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Everything posted by Hatchetman

  1. i'd say carl is a 350 AB, .265, 18 hr kind of guy.
  2. if it's going to be on mlb.com it's got to cater to the LCD. think QB passer rating.
  3. i don't agree with you, but i'm not interested in debating the point. here's a link on the subject: http://www.sportsci.org/resource/stats/effectmag.html
  4. actually no correllation would be r-squared = 0
  5. i think boles headed up the marlins minor leagues in the early 90s. off the top of my head they didn't have an abundance of homegrown talent.
  6. could we disguise him as willie at bat?
  7. there's no arguing that navarro was the worst white sox ever. in fact, he could be the worst ever on any team. but that's a debate for another thread...
  8. it's not who the suckiest guy ever was (navarro) but rather who was generally regarded by the masses as being good, but really wasn't.
  9. IF he was 100% healthy, you're prolly right. BUT the marlins thought that a few years ago with i-rod and when he didn't get what he wanted he accepted arbitration.
  10. maybe if we were 100% healthy. i still don't think KW would want him back for one year 12-14 million. it's not like he showed that much care for our draft picks over the years..."let's sign sandy alomar as a FA!"
  11. i don't think we would have offered arbitration in any case.
  12. since about 1980, when i really started paying attention, I bet we have had the fewest all-stars of any non-expansion team. i'm having a tough time coming up with a good answer here...?? maybe bill melton? guy had only 2 good years.
  13. well, you would hope so.....but shouldn't he have been working out in the OF all year...like during batting practice? i dunno...
  14. we're last in the AL in # of runners that ever get to scoring position. that's pathetic.
  15. it is not that hard to play a corner OF position. i'm not sure why he sucks so bad.
  16. well, with mags gone, we'll need a new excuse for not winning next year.
  17. what's the scouting report on this leadoff guy?
  18. "There's really nothing hard about it,'' he said. "You do a little bit before the game and then you just watch the game, unless a situation comes up where you need to give advice or look up stats on a certain hitter or something like that.
  19. he did have to get the "ok" from his family, which you don't often see in professional sports.
  20. i'd love to see it happen, so long as they also sign some quality bullpen guys
  21. when analyzing players and game situations, i go by the numbers. when analyzing owners and general managers, i go by the numbers too. the odds of the sox signing beltran are about the same as the odds that willie harris will hit a home run in any given AB. not impossible, but not likely.
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