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  1. I have YouTubeTV so I'm probably never going to see any games. This doesn't upset me.
  2. All these guys need is a healthy dose of TWTW. That will cure everything!
  3. JR doesn't give a crap what you or any of us fans think. And we will see a repeat of this year next year because they have already told us they won't be active in FA and they are looking to cut payroll. The Athletic article made it clear that JR is stuck in the past, thinks he knows more than everyone else and is determined to do things his way. Bringing in another GM won't change a damn thing when there are still issues at the root of the organization. They don't spend money where it needs to be spent in order to have a successful organization and that won't change until there is new Ownership.
  4. They have a process but they don't have the criteria. Seems right.
  5. Understand, but it still doesn't fit the narrative.
  6. I've been hearing for years that JR doesn't like to pay people to not do anything which is why it takes him so long to let go of people, but now I'm supposed to believe he is willfully paying people to not work? I don't know what to believe anymore when it comes to this organization.
  7. Of course he was. Does anyone think there was someone in the org that actually said "I don't think that's a good idea"? Come on.
  8. He should be. I don't see anyone getting moved until that last week of July. There is no rush and there will be plenty of teams interested in Crochet.
  9. Know how you can connect with fans? Going on radio shows to talk about yourself and the team and try to show off your personality so people can make a connection. Seems pretty simple to me. Refusing to do those things and making comments about "haters" or "radio losers" is not something I would do.
  10. Wait, you expect Getz to be able to identify talent?
  11. Yeah, the game is about talent and Kopech does not have the talent to be a starter. Also, I said seemingly about the competition aspect.
  12. Kopech has always been his own worst enemy. Why make this move now? Because he has sucked this spring after sucking last year and can't mentally handle being a starter. Perhaps he gains some confidence in the pen. Probably not. But they want to seemingly award guys this spring for being competitive and if that's true then they can't let him continue to be a starter.
  13. Public, not private. I know it says private in that article but that's not correct.
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