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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. That's quite possibly the worst joke I have ever heard.
  2. What a piece of crap! Very well done, looks great.
  3. ROFL I laughed pretty damn hard at the Bartman hitting Prior.
  4. Cerbaho-WG

    dave matthews

    While I do not like Dave at all and think his music is nothign special, this is a very cool idea by him. Even though the concert isn't "free" per se, it's a step in the right direction by charging only 9 bucks for a huge band like his. Atta boy, Dave. P.S.: I bought Explosions In The Sky tickets yesterday, you have no idea how giddy I am.
  5. His life was in the toilet to begin with, this was the final straw. He told a Boston newspaper a few months ago that he was addicted to OxyContin. I wouldn't be surprised if he was still addicted to heroin back then and lied so the backlash by the Marlins wouldn't be as bad.
  6. Mientkiewicz is a highly overrated offensive player, as shown by his deplorbale stats this year. Defensively the guy is amazing, but if Littlefield is going to take Mient and Restovich over Kotchman and someone else, he should be fired.
  7. Oxycontin, a morphine derivative, to the real deal, heroin. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=1846135 Congrats, Jeff, you just flushed your entire life down the drain.
  8. Look at Cotts' splits (monthly). He does not deserve to be pitching at the big league level, period.
  9. Charlotte takes the loss, Grilli finally loses. Wunsch pitches. Get back here now for the love of God, Kelly: http://milb.sportsnetwork.com/merge/tsnfor...px?GAMEID=15099
  10. Get someone at the back of the bullpen. Get someone else in the rotation. A combo of Loaiza, Garland and Schoeneweis will not win us the pennant, let alone the division.
  11. Pitching was atrocious. Garland was retchid as he has been lately, Cotts was pathetic, and Jackson was downright deplorable. Cotts needs to be jettisoned to Charlotte ASAP, he can't find the strike zone. I'd take David Sanders over Mr. "My ERA is roughly 8 after April" Cotts.
  12. Cerbaho-WG

    1 year anniversary

    I thought this was for a relationship/wedding. Silly me!
  13. Sold out. Tomorrow: 25k+ already sold Monday: 32k+ already sold Tuesday and Wednesday: 30k+ already sold Slowly but surely....the tide is shifting!
  14. Sounds like it would at least perk the Astros' attention. Assuming Maggs and Thomas come back, with a healthy Beltran: 2B-Harris 3B-Uribe DH-Thomas CF-Beltran RF-Ordonez LF-Lee 1B-Konerko SS-Valentin C-Alomar/Burke/Davis Guys, you have Konerko hitting in the goddamn 7 hole. This offense would absolutely annihilate anything in sight. Add to the fact that you have both Rowand and Everett on the bench if either Maggs or Thomas cannot come back. Would I do it? Yes, in a heartbeat. But with the organization's love affair with both Rowand and Borchard, I doubt it will happen. Damn, that lineup looks straight out of a Roto league.
  15. Can't sing, can't perform, spoiled, whiney, need I say more? Kind of sad to see people like her, Britney, and others go straight to #1 with little or no talent at all.
  16. I liked the Andy Dick Show and find The Assistant to be up the same alley. He's so f***ing out there that it's excellent.
  17. Konerko - .286-24-64 Lee - .301-17-62 Everett Uribe finally looking like his April form last night Garcia Buehrle I think we'll survive. Cram it, Kotex boy.
  18. For the league minimum? I don't know about that, and would definitely take a flyer on a guy like Olerud.
  19. Correcto, Boston is now in 2nd.
  20. Ask and ye shall receive! http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/profile?statsId=5885 He's been very, very good his last three starts. Also, I love this thread title.
  21. I'm going tomorrow. Guess I better leave really early to get some seats.
  22. Or maybe you're one of the only people on here who has a problem with me considering you've called me everything from an asshole to a plagiartist with no support whatsoever. Hey Spiff, I remember a while back when you said all I did was steal from Baseball America, ever find any evidence to back that up or did you just pull that out of the sky like anything you ever level against me?
  23. No it's not. The style you're looking for is post-grunge, which is closely synonomous with utter crap. Nu-metal is the fusion of rap and rock, more or less resulting in awful music.
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