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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. Uncle Rico : So what do you think? Kip : It's pretty cool, I guess. Uncle Rico : Ohhhh, man I wish I could go back in time. I'd take state. Napoleon Dynamite : This is pretty much the worst video ever made. Kip : Napoleon, like anyone can even know that. Uncle Rico : You know what, Napoleon? You can leave. Napoleon Dynamite : You guys are retarded! Napoleon Dynamite : I see you're drinking 1% milk. Is that because you think you're fat? Because you're not. You could probably be drinking whole milk. I cried when I saw that.
  2. The Dude : Walter, what is the point? Look, we all know who is at fault here, what the f*** are you talking about? Walter Sobchak : Huh? No, what the f*** are you... I'm not... We're talking about unchecked aggression here, dude. Donny : What the f*** is he talking about? The Dude : My rug. Walter Sobchak : Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element! The Dude : Walter, the chinaman who peed on my rug, I can't go give him a bill, so what the f*** are you talking about? Walter Sobchak : What the f*** are you talking about? The chinaman is not the issue here, dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.
  3. Yes, more than at least a dozen people from what I've seen said two bombs hung in the basketball hoops exploded. After that, Russian forces moved in and battled the terrorists. Honestly, why can't you come to accept this? There was media everywhere, and it makes no sense whatsoever for the Russian military to bomb the gymnasium, make the roof collapse and kill dozens of children. Use common sense.
  4. NWS at all, view at your own risk: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/joeandclare/r...chool-dead1.jpg http://homepage.ntlworld.com/joeandclare/r...chool-dead2.jpg http://homepage.ntlworld.com/joeandclare/r...chool-dead3.jpg http://homepage.ntlworld.com/joeandclare/r...chool-dead4.jpg http://homepage.ntlworld.com/joeandclare/r...chool-dead5.jpg http://homepage.ntlworld.com/joeandclare/r...chool-dead6.jpg
  5. Read the reports. The Chechen terrorists rigged a bomb hanging in the air of the gymnasium and it simply fell down causing a massive detonation. The resulting detonation collapsed the roof, so the Russians had to assume that the terrorists were executing hostages. The Russians were right to storm the gymnasium after the bomb detonated. Apparently 20 of the 28 or so terrorists were killed by Russian security forces and Spetznaz.
  6. It still happens. Chechnya is going to become a larger crater now, woohoo?
  7. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...hool_seizure_53
  8. Oh, I could have easily torn apart your teflon argument piece by piece, but arguing politics is just a gigantic waste of time. And anyways, Apu could do the job twenty times better than I can. But then again, what's the point of trying to argue with a guy who just says, "MICHAEL MOORE IS A FAT f***. FAT FAT FAT FAT!" You might want to stick to the topic at hand, because making fun of someone's weight is a telltale sign that you lack the mental capacity to carry on an actual, intelligent, conversation.
  9. That's wonderful, I could give a s*** if Michael Moore personally killed a family pet of yours or not. Also, you do understand the new posting rules and that I am infact a forum moderator here? I could absolutely berate you verbally, but I don't think I'm oblidged to call you such immature bulls***. But if you're going to humor me with middle school name calling, knock yourself out.
  10. Nominated for most idiotic post in the month of September. Typical Republican psychotic response when they hear the name Michael Moore. Back on topic, that was very poorly written. I get the point, Mike.
  11. MWF M211 Calculus 9:05-9:55 MWF G330 German 330 10:10-11:00 MWF W131 English Composition 11:15-12:05 TuTh E104 Personalities in History: Hitler, Stalin and DeGaulle TuTh K201 The Computer in Business Fr K201 Business lecture 17 credit hours, 1st semester freshman, with 13 credits in German tested out of.
  12. "Accident" her into a wooden dresser. That's what I did when my cousin was f***ing around and basically just punching me (hooray for like an 11 year old). Pushed his head right into the f***ing dresser. He never laid a hand on me again.
  13. I laughed. I'm so going to hell.
  14. So called? Are you robotripping or something? FoxNews is conservative through and f***ing through, there shouldn't even be a debate about that.
  15. Israel4ever: You got destroyed, plain and simple. Apu just thoroughly demolished your weak argument with documented facts, yet you're to blind to read them. Your argument goes something like this: *Your argument* *Apu's argument* "LALALALALALA, I CANNOT HEAR YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE DIFFERING OPINIONS WITH ME!!!! LALALALALA!" Apu not once personally attacked you in this thread, yet you call him a bigot because he's not ramming his head up Israel's ass. Am I an anti-semite as well for believing that Israel attacked the USS Liberty deliberately?
  16. f***. Did that work? /me looks Alright!! All is well.
  17. Two better prospects in my mind, Landon Powell and Kurt Suzuki, both catchers, are in Vancouver right now for the A's. I'm not sold on Street, something about him just doesn't attain to me.
  18. Francis has had a better season than Capellan, and Capellan will have to use his changeup effectively if he wants to stick in the Braves rotation. McCarthy, even though he has had a great deal of success this year, shouldn't be compared to Capellan and Francis. Francis is the best pitcher in all of the minors and Capellan has a holy arm.
  19. Yeah, I saw taht last night when I was talking to Jason. Moat is coming back, too.
  20. We stormed the field violently.
  21. 3 years + 2004 = 2007 Oh, the joys of addition.
  22. Good catch, Spiff. Looks like I'm going to need to change the SS on the all-minors list.
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