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Everything posted by 46DidIt

  1. I just mean in general. ‘This player is bound to produce better results in your quality organization, as his performance here was effected by our toxic environment and general incompetence”
  2. I hope Getz is using that as a selling point in trade negotiations.
  3. You think Sox fandom agrees that as long as JR is in charge the Sox will compete?? JR must’ve paid Hawk a s%*# ton over the years for him to still throw that kind of cockamamie BS out there on his behalf
  4. And he wasn’t exactly a stud last year until upon leaving the sox, either. In fact I recall him being quite shitty the first couple months of the season, which seemed largely attributable to horrible pitch calling
  5. A stud middle reliever when he had ace potential that was largely untapped for seven years, whereas an actual quality organization magically converted him overnight
  6. Just look at Reynaldo and Kopech
  7. And still no Ramos?? What the H. This is some meet the new boss same as the old boss s%*#
  8. Say what you will about redneck music. I contend this s%*# will sound good to any man after the better part of a dozen natural lights and a pint of peppermint schnapps. I thought I’d leave it for anyone watching the sox to enjoy:
  9. So on 9/1, he struck out 8 in 3.1 on a dead arm? That’s pretty impressive
  10. I posted about this before, but going through the ‘62 Mets season made Richie Ashburn retire despite being perfectly healthy coming off a season in which he hit. 306 with a .424 OBP and only 425 hits away from 3000 at age 35. At that point, he was no HOF shoo in but 3000 would have made him one. If that can have that kind of effect on a seasoned vet, not hard to imagine that going into this clubhouse, when Vargas was probably on some sort of cloud 9 as a young Dodger, probably did f*** his head up. Getting your feet swept out from under you like that could literally lead to a depression spell. Conversely, it was probably like getting called up to the bigs for the first time for Kopech. Hopefully Vargas can regroup in the offseason
  11. Dude only has 530 mlb plate appearances, many of which were fairly spread out. He has indeed looked like s%*# but his history says he has exceptional command of the strike zone, so I’m going to wait and see what he looks after another 530+ PA. It really only matters how he produces in years two through five of the sox future control anyway. Plenty of average or better mlb regulars with his kind of career arc at this point
  12. That 1915 A’s team was the result of Connie Mack growing himself a crop of the best talent in the game, selling it directly for cash, which he stuck directly into his own pocket, as if he were some kind of baseball rancher taking his cattle to the market Kind of makes JR seem not so bad, but at least Mack delivered multiple championships. The teams preceding it were among the best of all time. He pretty much did the same thing again twenty years later, including selling Al Simmons to the Sox, along with all the other stars he dumped for straight profit
  13. Point being, there’s got to be some sort of disorder akin to stockholm syndrome or battered spouse syndrome we all could be classified under at this point. There’s no other reasonable explanation
  14. And even though the ‘90 team was very good, it still always felt hopeless anyway because there was no way they were going to overcome the A’s and we all knew it
  15. True but I didn’t expect that coming at the time
  16. As a young kid back in 1983, having no reason to know any better, the Sox might as well have been the ‘27 Yankees as far as I was concerned. Even after they lost to the O’s, I still thought the Sox had the better team. The shock of 1984 as I look back now, I guess I never got over it. ‘84-89 was total misery as a Sox fan to me. ‘85 was of no consolation to me, the one year they were actually decent. And now 40 years later I’m still following these bums. It must be terminal, or require some sort of intervention
  17. The fact I’m sitting here thinking how the ‘89 team that caused me so much misery in my prime junior league baseball loving youth in retrospect actually wasn’t too shabby…that’s got to be something akin to stockholm syndrome, no?
  18. Imagine the ‘89 Sox in a league full of 2024 Sox. Guys like Daryl Boston, Scott Fletcher and Dan Pasqua would have been perennial all stars. Ozzie would be the Ozzie Smith. Baines, Calderon and Fisk would have been like Ted Williams, DiMaggio and Campanella on the same team
  19. 92 losses? Sounds like a pretty good team at this point
  20. I didn’t see the ‘70 team, but just looking at the baseball reference page I think its safe to say they’d wipe the floor with this team
  21. 1 pm on a Thursday. Is MLB just trying not to make money or what
  22. Incorrect. Gaslighting is the new national pastime. I hardly ever see anyone out playing football
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