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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. I've heard that a lot of the severe stuff should pass just to the south, so it looks like we may have a game! It will definitely rain, though.
  2. Nothing can ever beat that track from The Last of the Mohicans. Excellent job!
  3. 5/22 vs. Oakland; possible return of the Big Hurt. Probably the only game I'll attend this year because I'm moving to Houston this summer, and in September I'm studying in Germany until July.
  4. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Mar 31, 2006 -> 03:27 PM) Yeah, I have trouble pimpin' my hos when my bill gets bent. Yeah, how else can I manage to get into the next Fiddy video without my hat stickers?
  5. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 03:55 PM) That's the thing I want to make PERFECTLY clear. Indiana students and people like those that post here are VERY good fans. The people I talk about (which are sadly a large part of the fan base) when I say things like I did earlier in this thread are the older folks and townies and rednecks who still want crazy ass Bobby Knight as coach. The reasons that I question this hire are that Sampson runs a VERY poor offense (although he's a very good defense/rebounding coach, which is a good thing in the Big 10) has a lot of dirty recruiting history (although I don't think he's ever actually been sanctioned, so I can see why that wouldn't matter here) and I also just wonder how much better of a coach he is than Davis. Although now that I think about it, Davis was run out of town more by the townies and dope portion of IU fans than he was the administration, so I guess it's not like they fired Davis to hire Izzo or something. No, again, you're hitting the nail on the head when it comes to the race issue. Some parts outside of the campus here in Bloomington are genuinely scary, but not as much as Martinsville or the other backwater towns.
  6. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 03:39 PM) I can't believe Indiana hired another black coach, I think a big part of why Davis would have never been accepted was race. I know the Indiana fans here are good fans and to you guys it has nothing to do with it, but Indiana has a noticeable base of dopey fans and remember that the KKK started right down the street. Good observation. As much as people don't want to mention it, Davis was forced out partly because he was black. Anyone who doesn't believe that there are some virulent racists around Bloomington is being ignorant (not in the student population, they're GREAT fans).
  7. QUOTE(Palehosefan @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 01:23 PM) My biggest question is can he recruit as well with higher admissions standards? He could get absolutely anyone in at OU, regardless of grades. I know he's a good guy, and has a very solid record, and recruiting at IU is "just a bit" easier than OU. But we will see how its goes. I have a feeling IU will start recruiting with the elite again in a couple of years. Have you ever seen the student population here at IU? Any drooling imbecile is accepted here, and athletes basically have all of their work done for them.
  8. QUOTE(bmags @ Mar 25, 2006 -> 09:32 PM) russia owns all their media outlets. Putin is a f***ing joke piece of s*** that is gonna destroy any chance russia had at a free society. The same Putin who has a 6th degree blackbelt in Judo? Putin is a f***ing badass, that's all I see in him.
  9. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Mar 26, 2006 -> 01:21 PM) So wait, since I wear North Face, I'm a douchebag. Wow, great logic there. It's easier for us to thin out people we want to meet!!! Alex, since you went to IU, you know that just about every f***ing frat boy or sorostitute wears North Face. They're probably just assuming that only frat/sorority members wear it, but it's not exactly hard to spot frat boys or sorority girls from miles away, especially at a state college. As for UIUC lowering their admission standards, this means that IU gets more Chicagoan suburbanite rejects! Hooray, now I can be told by more future business leaders of America that I'm utterly worthless and I'll be scraping the bottom of the corporate ladder by triple majoring in something other than business. Hopefully they roll their SUVs bought by their parents on the way down I-65.
  10. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Mar 25, 2006 -> 02:19 PM) He's getting hammered. 3-0 Giants. He's not getting hammered; he's given up two shanks, an error, and a HBP.
  11. We can't drop the ball again, can we? Go Lummy!
  12. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Mar 24, 2006 -> 01:43 PM) anyone have any reports on Honel? I'm interested to hear how he is doing... When I talked to him last year he said he felt really good, and was actually pretty dominant for two months. He faltered late in the year, but I think he'll be fine. I could have sworn there was a blurb about him having Tommy John, but after doing a google search, I can't find anything on it. He should be 100% healthy.
  13. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 04:53 PM) Anybody have any details on Thorton's performance? Did he flat out get rocked? Where there some cheapies? According to the box score, Thornton didn't pitch today.
  14. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 03:51 PM) There is no such thing as bad press SoxTalk.com owner Jason Gage murders and eats twenty-seven Jewish babies... :( :( :(
  15. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 03:39 PM) Oh god I hope we don't get sued over this. You can't get sued for discussing rumors, if so, we'd all be in the Internet Gulag.
  16. I really, really hope Darren can put together a hell of a season and make a major league roster somewhere. He's probably the funniest guy in baseball that I've been around, and he's extremely nice to everyone. It's nice to have him in the organization.
  17. It's quite hard to put into words exactly why people smoke weed or drink booze, but, putting this very simply, it makes certain social situations much more enjoyable than while sober. Whether buzzed or drunk, some situations become much more enjoyable for some odd reason. While I avoid getting hammered like I did some times my freshman year, I don't see the harm of having some drinks in moderation every now and then. For people who are really wound up, two drinks can make a conversation a lot looser and more enjoyable. As for pot, I personally don't see why people would do it. The feeling while high is nice, but it just doesn't do it for me. I guess I should just be like everyone else in Valpo and begin to start shooting up heroin. Yeah!
  18. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 11:15 AM) Ours, and everybody else's. Yeah, those Downing Street memos and the German BND really supported our WMD claims.
  19. I'm not as worried as some others are about the bullpen. The Sox have five starters who are basically assured to go 6+ innings every five days, and assuming Politte, Cotts and Jenks can pitch near their 2005 level, we'll be fine. As for McCarthy, I won't be surprised if he falters a bit early in the season because of his new role. I'm confident he'll get comfortable as the year goes on.
  20. QUOTE(samclemens @ Mar 18, 2006 -> 09:15 PM) you forgot to make those letters green my friend. im no liberal. Thanks for covering that base, chief, I was getting worried there!
  21. Cerbaho-WG

    Good Eats!

    QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 11, 2006 -> 12:57 AM) It's the exact same thing. Nah, The Luther has more meat, most notably the bacon on top.
  22. Cerbaho-WG

    Good Eats!

    That's just about the same thing as The Luther on The Boondocks.
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