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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. If Poland is a political power in Europe, half of the Balkans rule Europe with an iron fist. In European powers it goes GB, France, German, Russia, no one. Italy has close to no power at all, and the Balkan states are too busy killing off each other to exert some amount of power over the EU. Face it, Poland is just a country of outcasted Germans during the Crusades.
  2. Poland. Kerry mopped the floor with Bush tonight.
  3. Joe Valentine trying to find the strike zone....walks Corey f***ing Patterson.
  4. Not to toot my own horn...but I've been saying the exact same thing for months. Cron is obviously reading Soxtalk...
  5. Pitching: 3:1 K:BB ratio, Greater than or equal to 1 K/IP, ERA under 3, less than 1 H/IP Hitting: Better be pushing .900 OPS and .380 OBP, strikeout numbers aren't a huge concern if there are a decent amount of walks present.
  6. I don't think Thomas will have too much trouble coming back from this injury compared to his torn triceps in 2001. Mechanically speaking, a torn triceps can reak havoc all over your swing while an ankle injury is only very minor in terms of Frank's swing. I expect Frank to have a .950+ OPS in 2005.
  7. So fast people forget how great or intregal a player once was. I believe that if we don't have Jose in 2000, we don't make the playoffs, period. He was never egotistical, selfish or immature. He was a class act and will be missed if he departs in the offseason.
  8. Cerbaho-WG

    A Raided Party

    SoxAce, instead of slamming the cops like an ignorant litle 17 year old, maybe you should stop breaking the law instead. It's always nice to see a dumbf*** like yourself slamming the cops, which really pisses me off since my Uncle is Chicago PD and my brother is IUPD, hopefully soon to be CPD as well. It's always typical for stupid high schoolers like yourself to slam the cops because you're being too much of a f***ing moron by drinking underage and smoking marijuana. I mean, s***, f*** the police when you're breaking laws.
  9. Since coming to the lovely town of Bloomington, Indiana, I have found myself surrounded by outlets that sell music that I absolutely could not find back in suburbia. After giving an Explosions In The Sky CD to a hallmate, he said I could have a copy of any CD of his. I chose a band called M83 because I thought a song of theirs, "America", was catchy. Also, my hallmates said it was a great album. So I got it burned for me...and then my ears exploded. This CD is f***ing AMAZING. M83 - Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts is one of the best albums I've ever laid my hands on, and this is coming from a guy who really doesn't like electronica at all. To summarize M83's album, it's defined as progressive electronic, but that title does not do it justice. M83, who is a 2 man group from France, add so many layers to each song, but make them so enjoyable as a result. There is something you'll like on the surface, but deep down there is something even better for the listener to discover. I can listen to this album through and through and still be mind-boggled as a result. This is one of the best albums I have ever listened to, a gem. In my mind, this is what The Postal Service should sound like. Download, if you have Soulseek, a song called "Unrecorded" by M83 and listen to the first half. You'll see what I mean.
  10. Cerbaho-WG


    Shut the f*** up.
  11. I had a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker on my car, then I sold it. Parents have several more though. I'm officially a member of the IU College Democrats, so once or twice a week I go canvassing for a few hours.
  12. I'm not trying to say, "STUDY FOREVER AND NEVER f***!" (I'd shoot myself) As long as you don't latch onto a woman like a leech, you'll be fine.
  13. Basic 3x8 tables of thousands upon thousands of games, as well as linear weights, have shown that a man on first with nobody out has a higher chance to score than a man on 2nd with one out. But don't mention that to Hawk or KW, they'll just come up with some witty phrase that shows how ignorant they are to certain aspects of the game.
  14. Grilli plunked Torii. Atta boy, Jason.
  15. Wow, someone's sounding like me! As of now, after a short period of time in which I would have hit anything with two legs and female genitalia, I'm not at all enamored with girls here at college. To be honest, there are so many other things that are probably more important in your life. In my mind, there are so many things that can enlighten myself, that a relationship would be a hindrance to my expansion of knowledge. It may sound like pretentious bulls***, but I find college at this point in time to be a place of numerous possibilites in which I must not sell myself short.
  16. To completely annoy people such as yourself while making myself look like the biggest egotistical maniac in the world.
  17. Any help is wholly appreciated. Hey, maybe we can actually develop a decent pitcher now! (Aside from B-Mac, naturally) Or we could hold on to a Jeremy Reed type player....3-5 last night. Sigh.
  18. Definitely not going. The management of this team is hellbent on running the Sox right into the ground for the next half decade, so they can go f*** themselves for I care.
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