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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. I didn't go due to my sleep problems, which popped up two days ago. I'll pay anyone to go where they are with a big sign that says I'M GAY FOR FRED PHELPS
  2. From Wikipedia: Most congregants recall an incident one Sunday morning when Phelps' infant son, Mark, began to cry during his sermon; Phelps responded by walking down from the pulpit, punching the baby in the face, and then returning to continue the sermon, to the horror of his congregants. Phelps also wrote a book in the 1980s with his son-in-law, Brent D. Roper, called "The Conspiracy." In the book, Roper and Phelps claim to possess evidence that: AIDS spontaneously generated in Africa; Truman Capote contracted the disease during an orgy with African tribesmen; Capote then gave the disease to John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy by playing football with them; that John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy had a menage a trois with Marilyn Monroe and gave her the disease; and that the CIA assassinated all three to prevent the spread of the disease. Phelps published and distributed the book himself; it was also sold in the back of Peter J. Peters catalogue of extremist literature, and thus became a widely circulated text among such groups as the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Brotherhood, and Christian Identity. Assuming I wake up on time, I'll definitely be over there with camera in tow.
  3. http://www.godhatesamerica.com/ghfmir/flie...nformation.html I'm thinking of taking the short trip over from Valparaiso in my Gay Pride shirt to divert some attention away from the families involved in this. Damn crazies.
  4. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 05:55 PM) After nearly being swept by Toronto, with the Red Sox on an 8 game winning streak and playing the best baseball they've played all year, I would agree with the espn.com poll that right now the Red Sox are the best team in baseball. And Oakland is 37-11 in their last 48 games. I'm glad you thought long and hard on your vote!
  5. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 04:43 PM) You mean like in this post? I know the 'message' doesn't speak to me, but my god, if there a more hateful group of people in the world, I don't know where they would be. if there a more hateful group of people in the world if there a more hateful group of people in the world if there a more hateful group of people in the world What? You're joking, right?
  6. Takk is just Jonsi ending almost every refrain in "uuuuuuuu" or "oooooo" like in Salka, which for some reason wasn't included on Takk. Takk can't come close to ( ) with Vaka and Popplagid. Glosoli sounds like an army marching under water, I have no clue what Kjartan was thinking.
  7. QUOTE(bmags @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 02:24 PM) its good, real good...i'm not ready to give it up to AB...i still think thats their best due to untitled 8 alone...but this is good, gong is my favorite...due to this being the first leak i'm sure the album prolly sounds better... I've had live bootlegs for the last three weeks, and this is probably their worst album judging on half the songs. Von was better than this. But then again Von had Hún Jörð, which is fabulous. Edit: I'll probably give a listen to Göng and Glosloli because they're on the upcoming single. I'll wait until 9/12 to hear the rest of it. Until then, my OiNK ratio is gonna go through the f***ing roof.
  8. I don't believe the reports, any of them. Cinci needs arms, not Chris Young. Why would they trade for Young when they would already have an OF of Dunn, Kearns and Pena? With Griffey gone they could easily afford to resign Dunn. I'm willing to bet that the prospect package would have included a Tracey or McCarthy over Young.
  9. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Aug 2, 2005 -> 12:40 PM) Scary part about him is the Mariners are not letting use another potential 70-80 rated pitch, his slider. It's an 80. He can throw it as hard as 90 MPH.
  10. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 09:20 PM) I can root for Honel, but he's likely done within the organization. He will have to be put back on the 40 man next off-season to protect him in the Rule 5 draft, and unless he puts up some impressive numbers in the second half, he'll be left off, and snatched up by another team. That doesn't mean he won't be back, cuz I don't think he'll stick in the bigs next season. It's going to be a long road back for Honel. When you have names like Kevin Walker, Pedro Lopez, Matt Smith and Joe Borchard on the 40-man, Honel should be added back if the organization has their brains functioning.
  11. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 08:36 PM) Nice work, any idea whos next for a interview? Whoever I can get, really. I know thank to Tom that I can interview a lot of Barons players if I so desire. If you have requests for an interview, throw them out and I'll see what I can do.
  12. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 05:25 PM) Mike, you can send it to me at [email protected] I'm at work right now but am staying in a hotel this week for work and will have tons of time to do stuff like this (what else do I got to do, in another city by myself, haha). I'll probably be there in an hour and a half. Just throwing it out as an option and I'm really looking forward to reading the piece, sounds like its going to be great. Sent.
  13. QUOTE(BamaDoc @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 04:59 PM) You got me waiting for the interview. It's done, I'm just waiting for Heads to get off his ass and post it already.
  14. If you take out one start from Honel's July stats, he's 2-0 with a 2.88 ERA in 25 IP w/ 19 H allowed.
  15. Just finished up with my rough draft, everything will be nice and clean and it'll be posted tonight.
  16. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 12:45 PM) Why don't you hold your breath while I go get you a cookie... Yikes, someone can't stand being wrong, am i rite?
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 12:23 PM) So be it. I don't. Not when the streak is on the line if he or Ozzie cared about it. He could have waited one more inning. No sympathy from me. So you put your meaningless 6 inning streak ahead of your teammates health who have been drilled two straight days? That's devoid of logic, period, as well as arrogant.
  18. He could be indicted on perjury charges as well.
  19. A little update: I've currently got 965 words of the Honel piece done and I've probably got another 500-750 words left. For comparison, my story on Lance Broadway was only 923 words. Kris just provided me with a lot of great material and I'm definitely having a blast writing this. Edit: Since it's a bit late, I'm going to call it a night and finish this off when I wake up tomorrow. I still have a lot of quotes from Kris that I want to work in.
  20. Lame, can't make it (four hours away and a class of mine gets out at 5).
  21. QUOTE(BamaDoc @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 03:23 PM) Did Kris give any indication why he lost the velocity in the first place and secondly how it came back? Yeah, he did. But if you wait just a littttle bit I'll have my full interview up with Kris. I finally finished typing all of it out (was 10 minutes long, took up two pages), so I definitely have a lot of good material to work with. I'll most likely start typing it up tonight after the Sox game and have it up by tomorrow morning.
  22. QUOTE(BamaDoc @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 02:59 PM) In the Meaux trade article it was noted that Honel was hitting the low 90's. If I am right that is the best he has done for us. Any info? Did he sustain his velocity? If he became a legitimate prospect again that would be great. I interviewed Kris on Friday and he said that he feels he's back to his pre-injury form.
  23. I'm going to go drop acid to make this more interesting. I might even come up with some fancy ass trade rumors, too.
  24. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 02:32 PM) Maybe bullpen guy to explain the Adkin's promotion? For Tracy that is. SB Vizcaino for Tracy, am i rite??? f***ing hell, this is insane.
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