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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jul 5, 2007 -> 08:30 AM) I can't see there being anyway Buehrle returns to the Sox, if we trade him. And at the small chance that would happen, there's no way we'd get him for as cheap as they're going now. Summed up perfectly. If Buehrle hits the FA market, the contract he's going to receive will be 7 yrs/~100 million. We'll never give up that type of money. That being said, Kemp would be a very nice return for a three month rental of Buehrle. Our OF for the immediate future is an absolute mess, and Kemp would plug a hole in either left or right. It would also be fairly easy to acquire Betemit as well considering his value right now is next to nothing. A B-level prospect (around the value of McCulloch) with Buehrle could get you a very good return.
  2. That's the only question we have, actually. The rest are of Heads asking for Eggy's personal information and fetishes.
  3. Q: Luke from Des Moines asks: Hey Chris, love the chats. Do you think the White Sox will sign any high-profile players this year?--I hear they want to have a bigger international presence. (By the way, at my game last Sunday, D-Ray's prospect Jeremy Hellickson's dad was the home plate ump.) A: Chris Kline: Haven't really heard them connected to anyone of significance, to be honest. If they want to have more of a presence in Latin America, that's cool, but I've heard that people in Venezuela weren't exactly fine with what happened in La Guaira last winter. Now big league bench coach Razor Shines was fired from there and players like Josh Fields, Ryan Sweeney, etc., left after Shines was gone. I know Ozzie Guillen and Joey Cora hold a lot of weight; but I don't think Chicago are going to be major players this year, anyway. I think the Cubs actually have more of a stronghold in VZ, no matter how much that hurts The Good Guys. Oops. Talent's better in the Dominican anyways.
  4. I'd love to see this lineup, assuming five players per side: NL: Howard Dunn Bonds Fielder Griffey AL: Thome A-Rod Morneau Vlad Jack Cust comedy option! God, lefties are murdering the ball this year home run wise.
  5. Ryan Sweeney's away splits: .248-2-13 .248/.322/.333 in 105 ABs Yeah, impressive numbers. Good to see we're developing Sean Burroughs II.
  6. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 10:50 PM) Day will be back soon enough. I just threw up a little. Why? Day wasn't pitching all that bad when he was up.
  7. Bristol and Kanny both played doubleheaders. Bristol got slammed again and nothing notable happened. Kanny played well and won behind a CG 2-hitter from Zazueta: http://web.minorleaguebaseball.com/milb/st...gboafx_kanafx_2 Miranda went 3-3, Allen 2-3 with 2 2B.
  8. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jun 30, 2007 -> 11:58 PM) Po-Yu Lin started for Bristol but only pitched the first two innings (scoreless) -- hopefully not an injury... Bristol has a bunch of guys starting off their minor league careers with a bang -- Logan Johnson, Jose Martinez (from Venezuela!), Sergio Morales and Jesus Avila are all smoking the ball, albeit in very very small sample sizes. I assume this Jose Martinez wasn't drafted -- if that's true, anybody know when we signed him? There was a long rain delay at Bristol. Lin is fine. Martinez was signed in 2005 I believe, as he played for our former VSL team last year. Not showing a lot of plat discipline this year, but I wouldn't be too worried considering he put up a healthy amount of walks last year. He's 18-years-old and 6'5 170, so he definitely has A LOT of room to grow. I wouldn't be surprised if he's pushed to Great Falls or even Kannapolis for a month before the year is over.
  9. QUOTE(BearSox @ Jun 30, 2007 -> 03:11 AM) correct me if I am wrong, but you can't do that in baseball. You cannot. This entire debacle, in my mind, reveals a smart part of what KW wanted to do with Buehrle. Number one being that he wanted to sign him to a reasonable deal and then just flip him one year later because he would be under control for three more years, thus shooting his trade value through the roof. Second, he's jacking up Buehrle's trade value by showing teams he'll sign for 4/$56 with a NTC. You'd figure just about every single team that isn't as cheap as us would have no problem doing that, especially Boston.
  10. And the Score is talking about the Bears. Typical.
  11. SInce I can't listen to the Score, keep me updated, people! I'm excited here in Germany!
  12. Miranda was promoted to Kanny.
  13. Brought him up better? Abercrombie never could hold down a steady gig in AA because he sucked. This guy has a worse understanding of the strike zone than Tom Collaro, and I thought that was damn near impossible to do.
  14. Dye Contreras Iguchi Yup, that's it.
  15. Cerbaho-WG


    QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 25, 2007 -> 01:21 PM) So know I don't know anything? Whatever. I know for a fact of people I know that have had issues in Canada with the healthcare system. I'm not going to go into it, but it has problems, and limited choices compared to what we have here. And, this is not Germany, it's America, where the government gets ahold of any program, they screw it up. Please tell me where I said that. I said "a good percentage", not once did I say all, the vast majority or whatever you're construing it to be. And like I alluded to in my post, you're basing your judgement on the US health care system on anecdotal experiences. I invite you to go to various places that have socialized health care or talk to people who come from said countries, but until then, it's a lot sound and fury signifying nothing. Lastly, could you please extrapolate on why whenever the American government gets a hold of something they f*** it up, but in many european countries they do just fine? Does economics and decision making enter an alternate universe when you go over the Atlantic?
  16. Cerbaho-WG


    QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 12:14 PM) No you don't, in comparison. Trust me. I've seen it from all sides. Bullf***ings***. I'm sick and tired of seeing conservatives mindlessly blabber about Canadians facing long lines because of socialized health care. It's absolute and utter s***, and the only reason why conservatives spout off this lie of an argument is because a good percentage of them have never used a socialized health care system and also negatively react to the stigma of the word "socialism". I've lived in Germany for ten months now and have had several encounters with the German health care system which is socialized. And you know what? It's fabulous. I come from an upple-middle class family that luckily can afford good health insurance and the German system is comparable if not better in every single aspect. The only negative aspect is that because I am not German, I am unable to receive the benefits that every German receives, namely the almost lack of doctor's fees and perscription costs. One of the questions I had when arriving in Germany that I wanted to pose to my flatmates was how they thought the health care system was run here in Germany and if it was inefficient or not. I have yet to hear a major qualm from my roommates, friends, professors, etc. I then asked about waiting months for an operation, and they debunked it as a load of s***. If you need an MRI or CAT scan, you will get it within a matter of days just like in America. If you need an operation that is not needed ASAP, it's put off for a bit, one or two months usually. But if you need a medical procedure shortly, you'll get it and not get charged up the ass for it. But I forget, this is America. Home of the free, land of the brave, and country sandwiched between Turkmenistan and Senegal for income equality.
  17. I hope it gets to the point where we start purchasing outfielder's contracts from low A ball. Because that would be awesome.
  18. Odd. I envision an outfield one day with arms like Podsednik, Owens and Jones. God, f***ing shoot me already.
  19. If Collaro ever gets a full season in the bigs, I'd put down a large sum of money that he hovers around the mendoza line while striking out more than 200 times. His best minor league comparison is probably Rob Stratton, and that is not a good thing.
  20. I'm willing to bet KW has taken notice of this and is shopping Contreras very hard right now.
  21. And for the second year in a row, my sleeper has gotten injured. I'm awesome.
  22. http://web.minorleaguebaseball.com/milb/st...ox&did=milb Floyd went 8.2 giving up just one earned run on six hits and two walks while striking out eight. June splits: 30.2 IP 21 H 5 ER 1 HR 7 BB 29 SO .188 BAA Pods went 3-4 with a HR. Why steal bases when you can hit home runs? Games that have not started yet Barons @ Chatanooga - Gio pitching W-S @ Potomac - Richard pitching Kanny @ WV - No probables Bristol @ Johnson City - No probables Great Falls v. Billings - Johnnie Lowe pitching
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