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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. Good to see the Sox organization just wasted roughly $700,000.
  2. Jenks can hit 100 MPH as a starter, I have no doubts he can hit 103 as a reliever. Excellent move.
  3. Told you 'Zona would lower their demands....
  4. The Mars Volta is unbelievably mediocre. Their new "prog-rock" Frances The Mute is just pretentious bulls*** that had promise on the first two tracks. After that, straight downhill. Also, TMV will never, ever, be even remotely close to the excellence that is Pearl Jam. If I wanted good prog-rock I'd listen to Floyd, this is just a post-rock album gone wrong with annoying vocals.
  5. ESPN Radio 1000 reports that the Cubs and Orioles are in trade talks regarding Sosa, Farnsworth, Hairston and Julio.
  6. I think everyone is overreacting here. In beginning negotaions Arizona has nothing to lose for asking for the moon. They'll come down a bit off their offers, for this I'm sure. Also, we're forgetting something here. If we trade Sweeney, we lose his hot sister. Jason knows what I am talking about...
  7. I believe I speak for Jason when I say I hope he doesn't pitch for the Sox in July...we'd like to see him in Charlotte sometime, ya know...
  8. I hope that this can stop AIDS, but I just doubt a cure will happen during my lifetime. And besides, these guys are from Jersey...
  9. KW never had any interest in signing him, I have no clue what you're huffing to even think that. And yes, Pedro and his agent are trying to forbid the Mets doctors to give him a shoulder MRI.
  10. An absolutely awful movie, so awful that a hallmate and I broke out the liquor and just laughed at the entire movie. Wretched dialogue, horrible acting, cheesy storyline...it had everything. Probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
  11. Pedro's shoulder is flat out f***ed up. Give him, I say, three starts and he's gone for the year with labrum surgery.
  12. Zumwalt was the player acquired along with Capellan for Danny Kolb. We still don't know who our PTBNL was.
  13. Magyar Posse - Kings of Time Einstürzende Neubauten - Perpetuum Mobile Mono - Walking cloud and deep red sky, Flag fluttered and sun shined Tortoise - It's All Around You Fly Pan Am - N'ecoutez Pas I'd have to say Magyar Posse tops my list, I still love that album to death.
  14. History paper is done, Jason better f***ing call me if something goes down. I've gotta run to Ballantine to drop off my paper. Let's hope for something good!
  15. Thanks a lot you assholes, now once again I have stopped writing my history paper which is due in two hours.
  16. Not a smart move by the Braves. Capellan has an insanely high upside and is one of the best prospects in all of the minors. Kolb has a very low strikeout rate and that does bode well at all for any pitcher, let alone a closer. But then again, John Schuerholz probably knows what he's doing here.
  17. The name of Daric Barton is being thrown around, and he'd obviously head to the A's. Beane would most likely move Barton to a corner OF position but Barton offensively fits the Moneyball mold perfectly. Insanely high OBP, great average, plus power. This would be a solid trade for the A's.
  18. No I'm not. Erstad defensively, who is not even close to being as good as Mientkiewicz or Lee, does not make up for his offensive void at 1B. I do not care that Erstad won a Gold Glove, his offense is horrible and you'd easily be losing 30+ runs a season by putting Darin Erstad at 1st base. Just a horrible move. DaVanon is on the wrong side of 30, as I've said before. If you plan on actively trying to win a World Series, starting with a guy who has only 5 years of MLB service at the age of 31 should display a huge red flag to any GM. The Angels got Juan Rivera, who is 26 years old and puts up better numbers, instead of having DaVanon play everyday.
  19. Lieber will sign with the Phillies, so forget that idea. As for the New York signings, I'm not understanding them whatsoever. What New York needed was an ace pitcher, and we all know that Jaret Wright is not that pitcher. I'm thinking that, at least to Cashman, that this deal was contingent to New York pulling off a blockbuster trade, something along the lines of Randy Johnson. As it stands, New York's rotation looks like: Brown Wright Vazquez Mussina No one New York is not in a situation that I would perceive as good. Arizona knows that New York is probably the only team that can offer the players (Gordon, Vazquez) and the money (upwards of $10 mil) to land Johnson. So what is Arizona doing to New York? Raping and pillaging them via demands. New York has an umlimited amount of monetary resources, but severly lacking the players (farm system is wretched) to make a large trade. Arizona can easily sit on their ass until the trade deadline and unload Johnson for more talent, although less money, than New York could offer. So I'm predicting that New York will trade for Johnson, overpaying enormously considering they are the only suitor for Johnson. A new rotation looks like: Brown Wright Mussina Johnson No one Brown and Mussina could easily break down once again and are obviously on the downside of their respective careers. Wright should see his ERA baloon past what Vazquez suffered in New York. Through all of this, and the stupid Tony Womack signing, New York is not in a position to overtake Boston assuming the Red Sox do indeed resign Pedro. If Boston signs Pavano, and most likely will sign Valentin and retain Varitek, they are much stronger than New York can be with Johnson. Cashman still has a lot of work to do to win another World Series championship, and I'm positive it will not happen in 2005.
  20. Stop with the Angels infatuation. Erstad is one of the worst players in all of baseball. As a 1B, he's the worst by miles. Can hit for average, doesn't walk enough and has marginal, if that, power. He would be an atrocious pickup for the White Sox. There's a reason why BP's Hacking Mass has him on almost every team. Figgins would be an interesting acquisition, but the Angels aren't going to deal a guy who's making the league minimum. Eckstein has a sub 700 OPS and .339 OBP. He would be an awful pickup. DaVanon is on the wrong side of 30 although he does put up solid stats and an 800 OPS. He should be a servicable 4th OF an nothing more. There are younger players available who could put up numbers along the same lines as DaVanon.
  21. Someone cannot pound sarcasm through their skull.
  22. Oh Christ, people are s***ting bricks over the Internet because someone made an indirect analogy about Steff being a whore. Boo-f***ing-hoo, grow up. 3E8 didn't even come out and call Steff a whore, he made, oh s***, what are those grammatical terms...AN ANALOGY. It is often used so that less than intelligent people (see: morons) can understand something that is foreign to them. Advice: Beastly, shut the f*** up. Steff can make a fool out of herself if she wants to, she doesn't need your omniscience on the subject here. 3E8, make better analogies. Ones not directly inferring women as whores might be a start. Steff, shut up and lose the "OMG LOOK AT ME I'M A GIRL ON THE INTERNET" personality. You're 31, and to many of the teenagers here, you're not doable even if they consumed mass quantities of alcohol and were blind. Stop trying to play the "holier than thou" card because no one really gives a s*** how high up you are on the Internet/SoxTalk heirarchy. "You can't help yourself." Oh God. Do you want a prize for being "mature" on the Internet? I bet that goes over real well in the real world where many people are exact opposites of themselves online. Let's get back to the topic here, people. If anyone wants flaming, I'd be glad to dish it out without discrimination.
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