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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. So, since we're pessimistic tonight, how do we lose in the 9th?
  2. QUOTE(JimH @ May 24, 2005 -> 06:18 PM) You're being blinded by your dislike of the player. To be blunt, you don't know what you're talking about here. Crede won't get you a solid utility player? That's all I needed to read. Cincy would make that deal all day long, and the White Sox wouldn't make that deal all day long. Do you honestly, and I want you to think some here, that a 27 year old represented by a mega-agent who puts up .250/.300/.400 is going to attract any market value? You are seriously overvaluing a player who has overrated defensively capabilities, won't walk unless a gun is pointed at him, and an inability to hit for a good average. I would love for you to name me one team that would say, "Damn, here's an arbitration elgible player that is the equivalent of a black hole on offense! Let's get him!" Please.
  3. QUOTE(JimH @ May 24, 2005 -> 05:57 PM) Just as crazy is the White Sox giving up Joe Crede straight up for Joe Randa, let alone sending the Reds another player. Crede has way way way more trade value than Randa. Why would the Reds want Crede long term anyway? He's under control for one more year, thru 2006, and I think then he's eligible for FA and his agent is Boras. They have Randa under control thru 2006 anyways. Reds may end up dumping Randa but it'd be for a lot less than Joe Crede. Not to mention Randa will be 36 later this year while Crede is 27. Wow, when did Crede start putting up anything near .260-25-75 to garner any of the money Randa gets? The only way you're going to move Crede is by packaging him with someone else to get something in return. Crede won't get you a prospect, he won't get you a solid utility player, he won't get you anything remotely good. The best you're going to get for a streaky, stubborn hitter who has trouble getting over a .300 OBP is a PTBNL and that's it. I don't really crae much about Crede's age in comparison to Randa's. Crede has had no production whatsoever while Randa has produced when it was assumed he would fall off with age. If there is any way Crede doesn't play 3rd base, you have to consider that a positive thing.
  4. QUOTE(JimH @ May 24, 2005 -> 05:48 PM) Contreras is signed thru 2006 I'm pretty sure. You're correct, my mistake,
  5. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ May 24, 2005 -> 05:41 PM) question: can Josh Fields play 1st base for the White Sox in 06? I realize it wastes his arm but just curious if he would hit enough to take over for Konsucko so soon with all of the bad FA 1st basemen out there Josh Fields flat out won't play in the bigs in '06 unless he starts to get his s*** together and starts raking. Contrary to what management has told us, this team isn't betting the farm this year. If you look at contract statuses, the pitching staff and many others are locked in for several more years. I'd rather have the Sox keep McCarthy due to Hernandez' awesome abaility to get injuries rather than getting Chavez. If management decides to let Contreras and Konerko pursue free agency, as they should, that would free up enough money to fill in the corners nicely through FA or other means.
  6. Randa's ZR and RF have flucuated either below or above Crede's numbers by very small amounts. One could argue that Randa is on par, if not better than Crede defensively.
  7. Joe Randa could be had for so, so much cheaper and the Sox would not have to give up any outfield prospects or an A pitching prospect. You could easily see a Tracey for Randa trade going down, and Randa wouldn't kill team payroll for years to come.
  8. Catching in the first round doesn't look too hot this year. The two names that seem to pop up on every mock draft are Clement and Teagarden. Shades of Eric Munson and Mark Johnson do not make me excited. Danks, brother of John who is in the Texas farm system, is a very interesting pick. He has said he's committed to attend Texas, but who knows when you throw a lot of money at him. I know he was in contention for BA's High School player of the year until Upton caught fire. Personally, I don't know much about the draft (NW Indiana isn't exactly a hotbed, lol), but hopefully the Big Ten will have a few decent prospects come to Bloomington next year.
  9. "Crede pops up to the right side..."
  10. QUOTE(ISF @ May 23, 2005 -> 12:32 PM) What the hell do we need Kotchman for? Have you seen Casey Rogowski? I give our own guy a shot before I go get Kotchman. I had a whole year to watch him play at Cedar Rapids. Color me unimpressed. I've seen Rogowski play several times, albeit in LF, which was a joke. If Rogowski stays true to his current progress, he'll be in the bigs when he's 30. It's hrad to think highly of someone after it took them 3 years to escape High-A.
  11. QUOTE(JimH @ May 23, 2005 -> 12:20 PM) Agree that his production is lacking and to go one step further, it wouldn't bother me one bit if the White Sox went in another direction at 1B for 2006 and beyond. Not sure, though, where it's written in stone that Konerko assumes he's the voice of the team, or where he speaks for the other 24 ... ? I agree with another option at 1B for 2006. With Kendry Morales finally coming stateside, I'd push for Kotchman. In many a interview he's spoken on behalf of the team.
  12. QUOTE(JimH @ May 23, 2005 -> 12:09 PM) Major jump to conclusions here. He's a dolt? Yikes. Anyone with a brain in their head would never call out a teammate on a play that prevented a run from scoring. Paul might want to tell Rowand, Scotty and Dye to stop faking that they're going to catch a ball when it's over their head because that's unprofessional, too! I mean, Christ, we can't expect baseball players to have an IQ over 5 and look at the 3rd base coach for instructions. Paul just assumes that he's the voice of this team, but I'd like to point to his woeful production instead. You want to speak on behalf of 24 players? Then stop flirting with the Mendoza Line and realize that it's your f***ing contract year and produce.
  13. Konerko is whining over a run that was prevented from scoring by Uribe's "unprofessional" play. Konerko's head is in the wrong place, as usual. Won't shed a tear if we don't resign this dolt.
  14. QUOTE(redandwhite @ May 22, 2005 -> 08:00 PM) I am convinced that Sweeney is the better player, so I believe Anderson should be made available. What the White Sox do with him is obviously not my decision but if it involved a stop gap like Overbay I would be satisfied. Yes, the kid who can't slug over .400 in High-A is superior to the kid in AAA whose OPS is nearly 1.000. I won't consider Sweeney a bonafide A or even A- prospect until his power comes along. 101 ABs without a homer? That's horriffic.
  15. QUOTE(3E8 @ May 22, 2005 -> 02:52 PM) Any reason why he wasn't throwing change ups? I thought it may have been part of a strategic plan by him to only break them out on the third time through the lineup. But I never saw them. He threw one to Lee and that was it I believe.
  16. My buddy IM'ed me this: The Chicago Cubs are proof not only that black holes exist, but that they exist on the north side of Chicago.
  17. Flyballs everywhere, Sox hitters are putting weak passes on very hittable pitches.
  18. QUOTE(Mr. Showtime @ May 20, 2005 -> 10:43 PM) It just came to me when I read the word Kanny, I gotta get that song. I think that was by far the greatest stadium music I ever heard. I just remember us four in the press area ROLLING.
  19. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 20, 2005 -> 10:39 PM) I just liked the rain delay line when we were up in the Kanny press box and one of the coaches was asking Haigwood, Flores and the others what was going on..."Its Raining". That and you trying to teach me how the hell to pronounce Micah's name correctly so I didn't f*** it up in the interview (of course I said something stupid in that interview..forget what). Yeah, we were with Flores, Moat and I think Haig in the press box and they asked Cook what was the hold up. "IT'S RAINING" yelled Cook. Moat leans out the window and yells back "NO s***?" I think the stupid thing you asked if the weather was this bad last year to Flores...and he was in Bristol prior to that. lol.
  20. QUOTE(Mr. Showtime @ May 20, 2005 -> 10:22 PM) I gotta tell ya D, you popped me. You mentioned Kanny and all I could thing of is this Dale Jr, song they play, I'm laughing so hard and talking about it with Jas... Holy s***, I remember that. I think we all died when we heard that.
  21. QUOTE(Mr. Showtime @ May 20, 2005 -> 10:16 PM) I don't know about that, D. I've been in the Intimidators stadium, and it's better than Wrigley... Jason and I interviewed Haigwood in CF and Schnurstein along the first base side. Fairly nice field, but nothing topped Thirsty Thursday at Winston-Salem. Man, we were so pimping that rental car...and the Krispy Kreme shop.
  22. 18 games over .500, Bmac would have made any other big league roster out of spring training, deep breaths, people.
  23. QUOTE(mreye @ May 16, 2005 -> 08:24 AM) Gotta stay on that "Anti-American" soapbox, eh? I'm sure that simplistic and ignorant comment came from the chasms of your brain where only superior intellectual comments lie. Jesus.
  24. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 15, 2005 -> 08:37 PM) Gio's back. Hopefully we'll see him with the Warthogs very soon. He's been back since Liotta's outing. I believe Gonzalez walked one and was then pulled. Why this happened, who the hell knows. But, yes, if Gio can keep this up, can't wait for him in Winston-Salem.
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