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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Feb 18, 2005 -> 07:26 PM) "Intelligence?" :finger (Oh, wait, that might be construed as a "personal attack.") Perhaps this is a better solution... You have chosen to ignore Cerbaho-WG. View this post · Un-ignore Cerbaho-WG Ignorance is bliss for you. Go read NewsMax and The Weekly Standard to have fallacies fit your schema of the world.
  2. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 18, 2005 -> 07:17 PM) LOL Way to completely dodge the argument. I may have gotten my timeline a little confused but the argument is sound and you have no response other than personal attacks. Go smoke your peace pipe or worship Bin Laden or whatever the hell it is you do with your time. Yes, because I am liberal and critical of American foreign policy I "worship bin Laden"? You know what, I'm sick of dealing with you. I tried to display as much comparitive evidence supporting my argument, and you can only say I worship a man whom I loathe. You're a complete joke.
  3. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Feb 18, 2005 -> 06:26 PM) What is your obsession with Algeria? Did you just study that in school? I know about Algeria, as well as Morocco, Libya, and Syria. I also know that approximately 4 million Muslims live in France. Are you saying that France's significant Arab population gives them a morally-justified excuse to turn a blind eye torwards terrorism? That's just stupid. Who are you? Charles DeGaulle's ghost? So, they should just adopt France's "appeasement" philosophy and give into the terrorists? Because, hey, once they say "no," terrorist attacks will increase! Brilliant strategy! :rolly It took that horrible massacre in Belsan for Putin to take serious action. And, it's also known that these Chechen rebels are affiliated with al Qaeda (Link). So why were Russia and Spain so adamantly against assisting in the overthrow of Saddam, who has financially sponsored the families of Palestinian suicide bombers? Were they hoping that the Muslim extremists will give them a "pass" when they attempt global domination? Good post. Too bad Mullet Boy doesn't understand anything outside of French/Algerian history. You know, I get tired of debunking posts point by point to prove my intelligence when you just make some smartass quip that is supposed to demean me. Grow up. Once again, I never insinuated that because France has a large Muslim population that they are exempt from not being involved in Muslim foreign affairs. I stated that because of their large involvement with Algieria, an involvement so large that it created the Fifth Republic and installed de Gaulle to power, that they would rather not be involved in such a volitaile situation. Maybe it's because France and Chirac side with the Palestinians, but I severely doubt so. France has every right to remain neutral on situations they do not want to enter into, yet you would just like France to be a whore to the American imperialistic policy and follow lockstep in everything they do. Get over it. Putin began his love affair with Chechnya when he was in the KGB, not just recently. Also, many radical fundamentalist Islamic groups from Saudi Arabia, and as you said al-Qaeda, we're basically kicked out of Dagestan by the government there and they setup shop in Chechnya. I can almost assure you that if Putin would simply grant Chechen independence, there would be little if any flare ups in the Caucasus region. f***, I don't know, maybe Spain and Russia could see through the minefield of bulls*** that you and other conservatives bought into about Iraq. God forbid. As to your mullet boy comment, comical.
  4. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 18, 2005 -> 06:32 PM) I may not know a lot about Algerian History but I do know that invading armies have been wiping their feet on French soil for a very long time now and its because of their pussy whipped attitude toward foregin affairs. Ignorance rears it's head once again. French paratroopers systematically tortured the FLN and committed many other human rights violations to drive the FLN out of Algiers. Yeah, their pussies alright.
  5. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 18, 2005 -> 05:29 PM) Maybe you should read up on your history smartass. Maybe you'd have read that in 1937 and 1938 Hitler was planning on backing down if the European powers had confronted him and how dumbstruck he was when they sat idly by as he annexed Sudedentland (sp) and then the whole of Czechoslovakia. Maybe then you'd read about Nelville Chamberlain waving the Munich accords over his head saying "War has been averted!" This happened 1 year before Poland was invaded and sacked and 2 years before the bombs started falling on London. Appeasement had a price and that price is more death and violence.......Moron. Considering I just took a history course on Hitler, who was taught by a conservative professor who preached that appeasement was a load, is ironic. Also, the only area that Hitler invaded that caused him to be amazed was not the Seudetenland or Austria, rather it was the Rhineland, consisting of Ruhr and Saxony-Anhalt. Anyways, the German military was highly industrialized and efficient in 37 and 38 due to Spanish civil war prior to that, and an invasion of Germany would have been a PR dream for Hitler. Once again, take a history course and lose the simple minded insults if you want to argue. You just make yourself look like an ultra-conservative, militaristic, ignorant, jingoistic who knows close to nothing.
  6. Fiction: A White Sox starting pitcher will win 20 games this season. Fact: Willie Harris will be on the White Sox opening day roster. Fact: Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez will toss more than 140 innings this season. Fiction: Shingo Takatsu will record more than 30 saves this season. Fiction: Scott Podsednik will set a career high in both batting average and OBP this season. Fiction: Frank Thomas will play in more than 120 games this season. Fiction: Carl Everett will get more than 350 at-bats this season. Fiction: A White Sox starter other than Mark Buehrle or Freddy Garcia will throw a complete game shutout this season. Fiction: The White Sox will win the American League Central in 2005.
  7. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 18, 2005 -> 02:33 PM) It took WW2 for Britain to learn the price of appeasement, I wonder what horrible extreme it's going to take for the French to learn the price of ignoriong the threat posed by terrorists. Off subject, but Nuke, I invite you to read a history textbook one of these days. Your jingoistic arguments are laughable at best, and as I said to the OP, read up on the Battle of Algiers.
  8. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Feb 18, 2005 -> 11:59 AM) So, ignoring Muslim extremists will make them go away? Great strategy, especially for a country that's mostly made up of Christians and Atheists. At the very least, recognizing Hebzollah as a terrorist organization will help stop the flow of their funding from France. The French government needs to take a long, hard look at what's happened recently to other countries who have "turned the other cheek" towards terrorism (Spain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia). That strategy clearly does not work. Here's an idea, it's a grand concept, read my entire post. You obviously lack any sort of understanding towards Algieria and more specifically the Battle of Algiers which is heavily influencing the French opinion here. I also never implied that ignoring Muslim extermists would make them go away, but being ignorant and insinuating such statements isn't the right way to go when you're trying to defend Bill O'Reilly. Secondly, Spain has never "turned the cheek" towards the Basque seperatists, so I have no clue where you are reading this. Like the Chechen situation with Russia, a very small minority is asking for independence and were denied. The result has been, obviously, increased terrorist attacks around Spain. Once again you're completely ignorant of the situation at hand and are accepting of the most simplistic argument. Think harder. Spain and Russia have been VERY active with muslim extremists and the results have been awful.
  9. Solution: Like Austrailia, make it a crime to not vote. There, now you'll have 98% voter turnout.
  10. I hope he has an extreme funeral.
  11. The French had this thing called the Battle of Algiers, I'd suggest reading up about it. France doesn't want to be involved in another Algeria, even indirectly. Also, there have been numerous terrorist attacks in France by Muslims, although minor, and desognating Hezbollah wouldn't help them.
  12. QUOTE(winodj @ Jan 31, 2005 -> 08:46 PM) Listening to it right now. And gotta admit that I am a little left lacking. It's not the full album that Discovery is. Homework > Human After All > Discovery That's saying a lot considering Discovery is a fine album, but Human After All is obviously geared heavily towards the clubs and I think it's fabulous. The title track "Human After All" is f***ing brilliant, and I love "Steam Machine" and "The Brainwasher".
  13. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Feb 14, 2005 -> 06:39 AM) Still REALLY digging ... "Time is Running Out" and "Hysteria" by Muse "Passive" by A Perfect Circle....honestly, that whole CD is f***ing on IMO "Hot Ride" by Prodigy featuring Juliette Lewis most anything by Interpol Velvet Revolver is still rocking out also New Audioslave this summer!!! Muse is awful, completely horrible. Someone needs to lecture Bellamy on how not to whine.
  14. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Feb 13, 2005 -> 01:59 PM) Birmingham Barons. Depends on where Anderson goes. If Anderson goes to Charlotte, Owens will starts in Birmingham. If Anderson starts in Birmingham, Owens would be starting in Winston-Salem. This is also assuming that Sweeney is moved to AA.
  15. http://www.thecatacombs.net and http://www.etf-center.com for all my Team Fortress needs http://www.somethingawful.com for general hilarity http://www.ateaseweb.com for Radiohead and music discussion
  16. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 2, 2005 -> 09:27 AM) No. A typo is where you hit the wrong key, or miss one, or hit an extra one. Spelling "self" as "selve" is not a typo. Oh great, a grammar nazi. Save it. As for the list: Crain Meyer Street Hahahahahahahaha, that's golden.
  17. QUOTE(winodj @ Jan 31, 2005 -> 12:49 PM) New Daft Punk??? Yes, it's leaked on the net. Indietorrents probably has it. It's due out in March, I believe.
  18. Bumping old thread is cool. Finding new music is even coooooler. I've been listening to a lot of: 65daysofstatic Daft Punk (Human After All leaked, and holy balls it's amazing) The Arcade Fire Scissor Sisters (lol gay pop-rock = AWESOME) Max Richter Early entry for album of the year 2005, M83 - Before The Dawn Heals Us. I was thinking the new A Silver Mt. Zion might overtake it, but boy does it suck. Hey Efrim, you can't sing! Now please go back and get gy!be in studio and record albanian.
  19. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 30, 2005 -> 04:26 PM) I just wish you people would stop totally focusing on the negatives of what's going on out there. It seems to me that you people are hoping for bad things to happen so you can gloat about how wrong we are to be there. If you're opposed to the war and our presence there that's fine and I respect your opinions but the fact is that we're there and we're not leaving until they can handle it on their own. Maybe I would respect you guys more if every now and again you would talk about something good that's happening over there instead of zeroing in on the violence. We learn more from the negatives of our lives, the losses, than the successes, the wins. Yeah, I liked Pat Conroy's autobiography, lol.
  20. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 30, 2005 -> 02:10 PM) Say what you want but shrill leftist monday morning QB's like you with your hypothetical bulls*** really don't carry a whole lot of weight. History says otherwise. Maybe instead of trying to degrade me you should actually hone yourself on US history. Our nation has had many instances, some which LCR mentioned, in which we vehemently disagree with the leaders of certain countries and implant our own instead. f***, calm down because I am disagreeing with you. I say something humorous which I KNOW is true, and you flip out as if I just liquidated an orphanage. Stop being so naive thinking that the US has never made any mistakes when it comes to foreign policy and you just might see the world in a completely different eye.
  21. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 30, 2005 -> 01:48 PM) We would respect the result of the election and do whatever was necessary to see the new government be successful. I am trying so hard not to laugh. f***, didn't work.
  22. Cerbaho-WG

    U2 fans?

    I was planning on seeing U2, but I'd suggest lowering ticket prices and get back to making decent music. It's been a decade of absolute s*** albums, and "How To Dismantle..." almost takes the cake on s***ty pop-rock retreads.
  23. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jan 26, 2005 -> 02:52 PM) I hope Pablo Ozuna comes up huge in Spring Training so he can be our backup utility guy at 2B and SS. I don't want to see Wilson Valdez on our opening day roster. :puke Why? He has less upside than Valdez, older than Valdez and hasn't shown the ability to hit outside of hitter's parks at the minor league level. That and adding him to the 40-man roster means that the Sox have to remove another player off the 40 man. Valdez should be more than capabale of being a backup and getting somewhere in the vicinity of 80-100 at-bats.
  24. I think the solution here is for the kid to stop being such a f***ing retard and do "honors Pre-Calculus", which is like saying, "Hay guyz, what's the quadratic formula again???"
  25. I'm withholding judgement on Tracey as of now. His wildness will not fly at AA and above, and if he continues walking 4.5 guys per nine innings his ERA will look similar to a bad OPS. Needs to work on his 3rd pitch more.
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