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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. Incorrect, the Soviet-German nonaggression pact was broken on June 22nd 1941, and America really started conducting its military operations in Northern Africa in 1942-1943. While Hitler was a political genius, he was militaristic dumbass. He had every opportunity to win the Battle of Britain, Stalingrad among others, and pissed them all away.
  2. Right now I'm reading a very well done biography on Hitler, and in my mind he is by far the greatest politician the world has ever seen. To go from a small party of roughly 26 people to basically controlling all of Europe is very, very impressive. Also worth noting that after the failed putsch, Hitler gained the Chancellorship legally. But human? He wanted to marry his niece and commit genocide. Eh....
  3. Look at the Wisconsin and Ohio numbers, they were done by a Republican polling service. Before that Kerry was actually leading Wisconsin by 2-3% and was trailing in Ohio by 1-2%. I'd wait until a neutral polling service like Rasmussen/Gallup/USA Today polls the state.
  4. With 14 million due from Magglio leaving, Varitek wouldn't be a bad pickup at roughly 8.5 million a year. But will 5.5 million buy yourself a good pitcher? Very doubtful.
  5. http://www.baseballamerica.com/today/minors/040915pulse.html
  6. As my brother put it, "...either they are building the biggest dam in the world or Kim Jung Il has a thing for massive craters."
  7. I don't care if a fan calls you any racial epithet, there's no excuse for throwing a f***ing chair into the stands. 20 games, at least.
  8. Yeah, it's there and he says something along the lines of trading the Sox franchise for the Marlins. Apparently Mariotti was at the park yesterday, probably the first time he's ever been to The Cell.
  9. You've gone off the deep end, Tex. Stop snorting your ritalin.
  10. Cerbaho-WG


    Realizing your political views on a message board, I don't know if that's pathetic enough that I should stop laughing.
  11. Ross Gload is a great utility man, a role Brian Daubach couldn't fill last year. A full time 1B? No way.
  12. A mere five days ago Bush was a lock to win the electoral vote and now Kerry is predicted to have 273. WEEEEEEE.
  13. Saying Bush has a 12 point lead is like believing this website: http://electoral-vote.com/ Face it, no one knows what the f*** is going to happen.
  14. What do the crazy communists in North Korea do on their Independence Day? Set off a nuke, of course! http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...id=516&ncid=716 The U.S. shoots fireworks into the sky while NK makes a 2.2 mile crater. Awesome.
  15. Cerbaho-WG

    New Car!!!

    Quite nice, but I'm a stickler for European automobiles. My parents just bought this, a Volvo S80:
  16. Uh, no. IU still sucks and no one here at the campus really gives a shi about the football team. They'll start being pathetic soon enough.
  17. And I can safely say that half the campus here at Bloomington doesn't give a s***.
  18. Never ask Jim Callis a question about the minors. The only thing he does is shove his head straight up the Cubs organization's ass. Yeah, let's have Anderson, Sweeney and Fields above McCarthy, intelligent.
  19. Yet you display both quite frequently, so shouldn't you be offing yourself right about now?
  20. You may be the first person to ever say that.
  21. I for once wasn't mentioned. MY GOD!
  22. Don't read them and be on your merry way.
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