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Everything posted by 46DidIt

  1. Justin Anderson or Barlow could be as good or better than Shaw or Leone. I just don’t see how this isn’t purely bad moves
  2. You wouldn’t have needed Rodriguez to perform at mlb level. Have Sosa perform at mlb level and get rid of Dejong or somebody, with Rodriguez at AAA. Or same with Speas. Cut Shaw and bring up one of the other AAAA pitchers at Charlotte
  3. Yeah he’s worth preserving on the forty man roster of a stronger organization than the Sox
  4. He needs another year of development in the minors. This is the downside of signing 17 year olds. You have to protect before them before they are actually ready
  5. This is only the beginning of Colas’ third season in the mlb system. Maybe he just needs some more at bats? I still think he’ll be playing for the sox by July if not sooner
  6. What the H?? Makes no god damned sense
  7. I thought this team might avoid 100 losses but I’m starting to think the soxtalk prognosticators pegging them at approaching 120 might be right. Soroka managed to bulldog his way to a strong start and the Sox still got smashed.
  8. If a team averaged 2 million attendance for 20 years, 2 billion would only be fifty dollars for every ticket sold. Seems reasonable
  9. I was specifically referring to Robert, I probably should have been more clear. I’m cool with trading anyone besides him
  10. True. Their broadcasts are horrible.
  11. I’ll take the over on 9.5 Braves runs
  12. Zavala and Iriarte are both excellent high ceiling prospects. Thorpe is more of a high floor. The more I looked into that trade the more I liked it. I’d be willing to bet Zavala and Iriarte are at least top 75 mlb prospects within two years. Iriarte is straight up filthy and Zavala showed very advanced plate skills at only 18 years old. This guy could be in MLB by 21
  13. He seems to be throwing easy, too. I think he could still be pumping them in there at 100-102 if he wanted. Mechanics seem reined in as well
  14. My prediction is Kopech will be a member of the Dodgers rotation in two years
  15. Well, if you think I’m being an ass hole by stating reasoned arguments backed by actual facts while responding to the comments from southsider and southside hitmen, in which I was baselessly accused of attempting “page moderation” and being an ass hat, then I would argue you don’t have a very good handle on what an ass hole is. Please identify a single rude comment I have made anywhere on this board
  16. Answer this. Why did you just claim Clevinger was “the one guy to out perform his FIP and xERA by that much last year” when that is straight up false? Meanwhile you haven’t identified single thing I’ve stated that is false, while claiming I am ignoring facts and have an agenda. If I had an agenda wouldn’t I be the one telling lies, employing insinuation and poisoning the well instead of simply formulating arguments and calmly delivering them in the face of ad hominem attacks such as “obtuse asshat”.
  17. My argument was that from a purely baseball, it is a good deal, not that there were no reasons no other team signed him. I have made no comment in relation to that
  18. Still waiting on example of them facts you were talking about. Or an example of how I am attempting to perform page moderation as per your previous claim when you had no reasonable counter for my arguments
  19. Did you look up the stats? his FIP was 4.28 compared to 3.77 ERA which is well within the normal discrepancy between the two, and well within his own normal difference: 3.40 ERA compared to 3.82 FIP on his career. The claim he was “the one guy to out perform his FIP and xERA by that much” is so blatantly false I’m not even going to bother to cite a counter example. You’ve got to really be abandoning reason to argue he hasn’t been an above average major league pitcher including last year. And ignore the fact far inferior stqrting pitchers routinely sign for more than three million per year
  20. I must have missed the facts you have stated. I see you spend a lot of time attacking Clevinger, way more than I spent on this thread in fact, while ignoring the facts though, so I wouldn’t think it would be that much of a stretch of the imagination
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