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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. QUOTE(bmags @ Mar 10, 2006 -> 10:08 AM) yeah i was just about to report this... and f*** i hate pitchfork but damn! The P4k music festival has Spoon and Jens Lekman playing july 29-30. AND TED LEO! I'll prolly go to both seeing as they were so practical last year with so much shade, place to sit and was a great time. What's with the lack of electronica this year though? You can find amazing house music all around Chicago, so no electronic music isn't a bad thing. And anyways, Mogwai is playing 5/19 @ The Metro, and Mogwai destroys everything.
  2. Good for Baj, looks like he'll finally have a chance to prove himself. Also very good for the White Sox as the bench gets even deeper. Great trade for both clubs.
  3. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Mar 6, 2006 -> 11:31 PM) Gotta love listening to the smooth sounds of Jason. You should hear him do play-by-play.
  4. QUOTE(daa84 @ Mar 6, 2006 -> 11:31 AM) can someone help me....did we completley lose the rights to castro? if he doesnt make the big league roster i believe he must return to the white sox, correct? or did we do one of those weird loopholes where we actually make a transaction and completely give him up? anyone know? EDIT: NVM i found it, he was selected by the royals who then traded him to the rangers, which means he cannot be returned to the white sox, i believe No, if Castro doesn't make the Rangers 25-man roster, he's offered back to the Sox for $50,000.
  5. For me without a doubt it's Pujols. At his age, there's no one even close to him.
  6. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 26, 2006 -> 10:14 PM) Scary part about this is that you're conversing with Heads. I was just spamming his screen name with scat porn links.
  7. Go go message board error! 2.1 billion people can't be wrong!
  8. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 02:46 PM) How about the fact that they sold weapons to Saddam in violation of the arms embargo. Does that make them not trustworthy? I'm sorry, my eyes are rolling off of Earth's orbit. By your brilliant logic, our own government wouldn't be trustworthy considering we gave them chemical weapons that were used to kill Kurds in the Iraq-Iran war.
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 06:47 PM) The kid is a baseball genius and he comes by it naturally. Listening to his clinic you could tell Bmac is a sponge of every baseball mind he has ever been around. I wouldn't call him a genius, but he's the smartest pitcher I've talked to, and Honel was way up there on the intelligence scale. McCarthy understands what he has to do, and the big difference between him and a lot of younger pitchers is that he can back it up and place any pitch where he wants it. He's got the arm and mind of a surgeon.
  10. AHH f***, THE CHEMISTRY!!! Doesn't make a lot of sense, but neither does Ozzie.
  11. HAY GUISE, f*** IU, AM I RITE??? Go s*** up another thread. I'm glad to see Davis go, but I honestly think this team would have been much, much better with a healthy DJ White around. The offense right now is just four guys shooting threes and Marco getting doubled down inside. That being said, I don't want to see Alford here in Bloomington. IU fans don't need a Hoosier to coach the team, we just need a winner.
  12. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Feb 11, 2006 -> 10:21 PM) Balta, are you saying that domestic spying is ok, as long as there is no law against it? So that would mean that slavery was ok, until there was a law against it? The point I was trying to make is asshat Carter did the very thing he criticized Bush for doing, only worse! Both Carter's and Clinton's administrations defended this very act,but now that it is Georgie-boy doing it, well, it must be the work of the devil! You've heard of ex post facto, right? And please don't bring in a moral issue like slavery in comparison to wire tapping; they're not even close to similar.
  13. Well now maybe South Dakota and Kansas can start their own nation where they can be equally idiotic. I wonder if there is also a loophole for being raped and impregnated, but I don't want to give South Dakota the benefit of the doubt.
  14. Cerbaho-WG


    I write everything in cursive. I find it much faster to scribble down notes in lectures, and it's neater in my mind.
  15. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 07:58 PM) also, i didn't know George Bush was president of Spain, Bali, Pakistan... lol at trying to blame terrorist acts in other countries on G.W Bush. I bet he was behind terrorists shooting up those schools in Russia too. Well, if you had the capacity to read, you would have noticed that NUKE asked what has Al Qaeda done since 9/11. He didn't specify domestically, so Balta listed what Al Qaeda has done around the world.
  16. Cerbaho-WG

    "Gangsta City"

    So it's a film about black urban culture glorifying black urban culture. I think the only thing this video needed was people doing freestyle rap battles and it would have been a perfect stereotype. My uncle is CPD and had to work that s***hole for a few years, so I'm quite glad Cabrini is being torn down and all these lowlifes have to go somewhere else.
  17. http://www.finfacts.com/irelandbusinessnew..._10004679.shtml Concrete statistics will be released on 2/28, so there's hope that the 1.1% growth rate prediction is severely flawed. A lot of bad factors working here, most notably being that the saving rate (which is equal to investment) is at its lowest rate since the 1930s. Add in the fact that consumption and government spending is down, and imports are going through the roof, this really isn't all that surprising. For s***s and giggles, here's a crazy guy who doesn't back up anything he says: http://www.freemarketnews.com/Analysis/65/...wid=65&nid=3624
  18. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 11:28 AM) Rediculous. So you're in favor of the status quo which is a system rife with vote fraud. You no longer have a cause to complain about rigged elections if you are against measures taken to stop it. No, I'm all for this thing called equal rights, which just so happens to be protected under the constitution. If you cannot see that this is a shadowed poll tax, you're blind.
  19. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 10:09 AM) especially after all of the fraud allegations, it is a good step in the right direction. Considering it's unconstitutional and a form of a poll tax, it's horrible. But I've been hearing that this would be happening in Ohio just in time for the election, so this doesn't surprise me.
  20. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 08:52 AM) Actually, if you look at the BLS statistics the biggest growth areas are in professional services ( read health care and financial services ), transportation and in construction. All of which are high paying jobs. Then I'd love for you to explain how the median wage of America has fallen over the past five years. The CATO/supply side/libertarian argument that wage rates are cyclical in job loss is a complete joke. What we're seeing is that even if new jobs are created, they pay less and take time, usually around several years, to obtain them.
  21. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 11:53 AM) How is that? Eventually it will. Of course it will, but not nearly in the sense that a lot of people believe in. With the amount of oil left buried all over the planet, numerous generations could live with the same oil demand if they put up with a moderate increase in prices.
  22. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 11:33 AM) Where is the independence of oil in your post? A few hundred miles north, that's where it is. Current technology really limits us in what we can do with our energy needs, and hydrogen cars are too cumbersome and are not the answer. If Bush really wants to utilize hydrogen power to its full potential, he'd be preaching the opportunitites of hydrogen power plants. The technology is there for hydrogen to replace natural gas, it's just a matter of people realizing this and then accepting. It's probably safer than nuclear power (which is pretty damn safe unless you have idiots running the core), and would be very instrumental with the US to stop leaning on oil and the middle east. Oil is simply not going to disappear, but I'm willing to bet it'll be used pretty heavily into the next generation. Of course there are fears of the rising economies of China and India needin that oil, but to argue peak oil and oil dependence is a bit silly when Canada is sitting on a gold mine. And I don't think we're on THAT bad of terms with them...
  23. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 10:35 PM) Why should the money of hard workers in this country be taken away and given to the non-producers? It's against the rules. They had every right to detain her. She was invited to the speech to be an observer, not make her own personal message. They released her while the speech was still ongoing. Have you ever heard of a progressive income tax? Where the hell do you think most of the government's revenue comes from? Perhaps it's taxing the upper echelon of the tax bracket? And don't even start me on the stupid horses*** of supply side economics and the trickle down effect. Every rational person knows why this may offset inflation in the short term, it causes unemployment (hello Phillips curve), a decrease in the ability for government to spend money (GDP component) and increases the amount of debt which is begging to blow up in our faces.
  24. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 10:08 PM) But if you disturb Rudolph the rednose reindeer we will protest. And you cant build or use nuclear power, and we dont want you to burn coal because it will hurt the environment. Solar Power, some wind, and if we give up technology and go back to the days were peopled lived to be the ripe old age of 35 we will be set. Oh, ignorance, how I don't miss you so. You do know that the amount of oil in ANWR is roughly 14 billion barrels of oil. You do know that the this amount of oil is totally miniscule in comparison to what we consume yearly and what we import. You do know that there is a guaranteed amount of roughly 180 billion barrels of oil shale in canada. You do know that a conservative amount of oil shale in Canada is about two trillion barrels. Now please, argue that we need to drill in ANWR again, please.
  25. Five days after my 21st birthday. So there.
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