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  1. I don’t know if I’d take that as he’s returning. That could easily be a shot across the bow negotiating tactic. My guess is that CHSN is lowballing people and proposing significant paycuts
  2. I don’t want them to trade Crochet or Robert because Getz is going to get fleeced but knowing how much of a dumpster fire this franchise is makes me hope they trade both of them before the Sox destroy their careers. I’m glad Kopech got out. This story is almost exactly the reason I see negative value in bringing up a guy like Quero for this season. I’d prefer to even keep guys like Baldwin, Sosa far away. Also confirms almost all suspicions on why Vargas always looks like a sad puppy and why Giolito appeared physically ill at all times.
  3. I have heard zero discussion of any programming outside of the live broadcasts. Maybe that’s a contract thing with everyone currently employed by NBC but apparently almost everyone is still in negotiations. My guess is that they are being asked to take a fairly significant pay cut on the new network.
  4. I’d agree…if he named it almost anything other than X. It’s just such a horrible branding decision.
  5. Eloy and Moncada both in my opinion. I think guys like TA, Luis, and Kopech are at least putting in some mild effort but they definitely aren’t putting in the work to reach their true potential.
  6. I personally can’t wait to hear about all the defensive work that Sheets puts in this offseason before they pencil him in at RF next season.
  7. I’ve heard that the blown out tire from Tony’s DUI and his blown out uniform pants from when he s%*# himself in the dugout are already at a storage facility in Cooperstown.
  8. It’s going to screw the Hawks the most. The major deals won’t come to the table until NBA/MLB gets closer so the Hawks are going to be borderline inaccessible for at least a little bit.
  9. YouTube TV will almost certainly not carry it. They have NBC SN Chicago because it is a bundle agreement with all of the other NBC RSNs. Since The new CHSN is a standalone, it likely won’t be picked up. I’d guess, if a streamer picks it up, it will be Fubo.
  10. It’s still Twitter. “X” is one of the worst re-brands of all time.
  11. The hilarious part is that this absolutely is a strategy cooked up by some 27 year old kid making $40k per year. It’s legit the most redeeming quality of the franchise this season. Brooks will take credit but we all know he was fuming until the millennial employee showed him the before/after in engagement stats and explained how social media actually works. Guarantee this 20 something kid had to put together a slide deck to explain to mid management and executives what things like “ratio’d” means. Hell they might have had to explain the difference between Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. No chance anyone knew what TikTok was or that they even had one.
  12. Tick. Tock. Less than 2 weeks from launch. Still no agreement with Comcast. Still no announcement of a direct to consumer option. Still no option for a nationwide stream. Still no announcement of on-air talent. I didn’t think it was possible but this might end up being a bigger debacle than Sportsvision. I’m not watching the Sox or Bulls but don’t mind putting the Hawks on as background noise. Unfortunately I’m out of market so OTA isn’t an option and I’m sure as f*** not paying for DirecTV or Center Ice. Guess I’ll watch the Kraken instead 🤷‍♂️
  13. I had a very significant bet on the under season win total at 62.5. Easiest money ever. The team was obviously going to be horrible.
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