 2! I now could care less how the Sox fell from 1st place this past season. Witnessing the Cubs lose in the way they did - you know up 3 games to 1 and losing 3 straight, 2 of which with your 2 best pitchers was CLASSIC, AWESOME, SO MEMORABLE!!! And Game 6 has gone to ESPN as the Ultimate ESPN Instant Classic of the Worst Sports Choke Story in the history of mankind!!! How sweet it is. GOOOOOOOOOO SOX 2004. And go Bush 2004. Hmmm, Bush/Sox 2004 - I like it! V shoelessinva :fthecubs
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