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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. See, this is why I f***ing HATE Dean. I'm as left as they come and this guy is just f***ing idiotic.
  2. Cerbaho-WG

    Dear Life,

    QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 04:07 PM) Where'd it happen? (i.e. streets?) I always hated driving around Bloomington...so many idiots who just don't pay attention while driving. What're you majoring in & what sort of classes are you wrapping up this semester? 10th and Jordan, where Wright and the library are. I'm a triple major in Economics, German, and International Studies, so I'm taking those classes
  3. Cerbaho-WG

    Dear Life,

    The dumb girl who hit me is apparently trying to claim she wasn't at fault. UGHHHHH
  4. Cerbaho-WG

    Dear Life,

    QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 01:04 PM) What school do you go to Cerb? IU Bloomington
  5. Cerbaho-WG

    Dear Life,

    QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 12:03 PM) You should have been carrying a gun, so you could have shot the f***ers. Violence is always the answer. Seriously, sorry to hear that. Well, they'll enjoy a higher insurance rate at least.
  6. Cerbaho-WG

    Dear Life,

    Finals week is stressful for any college student, but I think I may have it worse than a lot of other people. Let me explain... I was driving home with a friend getting some food last night. I was kind of stressed out because of finals and the joy of group projects, but I was feeling happy. So I start to drive home and then Murphy's Law starts to take effect. Some dumb freshman are exiting a firelane and think that their left is free because a line of cars waiting at the light gave them an opening. These freshman fail to realize their is a left hand turning lane, which I happen to be going in at about 25 MPH. They pull out and nail me head on, direct f***ing center. I hit them and then black out for about 1 second and come back to reality after the airbags have deployed. I check on my buddy and he's fine, thank God, and I stumble out of the car to survey the damage. My truck is totaled. The dumb pieces of s*** in the van, except for the driver, don't think this is too bad. As I mutter to myself saying how I don't have a car, a freshman says, "Yeah, well her car is pretty bad too." If I didn't bruise both my wrists and hands, I would have balled up a fist and punched this son of a b****. This kid is joking the entire time and just laughs it up. Meanwhile I feel like I've been hit by a van, because I just f***ing was. The police arrive, as well as my brother who just so happens to be a police officer on campus. They do the neccessary s*** and detail everything. Thankfully there was a witness to the entire thing and backs me up saying it was completely their fault. I can't go to the emergency room because I have to be at class at 11 and then have a 25 minute presentation at 230. I'm sore, I'm pretty sure something is wrong with my left ring finger and my mind is still cloudy. Perfect timing, f***. At least there is something to laugh at. My CD player, laying on the floormat of the passenger side, miraculously doesn't break during the crash (and my Sufjan Stevens CD kept playing!) and my buddy handed it to my brother to put into his car. Of course he then drops it on the pavement, thus breaking it. My brother broke something a car crash couldn't, I guess that means he's pretty powerful and stuff. Now if you excuse me, I have a presentation to give.
  7. Just what I need to hear, more writing for me to do...
  8. QUOTE(OldSox2 @ Nov 25, 2005 -> 06:58 PM) I don't remember giving up any prospects for Dye. As for everett, the prospects were not of the sme quality as GIO. Franklin Francisco, Anthony Webster and Josh Rupe weren't as good at the time as Gio? Please stop talking like you know an iota about the farm system.
  9. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Nov 24, 2005 -> 12:03 AM) Cerb, despite the stats you quote, that is just flat out wrong. Haigwood made 5 starts at the Hoover Met and six on the road. He was 4-1 with a 1.13 ERA on the road, definitely indicating his success was not "homemade". The two starts I saw him make did not give any indication the park was any factor at all. When you are buckling knees, making guys swing and miss with the bat flying, and getting weak swings, the park factor is nil. I noted last year that I felt Brandon McCarthy was helped by the Met, giving up lots of deep fly balls that died at the Met warning track, but that was not the case with Haigwood. I stand by what I said and I think it's a trend that you'll see as time goes on. The Sox could have easily given up Liotta or Tracey but they didn't for whatever reason, either the Phils didn't want them or the Sox kept them. Those two, with the addition of Broadway, kill worms in front of home plate. Both Gonzalez and Haigwood have a very bad G/F ratio, something that wouldn't work in Charlotte, Chicago or Philadelphia. While people can drool over Haig's stats in AA, and come on they're amazing, you still have to look at his stats at Winston-Salem which weren't that eye popping. I just don't think Haigwood is a front of the rotation staters like everyone predicts, but I've always said Haig knows how to pitch and could be a pretty damn good anchor at the back of a rotation. And for a 40-50 HR guy, you give up a guy like Haigwood.
  10. It'd doubtful that Rowand will ever reproduce his 2004 numbers unless NL pitchers throw him fastball after fastball. Rowand will use the entire field but is very suspect to breaking pitches down and away; he looks flat out clueless on sliders not even close to the plate. For some reason pitchers don't exploit this, but Rowand is a very good fastball and mistake pitcher. Rowand's defense was without a doubt the best in CF for the AL and it wouldn't surprise me to see Rowand continue to play great defense for a few more years. I've never thought highly of Rowand and I think the maximum of what he'll produce is something around his 2005 numbers. As for Haigwood and Gonzalez, both are a mixed bag. Haigwood is interesting because his stats in High-A weren't eye popping and I don't think he deserves all the hype that people have given him since the trade. The main reason for Haigwood's success in AA was that he was pitching in a hitter's graveyard. Looking at Haig's AA stats, especially his G/F ratio, one can see how he benefited from pitching in the Met. I'd like to see him pitch in another park like Winston-Salem before I start saying he's a front of the rotation starter. That being said, he has a very good curveball and can control his fastball well, despite his high walk totals. Gonzalez I'm very neutral on because prep lefties often tear through the lower levels of the minors and then stumble in AA. Has a great curve and gets ahead in the count a lot.
  11. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Nov 18, 2005 -> 11:15 AM) Eyre could make $5 Million next year if he reaches some of those bonuses. A lefty specialist making $5 Million. Inf***ingcredible. Eyre is not a lefty specialist, look at his splits from last year. I liked this quote, "Scott Eyre's agent had heard from nearly every team regarding the free agent left-hander, but in the end he decided to go to the team that looked like it was having a good time." What, a good time? Um.
  12. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 11:53 AM) I think that any word standing alone is simply a word. It's obvious that GD's usage of the word "Redneck" isn't the same kind of tongue in cheek that Jeff Foxworthy uses it as. If you can't see that, then you can follow your own instructions above. Once again Cerbaho opens his mouth too quickly. It's sad that you hate christians so much, so blindly. So you're saying n*****, f**, k*** or gook are in the same league as redneck or idiot? Words aren't just words, they have emotion, and in many cases hate behind them. k*** isn't a word, it's a derogatory slur with racism and hate attached to it. Does redneck have some sort of hate behind it? Sure it does, but it's not even close to racial and sexist slurs. I must have forgotten how Southern white males were persecuted throughout history in comparison to blacks, Jews, Irish and Asians. And it's not sad that I find many Christians completely lacking in logic. A spade is a spade, and someone who ignorantly believes that some people go to hell for their sexual beliefs or their lack of prayer don't deserve my time.
  13. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 05:56 AM) If I released an album called "Bullet in Billy Joe" I would be villified. I'm not going to get into a huge debate and ruin the new, cuddlery PA image, but I just needed everyone to know that these yahoos are no better or worse than KKK members or Al Queida members. just so y'all know. friggin' disparity. Oh, I forgot how white Chirstians have been so violently persecuted over the years. Jesus, go cry a f***ing ocean if you're finding a beef with a quasi punk band, a genre that typifies rebellion and saying things that push the envelope. And if you find no disparity between the words f***** and redneck, you need to shut up for a while until somehow snaps your head on right.
  14. My Mom got a box about a week or two in NW Indiana, so I have a little present when I come back home for Thanksgiving break. I'll check some Bloomington stores today and see if there are any available.
  15. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 02:16 PM) Oh sussudio YES!
  16. QUOTE(Randar68 @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 10:04 AM) Problem is guys at his stage rarely "learn" plate discipline. In fact, it almost never happens... Is Haigwood your new Deininger? Rated ahead of Gio, Broadway and Liotta? Haigwood's ceiling isn't as high as any of those guys (in addition to about 3 others), wouldn't you agree? Haigwood is the kind of kid who has more stability, likelihood to become a major leaguer, but he doesn't have 1, 2, or #3 starter stuff, does he? I wouldn't have a problem seeing Haigwood ahead of both Broadway and Liotta. If you're talking ceilings, then look at Liotta's numbers and almost anyone could have a higher ceiling. His peripheral stats (SO/9, SO/IP) aren't impressive at all. You have to remember that last year was when Haigwood was fully healthy, and he's seemingly a power pitcher (look at the OBA, H/9, SO, BB). Add to the fact that many prep lefties such as Gio usually dominate A ball and struggle when they hit AA. Haigwood, being a prep lefty, didn't skip a beat while Gio experienced some trouble at Winston-Salem.
  17. Cerbaho-WG

    Be A Pal

    Germanic Studies Pros: You get to speak German Did you not understand the speaking German aspect? You can scare the f*** out of anyone while yelling in German Cons: Christ, who cares? You're speaking German! German is a part of my (possible) triple major, and I love it.
  18. QUOTE(Reddy @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 02:14 PM) Jerry Owens - OF - White Sox White Sox prospect Jerry Owens went 4-for-6 yesterday to raise his VWL average to .407. It certainly doesn't get as much attention as the Cristian Guzman signing, but one of Nats GM Jim Bowden's worst moves since taking over was to give Owens to the White Sox in exchange for Alex Escobar. Owens, 24, hit .331/.393/.406 with 38 steals in 58 attempts for Double-A Birmingham last season and is batting .407/.490/.494 in 81 AB in Venezuela. Nov. 8 - 1:38 pm et i think i'd be ok seeing him up next year. although i dunno about having him as a benchwarmer - guy like him needs to be playing until a starting spot opens up. Unless Owens keeps htting .330 for another year, he doesn't have a whole lot of upside other than being a 4th OF, but a good one at that. While I know Tom has said he looks like a Podsednik clone, the odds are always against fast players with little power, but they sure make great options off of the bench.
  19. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 6, 2005 -> 03:34 AM) If they are being treated so badly in France then let them go back where they came from. Nobody forced those people to move there in the 1st place. There is no excuse for this behavior whatsoever but the French......being the French.......are letting it spin out of control and tear the country apart. They were kind of born there. Good logic, chief. The reports have been that the majority of the rioters are 2nd or 3rd generation Frenchmen, not FOB's like you assumed. You're also entirely ignorant of the minoirty situation in Europe if you think the problem is limited to only France. Germany, with a huge Turkish population, is going to f***ing erupt soon if this keeps up. Same with Spain and Basque seperaists, same with the Balkans (even though they're usually just f***ed up), and many other countries. What would your grand solution to putting these rioters down? Militaristic force would only encourage more retaliation. And yes, this is quite similar to the race riots in America. Peaceful protests? Did you not read a good deal of Detroit being burned down? Or Newark? Or Watts? All of those happened before MLK's death, insinuating that, just like this, it was a tinderbox waiting to happen.
  20. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 10:55 AM) :rolly Saying that, George Dubya, is like painting a "KICK ME" sign right across the forehead. I wonder how many "torture" stories are about to break in the next week now? Stupid ass statement. Really stupid. It's kind of a true statement. We just look the other way when other governments torture our suspects for us.
  21. That's pure ignorance. Some Pied Noirs have been kept down for over forty years, and, as said earlier, this was just waiting to happen. Algerians and other immigrants have been in a cycle of abject poverty for over four decades now, and they're finally showing their disgust with the French government.
  22. QUOTE(JHBowden @ Oct 30, 2005 -> 06:45 PM) There's a cost to raising wage floors, and that's more unemployment. This classic example is found in textbooks because, well, it is true. Those who have disagreed have stated that they don't like this proposition, but disliking an idea does not make it false. Intuitively this makes sense in the world; many small businesses for example can only afford to pay individuals so much. So in a sense the socialist position of raising wage floors not only generates more unemployment, it helps big business at the expense of growing smaller businesses. Raising the minimum wage isn't socialist, but believing that it is, as well as generalizing a labor market as perfectly competitive, is ignorant. I'd tend to believe that you're the kind of person who believes that unions are the economical antichrist, and some sort of Keynesian who believes that full employment is actually attainable. Anyone could abolish the minimum wage and I'd guarantee you that more unemployment would result because of it, not less. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 30, 2005 -> 01:44 PM) You can make jokes all you want to but the fact remains that people in those jobs get paid what they do for a reason. Its called supply and demand. There are far too much unskilled labor in this country to support high wages for them. But why let something like economic reality get in the way of a good emotional liberal cry-fest about the poor. I'd love for you to then explain through supply and demand why CEOs of MNCs and oligarchs get paid hundreds upon hundreds more than the average worker. Through your logic, these people must be absolute f***ing geniuses, and people working minimum wage jobs are obviously doing something wrong because they're not rolling in cash. Kennedy and others aren't pushing for $40,000/year fastfood jobs, they're asking for money to sustain the cost of living, and I don't see why this is such a huge problem. It's always been the laissez-faire argument that the economy isn't to blame for people being where they are, it's the people's fault.
  23. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 30, 2005 -> 05:23 PM) Wal-mart favors it only because if EVERYONE has to raise their wages, it will effect everyone. Sort of like the rising tide lifts all ships. Wal-Mart doesn't favor raising their wages, just look at the comparison of Costco wages vs. Sam's Club and Wal-Mart wages. "Good paying" Wal-Mart jobs still put the workers under the federal poverty guideline, not to mention that the idea of overtime pay doesn't exist in Wal-Mart world. If anything, Wal-Mart is just responding to the flurry of complaints and class action lawsuits leveled against them for treating their workers like s***.
  24. QUOTE(JHBowden @ Oct 30, 2005 -> 09:57 AM) Congrats on attending your intro to microeconomics class. The fact is that we haven't adjusted the minimum wage to inflation for years and we're content with paying people right under the federal poverty guideline. It's obviously their fault for being in that situation, right?
  25. My car got towed yesterday, and I spent a good chunk of change on White Sox World Series gear. I know my goddamn priorities, and they start on the South Side.
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