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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. Gotay: 0-4 8 LOB Ouch, buddy. Lino Urdaneta: 0.0 IP 5 H 6 ER Even more ouch.
  2. HBP_by S. Tracey (J. van Every). YES!
  3. Hey there, don't slam my boy JC.
  4. Jesus wouldn't vote for Obama
  5. IGNORANCE IS SO AWESOME. Read up on the history (last 80 years more specifically) of the Russian-Chechen conflict and then tell me that Russia has been lax on terrorism.
  6. As stated by Kid Gleason, mainstream RnR is quite dead. But as long there is a "music underground", there will always be at least one band that covers any genre.
  7. The instant I saw Antoin Gray at #10, don't get me wrong, he's a good prospect, I knew everything was going downhill.
  8. Awww, now we get to hear Hawk rant about "The Gambler" for innings on end. Noooo!
  9. Not at all, but flat out blaming the Yankees on their woes is where Red Sox fans start to become absurd. Did the Yankees make the Red Sox lose to Cleveland in 95 and 98? Did the Yankees make the Red Sox not reach the playoffs from 91-94, 96, 97, and from 00-02? Sure, losing some games to the Yankees didn't exactly help much, but losing to every other team didn't help much either. Boston fans just keep going back to the excuse of blaming the Yankees for everything because the Yankees have kicked their asses, as well as numerous other teams, up and down the block for decades. Boston doesn't even have the longest drought for a championship for crying out loud. Do you see White Sox fans saying, "Goddamnit, those f***ing Yankees ahve been ruining us since 1917!" Hell no. You know why the White Sox didn't win a championship during those years? There were better teams out there, period. Los Angeles was better than us in 1959, period. The Orioles were better than us in '83, period. The Blue Jays were better than us in '93, period. We got beat, you know who is to blame because of that? Us. We didn't win. We simply got beat and we moved on. Sadly, Bostonians haven't learned that valuable lesson of admitting defeat and getting on with life.
  10. I merely stated my opinion that Red Sox fans are whiny bastards, and after several pages of name calling by redandwhite, I shoved the truth down his throat. I cited specific examples and the only thing redandwhite did was shake his head and not even bother refuting anything I said.
  11. Right, I just thorougly destroyed you and that's all you can come up with.
  12. Identity of the attacker (thanks to SA goons): Dr. Laura's son, Deryk. I'm off to my history class right now, so I'll get the link of the confirmed identity when I get back.
  13. And his three year averages are roughly .290/.326/.506 with an OPS of of .890 away from the hitter friendly Yankee Stadium (cause for concern is Soriano's wretched OPS away from Arlington this year...which makes close to no sense looking at his numebrs historically). Not to mention you're getting a guy who can be a 40-40 man and get roughly 200 hits a year. But if you honestly believe that Juan Uribe and Jon Garland are going to pan out, you might need to stop huffing gas. Taking away the first two months of the season, Uribe has walked a grand total of 15 times in about 270 ABs. While Uribe can be very good with the bat, it seems he has caught the Joe Crede syndrome, one in which he is awful for months at a time. The numbers are still there for Uribe to fall flat on his face and put together one of those great .123/.190/.228 months that I come to expect from him. Then we move to Jon Garland. I don't believe that Jon is in the Kip Wells position, one where he'll succeed after moving on from the South Side. I sincerely believe that Jon will be a mediocre pitcher at best for the remainder of his career, and after seeing his numebrs progressively WORSEN year after year, I don't see how he'll improve. His sinker is insanely overrated, and his mental capacity is quite possibly limited to that of a goldfish.
  14. Some of us have lives and classes to attend to which prohibit us from arguing with whiny Red Sox fans like yourself who are blind enough to believe that Doug Mientkiewicz is even remotely close to a decent baseball player. When Dave McCarty is better than you, shut the f*** up, you have absolutely nothing to bring to the table. Oh Christ, go slit your wrists and cry abiut it. I'm blunt, very blunt. As I said earlier, Red Sox fans are the whiniest damn fans in baseball, period. Let's take a trip down the lovely history of the Boston Red Sox to see why: Selling of Babe Ruth. BoSox fans are actually naive enough to believe that they are cursed because they sold a baseball player. Come on, how f***ing stupid can you get? Wait....cursed by a goat one ups that. Bucky Dent, that was glorious. "But who would have thought Bucky Dent would have hit that?!?! WE'RE CURSED!!!" I could take a damn sand wedge over the green monster, it shouldn't be significant that Bucky Dent hit a pennant winning homerun rather, it should be significant that the Red Sox once again choked and then blamed it upon a curse which doesn't exist to sheild the blame that their team flat out f***ing sucks. 1986. That was funny. The Red Sox bullpen is within a damn strike of winning the World Series, but yet again they choke. Red Sox fans once again do not blame their team for blowing a lead that Mike Jackson could have held, but a supernatural phenomenon which causes them to choke and very inopportune times. Last year Grady Little was overtaken by the ghost of Babe Ruth and didn't take Pedro Martinez out. "Grady Little is a dumbs***, but it was the curse working against us, too!" Here's a little statement that every baseball fan sans Red Sox and Cubs fans can adhere to: any fan that believes their team is cursed, a phenomenon which is so false that it defies logic, doesn't deserve to see their team ever win. The Boston Red Sox do not deserve to win a World Series for believing that for the past 88 years they have been up s***'s creek without a paddle because their former owner sold a player so he could make some f***ing showtunes. f***, you Boston fans might as well believe that God and Jesus Christ themselves are smiting you for being arguably the most racist sports franchise for not integrating black players to your baseball team for years upon years. But let's continue, because I enjoying browbeating the living f*** out of you so you can finally shutup and stop whining about the Red Sox franchise. The Red Sox continually cry about how the Yankess are putting themselves at a disadvantage because they outbid everyone. You know what, here's some proof that money doesn't buy championships: World Series winner 2002: Arizona Diamondbacks World Series winner 2003: Anaheim Angels World Series winner 2004: Florida Marlins Odd, why aren't New York Yankees there instead? I mean, they routinely have the highest payroll on the planet, and by Red Sox fans' logic, they automatically win the World Series every year by having such. Once again, instead of blaming themselves for their shortcomings, Boston fans go to old reliable, bashing the Yankees because the Yankees are so powerful that they force the Boston Red Sox to choke year after year. There's your proof, there's my response, shut the hell up and sit down.
  15. Mientgaywicz is an overrated first basement who can't hit a lick and should only be used in a utility role. That .584 OPS in BoSox uniform is sexy. And speaking of Boston....they have the whiniest, most annoying fans in baseball. Your team is not cursed, your team just has a habit to choke in key situations. All Boston fans do is cry an ocean about how the Yankees are runing baseball when they've had numerous chances to take them down with a "smaller payroll". Shut up.
  16. That's how it's done in the white bred suburbs. That was pathetic, both of those girls deserved to get kicked in the throat for being such trash.
  17. Too bad Darren Aranofsky completely ruined the film adaptation of Requiem, quite possibly one of the most overrated movies I've ever seen. Book was superb, though.
  18. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/profile?statsId=7099 I know Jason and I were almost positive that Majewski would be in the bigs for September, but not in Montreal. Congrats, Gary!
  19. .280-24-81 vs. 10-10, 1.36 WHIP, 4.92 ERA Wow, that's really tough.
  20. Uh, W-S is not a bandbox by any stretch of the imagination.
  21. The entire continent of Africa. But those goddamn Muslims were behind it the massacres inside of the Sudan, Congo, Ivory Coast, etc. etc. etc, right?
  22. Shut the f*** up already; I'm fairly sure everyone here is sick of your bigoted, racist talk all the time.
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