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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. Mariners fire their hitting coach. Amazing that a team holds their hitting coach responsible. However, that offense is just full of bad players. Wilson, Griffey, Kotchman, Sweeney, Moore and Johnson are all bad offensive players. None of them deserve the amount of ABs they're getting. The hitting coach deserves some blame but Zduriencik deserves more for putting together that offense.
  2. Vizquel did his job, but I have no idea what AJ was thinking. Absolutely atrocious.
  3. 12 ABs straight without getting the ball out of the infield.
  4. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 08:58 PM) AJP hasn't hit a ball hard all season it seems like. At least his contract is up after this year. But he brings chemistry and he works real well with th... I'll stop there because I can't lie to myself anymore.
  5. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 08:42 PM) Never said he was washed up...it's just there were a lot of warning signs that he could struggle. And yes, I'd rather have Richard, the prospects, and 15 million than Peavy. I was also a much bigger fan than most of Richard. Clayton Richard is not a good pitcher. Look, you can claim that you've been prescient for Peavy all along, but I sincerely doubt you were saying the same stuff right now about Peavy last September.
  6. One day Quentin will stop being such a f***ing moron and actually work the count every time he's up. I won't hold my breath.
  7. Once again a pitcher we've never seen shuts us down. Sooner or later this organization needs to wake up and fire our advanced scouts. This has been happening for YEARS.
  8. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 11, 2010 -> 02:09 PM) It's all relative. He looked like an actual major league hitter this past week compared to the swings he was taking last fall for us. No. A line drive is a line drive. If Rios was feebly rolling it over to the left side, I'd admit that. But the first several games he was hitting the ball very well.
  9. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 11, 2010 -> 02:06 PM) So I was out of town and missed the first 2 games of this series, but I was shocked to see he's batting so low. Based on this site, I thought he was batting like .300. To be fair for the first several games he was drilling line drives right at people. Last few games, not so much.
  10. Hawk, SHUT UP ABOUT THE THOME PITCH. God, f***ing drop dead already. Will Linebrink blow it?
  11. Williams is borderline worthless if he's going to s*** his pants any decent left hander steps up.
  12. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jan 5, 2010 -> 10:17 PM) Seattle's winning the AL West next year, hands down. With that fantastic 1-2 punch of Felix-Lee, a phenomenal defensive team, and good bats....just wow. They've come along way from the Bavasi fiasco. Like who? Figgins, Suzuki and Gutierrez are good, yes, but who do you rely on after that? Lopez is going to give you a .300 OBP, Griffey is simply awful, Bradley is a huge question mark and Jack Wilson might be the worst hitter in baseball. Who's going to catch? Is Kotchman going to come back and be above-average? Seattle will be better next year and they are heading in the right direction but they are going to have a bad, bad offense.
  13. Was referring to this: http://windward.hawaii.edu/facstaff/nuckols-j/KentState.jpg I know four people were shot there, but he, Jeff Miller, is best known. Calm down.
  14. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Nov 17, 2009 -> 10:32 PM) I wrote Cowley an e-mail talking about how I am a journalism major at Missouri and basically blasting his morals and ethics as a journalists. I told him that he is exactly the opposite of what we are taught journalists should be like. His response: "Go to law school kid. Do yourself a favor. And tell them Uncle Joe sent you. You'll thank me later." So says the person from the prestigious Kent State university, a school best known for Drew Carey and that one guy who got shot by the Ohio National Guard.
  15. QUOTE (joejoedairy @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 02:18 AM) sounds like he could be a stud Also sounds like BearSox has no clue what he's talking about again.
  16. QUOTE (kwolf68 @ Jul 6, 2009 -> 02:59 PM) Why is Flowers untouchable? He's a future DH...he's definately a masher, but he's not graded to be a major league catcher at all... To go further, why would Hudson or Jordan Danks be untouchable? If anything, they would be prime players to be traded because their stock is extremely high right now. You're talking about a GM who flipped de los Santos after one phenomenal year (and a better one than Hudson is currently having), so I don't see why anyone outside of Beckham and possibly Vicideo should be untouchable unless you're just ignorantly latching onto someone. Are the aforementioned players extremely valuable? Absolutely. Should they be untouchable? Of course not.
  17. Weather not so good, huh? Hopefully it clears up for tomorrow, as I've got tickets for the afternoon game (and will be taking a vacation day).
  18. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 08:18 PM) Looking at his stats then comparing them against one at bat. Pretty quality insight of what the player could be. *statistical analysis*
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