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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. HOLY f***ING s***, I worked there two summers ago. My God, unbelievable. A chemical plant caught fire two years ago when I was there, but the oil refinery strikes realllly close to home.
  2. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Mar 24, 2005 -> 11:48 AM) That's just mean. Yes, I've read the testimony by his ex girl-friend. Yes I believe it's pretty strong evidence against him that he used roids. But roids didn't help him to set the bar on walks to a level that may never been broken. No one on roids has ever come close to producing Barry's OBP or BA as consistently as he has. You can question the HR's but the rest of his numbers are probably in sync with what he would have done roids-free. That's a load of bulls***. Steroids enabled Bonds to hit homeruns where he previously wasn't, thus expanding his strikezone. Pitchers who could have enduced flyball outs were now giving up 400 foot home runs to the opposite field. Pitchers had no option really but to make perfect pitches and thus came the walks. Steroids can produce a positive correlation not only with slugging, but when done effectively, on-base percentage.
  3. Cabrera top 3 SS in the AL? What the f*** are you smoking? Equivalently, he's maybe in the top 5, MAYBE.
  4. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Mar 23, 2005 -> 03:44 AM) BHAM -- You'll love the pet project i'm working on. sneak peak... Good to see a 2005 version up and going! I know I helped out Alex with one of those last year, have fun when rookie and short-season ball begin! "I think Bristol has about 10 starting pitchers." "What the hell?"
  5. Cerbaho-WG


    QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 23, 2005 -> 10:33 AM) With all the politcally correct advocates here, why the hell does something that offends me get a "My God, Let it go!" ? It's bulls***. If I was black or gay there'd be 100 people jumping to my defense. He said "Good ol' boy". He did not call southerners slave owning racists, KKK members, darkie haters, fire hose operating hicks, segregationists, uneducated, simplistic or anything that was remotely offensive. He could have called southerners a plethora of more offensive terms, so shut up and grow some skin.
  6. Cerbaho-WG


    YASNY getting offended by a southern swipe??? My God, no! Let it go, Christ. As for Hawk, I've been loathing him for a while now. He sucks off the proverbial cock of everyone on the team, as noted earlier as so-and-so is the best he's seen; is completely ignorant when it comes to statistics in general; repeats the same dumb, simplistic commentary that morons would love; and is far too infatuated with "old" baseball. "Don't tell me what you hit, tell me when you hit it." Enjoy building your franchise around Timo Perez then.
  7. The Reds don't fill any of our needs right now, and the only situation I would even listen to would be Garland for Kearns.
  8. ESPN is reporting that he'll only miss one spring training start.
  9. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 06:12 PM) I will reiterate that 100%. If you all had the chance to meet him and talk with him on several occasions like I have, you'd root for this guy regardless of how terrible his play has been on the field. He'll be the first to tell you he's been disappointing, but he's still working extremely hard. I've met with him several times as well, but not to the extent you have of course (fan boy!! ), but it's time to cut our losses with Borchard. His trade value right now is the highest it's going to be for the rest of career, and he obviously doesn't fit into the Sox's future plans. He's flat out not producing, and a change of scenery would probably do him good.
  10. Contusion = deep bone bruise. They vary in extermity of course, seeing as my wrist contusion made me unable to lift anything for two months. But seeing as how I am frail like the elderly, Rowand should be fine.
  11. Bowden is interested in Borchard? Christ, trade him to Bowden ASAP! Bowden will overpay on anything, just look at Vinny Castilla and Cristian Guzman.
  12. The problem isn't McCarthy being slotted into the #5 spot, it's that we have Garland and Contreras still in the rotation.
  13. This isn't a stupid article. Any 3x8 table can show you that a lot of the aspects Ozzie puts into play actually hinder the team instead of helping it.
  14. Cerbaho-WG

    i love Tortoise

    It's All Around You Salt The Skies The Suspension Bridge At Iguazú Falls DJed
  15. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 01:35 PM) So tonight i'll be hanging with Jim Caple while throwing back a few and watching the Illini game. Awesome If you haven't been reading his updates...there's been 3 now...they are freaking hilarious. WAIT ONE SECOND SO THIS CAN SINK IN: you are friends of THE FOUR GIRLS and hung out with JIM f***ING CAPLE?!??!! INTERNET CELEBRITY, MIGHT AS WELL WHIP OUT YOUR COCK!!! -- Man, I'm the best f***ing conductor ever of the sarcasm train.
  16. Nextel, which provides great service everywhere except where I attend college.
  17. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 02:37 PM) Let's do the math....... If they fire Davis this year, they will owe him approx. $750,000. If they wait until next year, they will pay him his $250,000 (approx) salary, plus a $300,000 bonus just for being the Head Coach on July 1. So they will pay him $550,000 and still owe him about a half million if they buy him out next year. The math doesn't add up. It is actually cheaper for them to cut him loose this year than to wait a year. Now I am not saying he should be fired for sure, just that the "one more year/chance" mentality and the "lack of $$" excuse won't wash when it comes down to it. $750,000 doesn't seem like so much when staring at an all-time attendance low at Assembly Hall last night. Last night's low was more than 2000 fans below the previous low in 1999 when fans couldn't make it because of an ice storm. Spring Break is not a legitimate excuse. My guess is that contributions are down as well, although that is just speculation. In theory, it could be argued that IU cannot afford to gamble by keeping him. You have to remember that the entire campus is on Spring Break, and a lot of students actually, for some reason unknown to me, thought we would make the tournament. I'm surprised that many people showed up in the first place.
  18. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 02:19 PM) Bracey's expected to declare for the NBA draft!!! Later bee-yotch! Good, get his ass out of here.
  19. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Mar 16, 2005 -> 01:14 PM) I don't buy that argument. One could argue that if they aren't sure he is their coach for the next 3-5 years, then it would be smarter to fire him now. He is owed a half million dollars in bonuses over the next three years (including $300,000 this year) just for remaining as the head coach. So the $750k it would take to buy him out, will turn into $1.25 million if they keep him. I hate to sound like an elitist s***bag, which I'm actually trying not to come off as here (amazing!), but I know a lot of people on the Union Board and we're broke when it comes to sports stuff this year. Could we fire Davis next year? Sure, but as of this year, and this year only, IU has lost any money to buy out Davis because they fired DiNardo.
  20. My God, our minor league trips will finally be paid off....in 75 years!
  21. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Mar 16, 2005 -> 09:39 PM) Yeaaaaaaaaaa....I'm sure Dan and Cerb will testify as such....... Jason's exact words were, "Get buttf***ed on the dotted line. s***, I mean sign, just sign." Later I hear, "It's not my problem you can't read through the blacked out ink."
  22. The Sox would be better off hoping for a mild increase in Crede's production numbers than trading for a guy who should only be a platoon player.
  23. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 16, 2005 -> 02:45 PM) Senate approves opening ANWR 51-49 vote. It will still need to survive a final Congressional vote for passage this year, but the House has voted in favor of it all along. Yippee. We're on the road to carving up caribou migratory routes and calving grounds, polar bear habitat and migratory bird habitat for at maximimum a 2.5% increase in our domestic oil production, with the first crude not coming down the pipeline for 10 years. This is the "centerpiece" of the Bush energy policy that is going to decrease our dependence on foreifgn oil? Let's see... we import 50% of our oil, and now in a decade we will only need to import 47.5%. Yep, that should do it. Why the hell aren't they pushing for better fuel economy (surely we can do better than a 2.5% increase 10 years out), as a stopgap measure while truly pursuing alteranative/renewable fuel technology?? Why do you hate America?
  24. Davis will not be fired. IU is flat broke right now and can't afford to buy out the remainder of Davis's contract.
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