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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. Joe Borchard deserves to be released.
  2. It's because some kid doing a kegstand fell off and broke his neck. His drunken frat buddies got worried and left him for dead on the front lawn and saw him lying there the next morning.
  3. In comparison, American metal bands are complete and utter s*** compared to European metal, more specifically Scandinavian metal. Europe is always on the leading edge musically (Krautrock, Post-Rock, ambient, etc etc), and this genre is no different.
  4. And Indiana University is a dry campus as well, it makes little or no difference whatsoever regarding the amount of alcohol that flows through the campus.
  5. There's another sign that Moreno and Co. aren't exactly too high on Kotchman.
  6. You forget that I can still attack Steff's character, backing up my buddy 3E8. Not checkmate by a long shot.
  7. http://www.baseballprospectus.com/glossary....php?context=17 Hope that clears it up for you.
  8. Also, BB, when subtracting off runs from team totals, which is a very broad and unscientific method, use RP instead of VORP. RP is weight adjusted against the entire league and stands for "Runs Prevented" in comparison to "Value Over Replacement Player". Just makes a tad more sense.
  9. Good to see someone else harping VORP here. Assuming that Santana's BABIP does indeed rise , let's say for numbers sake .280, his VORP would still be one around 75, maybe even higher. What you didn't account for is that while Santana did have an outstanding year, he was leaps and bounds better than any pitcher in all of baseball. If you look at Santana's SNVA, and even better his SNLVA, Santana was worth a good 2 won games compared to any other pitcher in the bigs. Even with a BABIP of .280, he'd still lead that category by a comfortable amount. While I do expect Santana to regress, I see only a slight regression occuring, not a full blown disaster. Also of note is that I expect either Mark Buehrle or Freddy Garcia to experience an injury during the 2005 campaign that could sideline them for extended periods of time, or at least affect them negatively. Buehrle and Garcia both rank within the top 20 of PAP (Pitcher Absue Points) and Buehrle had the second most pitches of anyone in all of baseball next to Livan Hernandez, whose shoulder should be lynching itself any day now. While I do believe that some in the Twins front staff will regress (Carlos Silva heavily, I'm expecting him to implode) I do not think that the Twins will have that bad have a pitching staff in comparison to ours, assuming that Brad Radke resigns. If Radke ditches, then the White Sox have the clear advantage here, but I think you're being too optimistic with the White Sox pitchers all pitching above average and all Twins pitchers falling off a bit. I'm basically reserving judgement until I see some PECOTA rankings and Jaret Wright at a White Sox press conference.
  10. Oh sweet Jesus conflicting reports from The Score and Peter Gammons? Which moron(s) do I believe? If this is true, I like this move. Wright's splits away from Turner, which is a pitcher's park (stats cannot factor in humidity, which kills balls), is very respectable at a 4.04 ERA. Turner's park factor is .991, which is a slight pitcher's park, nothing like Safeco or Petco (.834 and .837 respectively). Wright has a very good sinker and should keep the ball in the park (hopefully), but the walks do worry me. The WHIP of 1.28 is nice but I'm afraid that might climb a good bit switching back over to the AL. Still, a rotation of: Garcia Buehrle Wright Contreras Garland Is solid but not spectacular. I'd rather see KW suck it up and make a run at Pavano or fall back on Odalis Perez instead of settling on Jaret Wright.
  11. You too, man. No hard feelings, just a little fun.
  12. I think I just gagged. Please never mention that again. BRING BACK LOU HOLTZ, AM I RITE???
  13. That God totally kicks ass. LosMedias, a few months earlier a kid brought a loaded gun to VHS and gave it to another kid who inturn blew his head off at home. That's the only other reason why VHS would be in the news other than it is quite possibly the lamest, most normal school ever created.
  14. No, Ms. Not So Doable, excuse you. None of us here are abdicating for people to just leave because they aren't über fans like yourself. Well, you are..: poorme has insight here and you and southsider just do the proverbial administrative doubleteam on him. I bet that really showed him. To southsider, yes that was really pent up for a while in me considering I called you merely arrogant. I could roll off a bunch of expletives and epithets describing how much of a complete ass you are, but I choose not to. Good to see you haven't changed a bit.
  15. No he didn't, he has a valid point and you're shoving him out the door because he isn't on the same level of fandom as you. Steff as well. That's a bit arrogant, but not surprising. I'm not sure how one can be proud of this team, especially after being the favorite to win the division for four straight years and falling on our faces every single time. Every trade that is supposed to win us the World Series cannot even buy us the Wildcard or the division crown in the weakest division in all of baseball. Mind telling me how you're proud of that? Will you be "proud" of a 3rd place finish this year? A fan has the right to be pissed off and say he isn't proud of a team that should be a f***ing dynasty in this joke of a division. God forbid poorme doesn't possess the same amount of elitism as you do, Jesus Christ.
  16. Wow, all this time I've left and you still spew this kind of stuff. Excuse me, but do you close to anything about Brian Anderson? He is not a franchise type player, and I'm quite amused that the sticking point to the trade for you at least is Brian Anderson. f***, I wouldn't even understand people crying about Sweeney or Young in exchange for Johnson. But I've been through this argument before and people are still naive enough to believe that the White Sox have a chance to win the World Series through the farm system. We don't.
  17. Phil didn't answer my question regarding why Brian Miller was the polar opposite of his bio in BA's Prospect Handbook. I wonder why? That fluid delivery was gold!
  18. Rogers is getting peppered with some pretty immature questions.... I like it! Bahaha.
  19. Oh, really? I never noticed! Thanks, Phil!
  20. On a computer that you know isn't FUBAR (and running win 95, 98, not XP basically), go to DOS, and with a floppy in A: type in: format A: /s That should create a floppy with the neccessary junk to boot.
  21. Anyone could smuggle a f***ing armory into VHS. Dr. Benway, the superintendent here, was telling the press that kids can ONLY get into the school through two doors which are heavily supervised. The front and back doors are guarded by...old people who....force you to sign in. I've entered the school dozens of times and bypassed the so called "security" at VHS. It's a joke. Later, the retarded mayor, David Costas, referred to the four faculty members who tackled the kid...after wandering the halls, heroes. Yeah, you really did a whole lot of good tackling the kid after he stabbed 7 kids, cool! As for the 15-year-old who did this, he's being held in the adult psych ward at Porter Memorial Hospital. Used a machete and a serrated knife. Once again, I've been waiting for this to happen, and all of Valpo is lucky that ONLY this happened. Valpo is the kind of High School where a Columbine type of event was bound to happen. The entire school is polarized and some of the s*** that these kids take for being "different" is mind blowing. While I'm unsure of what the kid was going through, I'm betting he got a lot of s*** at VHS. All of the kids were released from the hospital, so that's good to know. Try to enjoy your 7 semesters left at the new military compound in Valpo, Snell, it's gonna suck even more there.
  22. Psht. That team could easily win it all. And Delgado was my idea, asshat!
  23. Hey guys, I guess this will mark my return to Soxtalk, albeit on a f***ed up note. I graduated VHS last year and I attend Indiana University. Oddly enough, I was considering going back to the High School today to meet up with some former teachers. A friend's brother who attends VHS said some Freshman flipped out in a Spanish class and sliced eight people. As for Snell, whitesoxin, he's fine. A local newspaper released the names of the stabbing victims and he's not on it. And anyways, he's smart and takes German. VHS breeds this kind of s***, so I'm not surprised this happened. Earlier, a kid brought a gun to school and gave it to another kid in the High School who promptly went home and blew his head off. Valpo is the kind of school that's just too normal and where popularity rules the f***ing place. If you're "different", you f***ing get it pounded into your head. It's a horrible school and I'm surprised some kid didn't do this a lot earlier. Any q's, post 'em, because I can anwer them.
  24. And you should be prohibited from ever speaking on politics due to your uninformed and completely ignorant nature. Don't even try to insult me because I hold some amount of intelligence when it comes to politics. A blind and deaf man could have seen that Bush was handily defeated during the first debate, but since you're so keen on wearing your Republican blinders, you're too dumb to realize such. Keep being spoonfed, aboz, it suits you quite well.
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