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Everything posted by PaleAleSox

  1. Grifol is allergic to bringing in a reliever who can get an out at anytime. He can’t even luck into it.
  2. Or in typical Sox fashion he has been playing injured and might actually feel alright now.
  3. Yeah I think they actually have a very promising future pitching wise. But man, it's bleak on the offensive side of the ball.
  4. Yeah, bullpen guys are all over the place. Could be lights out next year.
  5. Says just as much about him as it does the Sox.
  6. For the love of god it’s truly time.
  7. Ethan Katz gotta go too. Does Bannister have someone up his sleeve?
  8. Schiffren complaining about the ump. So whiny. At least Robert has hit the ball very hard twice today.
  9. It’s why Colas should be playing right everyday.
  10. Yeah schiffren! Get that ump!
  11. Okay he absolutely has to be fired after this game. For the 100th time.
  12. It's 1 of 30 jobs. Plenty of people will want it. Doesn't mean the right choice will be made.
  13. He also randomly looked good for the Sox, too. And Lance Lynn started fine for the Dodgers and then got real bad. I’m not saying they can’t fix him, but Kopech eventually is gonna Kopech.
  14. So then why even make your point to begin with?
  15. Hard to blame Touki for that run, at least. Awful defense.
  16. Good lord would he shut up about the Score.
  17. Time to shut him down and move him in the offseason.
  18. You gotta let the young kids having growing pains. It's why it's dumb that Colas and whatnot is not playing.
  19. Launch this fucking guy already.
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