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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. I remember having fourth row seats behind homeplate for one of the ALCS games in '93. Damn shame we couldn't do more that year, but 2005 more than eases the pain.
  2. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Mar 25, 2008 -> 02:20 PM) If they haven't yet, why would they now...do they even have a C prospect that we would want? Don't you think we can get more for Crede if he can showcase himself? And there is no way I would compare Morgan Ensberg to Crede. Ensberg is crap and he never really had that great a glove. Crede, while not great in BA or OBP can still hit homeruns...he won't go 110 games without a HR like Ensberg did. And he'll still pick 'em. Again, its a crap situation, but it's the situation the Sox are presently in. And Fields in LF SUCKS! KW f***ed up immensely in his handling of Crede and needs to swallow his pride and bite the bullet and maximize his return for Crede while helping the team. Having Crede showcase himself only hurts the team.
  3. Over-under on the amount of games needed for KW to swallow his pride and jettison Crede and benchOwens in favor of Fields and Quentin? 50?
  4. You're extremely ignorant to think that a team like San Francisco or LA wouldn't give up a C prospect for Crede, especially now.
  5. QUOTE(SEALgep @ Mar 25, 2008 -> 03:05 PM) Were we suppose to release Crede? You trade him for anything. He's had one outlier year where he produced above-average offensively and the rest have been wretched for a third baseman. Add to the fact that he rarely walks, still struggles with anything offspeed off the outside corner and is coming off of major back surgery, trading him for a C prospect makes too much sense.
  6. Good to know that KW has his head lodged firmly up his ass. I'm waiting for the Masset over Wassermann selection any second now.
  7. It's not that Owens is a bad player - he definitely is - it's who he's blocking. There is no question in my mind that Carlos Quentin or even Brian Anderson could make a better all around impact than Owens. If Quentin is healthy, he should be patroling LF and hitting 25-30 HRs a year, period.
  8. Linebrink in for us, Zambrano for the Rockies.
  9. Ramirez with his second double of the game. Swisher doubles home two. BA 2-2
  10. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 07:59 PM) At the end of the day a valuable sports program is one of the most important things at a school. This is absolute bulls*** and you know it. Are all of the Ivy League schools good because of their prestigious sports teams? Does Cal Berkeley, any private liberal arts college, or even IU offer a great education because of sports? No, it's because former alumni donate to the school. Hell, the Kelley School of Business at IU pulls in tens of millions of dollars without any help of the basketball team. Hearing your asinine argument just wants me to have colleges abandon sports altogether and focus on education like they should. Universities were created to learn, not so you can play sports.
  11. If the aforementioned players do not travel to Northwestern, I'd be shocked. It would be such a selfish, immature thing to do that would not only tarnish any respect fans would have for them, but also destroy any prospect of them playing at a higher level than college ball.
  12. Trade a was a three way trade. Bulls gave up Wallace, Smith and Adrian Griffin for Gooden, Hughes, Simmons and Shannon Brown. Griffin goes to Seattle and the Cavs also get the Bulls' second round draft pick.
  13. QUOTE(daa84 @ Feb 7, 2008 -> 03:54 PM) sounds like the colorado rockies would really like josh fields I totally came here to post that.
  14. The troops flat out don't give a f*** if a team wears camouflage or not. It's a dumb, empty gesture that makes the players look like idiots.
  15. QUOTE(3E8 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 12:40 AM) <!--quoteo(post=1566653:date=Jan 29, 2008 -> 02:34 PM:name=Heads22)-->QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jan 29, 2008 -> 02:34 PM) <!--quotec-->80-44 w/Pods in 2005 19-19 without. I got as fed up with Pods as everyone the last couple of years, but it's borderline retarded to say that he didn't have a big effect on that 2005 team. That is not a scientific analysis. Year Record when Podsednik Starts Record when Podsednik doesn't Start Sox Winning % increase when Pods starts (%) 2005 80-44 19-19 29 2006 75-46 15-26 69 2007 31-25 41-65 43 It seems as though in the years you were fed up with Podsednik, he had a greater impact on our win total (using your method) than he did in 2005. We should get him back from the Rockies and start him no matter what, we would probably take the division. Neither is that. Correlation doesn't imply causality, and if you really wanted to see Pods's worth, you could just run a regression analysis.
  16. The Bradford, Walker and Baez signings are different from Linebrink and possibly Dotel because the aforementioned O's signings consist of a LOOGY a ROOGY and a guy that everyone knew sucked. I sincerely doubt Linebrink will put up an ERA of 3, but I'd suppose something along the lines of 4-4.5 is definitely plausible. With Dotel, assuming he's healthy, he's a top-notch setup man. I don't see the parallels between the two sets of players.
  17. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Jan 18, 2008 -> 12:16 PM) We guaranteed a 2nd year at $5.5 mil? I don't believe this contract until it's posted on the Sox website. I have no problem with $5.5 mil this season as we wouldn't have spent it on anything else anyways, but next year when the FA crop is much much better? Horrible if true. Kenny may be figuring that Konerko or Thome will be gone next year, so $5.5 million isn't too bad when you figure that in. Also know that Crede and Uribe will definitely be gone next year.
  18. BA Top 10 is up: 1. Aaron Poreda, rhp 2. Lance Broadway, rhp 3. Jack Egbert, rhp 4. Jose Martinez, of 5. Chris Getz, 2b 6. John Ely, rhp 7. Juan Silverio, ss 8. John Shelby Jr., of 9. Adam Russell, rhp 10. Kyle McCulloch, rhp Best Hitter for Average Chris Getz Best Power Hitter Brandon Allen Best Strike-Zone Discipline Chris Getz Fastest Baserunner Paulo Orlando Best Athlete Lyndon Estill Best Fastball Aaron Poreda Best Curveball Lance Broadway Best Slider Kanekoa Texeira Best Changeup Lance Broadway Best Control Jack Egbert Best Defensive Catcher Donny Lucy Best Defensive Infielder Robert Valido Best Infield Arm Juan Silverio Best Defensive Outfielder Paulo Orlando Best Outfield Arm Jose Martinez
  19. Flying into Chicago (from Houston) on NYE and then at a party with some friends in Western Springs. Back to college on the 3rd for my last semester.
  20. Texas, which I guess is home. Two years ago I moved from NW Indiana to Texas, but shortly thereafter I left to study in Germany for a year. The longest I've stayed here is probably a month.
  21. I'll throw my hat into the fray for s***s and giggles. 1) De Los Santos - He really earns this on projectability alone and because no one in the system shows as much upside as he does. Everything hinges on whether he can develop a solid changeup and stay healthy. If he can do those two things, and it's a big if of course, there's nothing holding him back from being a top of the rotation starter. Good GB/FB ratio as well. 2) Gio Gonzalez - Massive strides last season. Improved his control not only in regards to his K:BB, but also GB:FB. I've read articles saying that Gio worked very hard with Dotson, the pitching coach in AA, to refine his changeup and it looks as if the work paid off. 3) Jack Egbert - Flat out knows how to pitch. Extreme groundball pitcher who the Sox need to develop because of the Cell. While scouts have doubted his stuff, he's made up for it in showing a knowledge of pitching that has to be one of the highest in the organization. Needs to work a bit more on lefties. 4) Aaron Poreda - Unless he develops a consistent slider and changeup, he'll be the next Matt Thornton assuming his rotator cuff doesn't fray. 5) Ryan Sweeney - Seems to be sporting the Mark Teahen circa 2004 syndrome: an inability to consistently pull the inside pitch. Excellent arm and baseball instincts, but still seems a bit lost at the plate. When I saw him in Winston-Salem three years ago he still had major issues with his swing, although I did see him nail a light pole in RF. Suffering from an atrocious mismanagement by the Sox brass. Should be just now entering Charlotte. 6) Jose Martinez - Look, more reaching! Faded in the second half of the season, but played extremely well for his first season in the states. Huge upside. 7) John Shelby - Good A-ball performances are a dime a dozen usually, but not in the Sox farm system, which leads to his high ranking. Very encouraging amount of doubles. 8) Oneli Perez - A poor man's Luis Vizcaino at 8, Jesus. Gets the job done at least. 9) Chris Getz - And a probable utility player at 9. Small, little if any power, solid plate discipline, solid defensively....sounds like David Eckstein. 10) Alexei Ramirez - s***, why not?
  22. Good to know we're on the same page. It's a bit humorous seeing the hostility you're receiving for posting somewhat pessimistic opinions of "our" top prospects, but that's probably due to the state of the Sox farm system being as pathetic as it is. Random question, and this is only because this player is completely baffling to me: what the hell is with Lyndon Estill? For someone who averages a strikeout a little over every two ABs, how does he even walk, let alone make contact? After following him via box scores I just assumed he'd hover around .200 with no power.
  23. Bureau: Thanks for the posts because just about all of what you post is pretty damn enlightening. However, I'd like to make one general comment on the projection of de los Santos, that being that I always find it kind of odd how anyone can project pitchers in A ball. It seems to me that way too much assuming is going on, and it would be better for someone to take a wait-and-see approach. For example, just do this hypothetical for me: assume that de los Santos develops a 50 changeup, nothing special. Also assume that he won't get injured (a big stretch for just about any pitcher it seems). What does he project as then? Obviously this would bevastly different than if he can't throw a changeup to save his life, etc etc. I hope you see what I'm getting at here.
  24. I think the comparison to Omar Infante might be a little harsh. Outside of one outlier season he rarely showed power, and truthfully was never that great of a hitter. Not saying Ramirez is a lock to start hitting 25 bombs a year -- he won't -- but it sounds, and that's the key word, that he has more upside than that. I've read online that he's still pretty small (6'2/3 170 lbs), so power projections are probably silly to do anyways. A simple google search yields a pretty in depth scouting report of him from God knows who: http://bjarkmanlatinobaseball.mlblogs.com/...nal_team_s.html
  25. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Dec 20, 2007 -> 02:53 PM) So wtf is the rumored trade? I read this entire thread and not once have a seen what the rumored trade is. Coco and Bowden for what? Crisp and Bowden for Shelby and two other prospects.
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