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  1. Article doesn’t exactly paint it as him being the centerpiece, just a piece. I still don’t think Crochet is going to the Dodgers.
  2. Just glad Sheets is gone. Hopefully new coaching staff finds something with Vaughn.
  3. The only thing that (sort of, in their eyes) makes sense is he was originally punished for not listening to coaching and then continued to do that.
  4. I don't take any baseball rumor as 100 percent truth. But I think your leap to "Chris Getz is making this up because there isn't much interest in Garrett Crochet" is insane.
  5. I’m confused why it matters? First off, we have no idea if Chris Getz is leaking this information. And if he is then he is doing…what every other team/player does for their own personal gain.
  6. We are hearing about teams interested in Juan Soto. What's the difference? Is Juan Soto thinking he isn't good enough offers that he hasn't even gotten yet?
  7. Moving on from Vargas would be premature. You have to give him a year. Fletcher is whatever. Probably destined to be a platoon player, but it would be dumb to move on from him too right now because what is taking his place? If you get tour RF of the future in the Crochet trade than sure.
  8. Why is it hard to believe teams are very inter in Crochet?
  9. I also put little weight into what a team tells a player when they sign him. It goes back to teams picking a guy 15th in the draft and saying they would take him number 1.
  10. That ranking didn’t take into account that none of them are ever on the field to actually play.
  11. I’m fine with it but he absolutely can’t be the main piece. That would be awful.
  12. Pretty unrealistic thing to think would happen. The butterfly effect from just keeping Sale would have changed all of this.
  13. Who of the White Sox decision makers are saying they are doing that? Colson is hoping to be the opening day starter. Which...why wouldn't he want that?
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