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Everything posted by Hatchetman

  1. No complaints here. Better than Covey as your 5th/6th starter.
  2. Caruso had the talent. I guess he had some personality traits that held him back.
  3. When the Sox are losing 10-1 in the 7th, I get upset. I don't wait until the final out to get upset.
  4. you might want to start a meditation practice now.
  5. Just thinking...the Sox welcomed Korean "Babe Ruth" Man Soo Lee to the org in the 80s/90s? But have never signed a Korean player have they? This org is just odd.
  6. This is pretty much all there is to say about the situation.
  7. It's like going to the High School dance and not dancing with any of the girls. "None of them were pretty enough for me." Maybe the problem is you.
  8. Nobody will be b****ing if the Sox go to the World Series. I assume that's what we're trying to do. Or not.
  9. I don't care what they offer him. They need a #2 starter. I'm not wedded to Wheeler, but apparently the Sox were.
  10. The reality is if you wanted Wheeler that badly make him an offer he can't refuse.
  11. Encarnacion has hit 30 homers for 8 straight years and posted an .875 OPS last year. Of course I'd love to have him.
  12. This is why it is stupid to not go for it now.
  13. With two starting pitchers added there was absolutely no reason they couldn’t battle for the division.
  14. Profits are passed through to the limited partners annually. It is gone now.
  15. Oh, I forgot Covey was actually our #4 starter. nevermind.
  16. I think some of those guys are deceased. Though still may be better than Covey.
  17. The market is rapidly running out of FA starters that are better than Dylan Covey.
  18. Is there any chance Ivan Nova might be willing to pitch for us? Assuming we pay him a 10% premium?
  19. No, the game in FA is you pay through the nose because you have a desperate need.
  20. This whole situation would make a lot more sense if someone in the Sox org had a strong view that they had some specific solution that would make him a much better player. Remember like when Walt Hriniak was going to do wonders for Cory Snyder.
  21. Well we won 72 last year and added Grandal and Mazara. I figure we should be good for about 95 wins this year.
  22. The logic isn't wrong. If you're not going for it now, why waste those years of control?
  23. Are you in some way related to Dylan Covey?
  24. This is exactly what I would do given where we stand today.
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