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PaleAleSox last won the day on February 13

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  1. If they can hit some dongs they’ll have a fighting chance.
  2. No our World Series will be the World Series.
  3. He looks completely different up there.
  4. Because he can't let any more of his bums get demoralized.
  5. Getting an infielder to pitch in game 1. You guys all owe this juggernaut of a team an apology.
  6. I predicted 7-3 (or 4) with Robert and Sosa dongs. Only got Sosa but underestimated how FUCKING GREAT this staff is.
  7. Maybe this guy should have thrown some pitches in the minors.
  8. Not great, Robert. Hopefully Tendi can hit it deep enough to get another run in.
  9. What is 3-2 "luck" ? Them swinging? That doesn't seem like luck.
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