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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 19, 2006 -> 03:26 PM) Terrible signing, but the Cubs are in great position in their division now. I can't wait for Cubs fans to start planning their World Series parade. So Zambrano is starting 162 games then? Unless Prior manages to magically cure himself and they find thr...I can't even go on, that's too stupid a thought.
  2. ESPN Radio 1000 is reporting that the Cubs and Alfonso Soriano have agreed to an eight-year, $136 million contract.
  3. Hello from Germany, everyone. Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to Thanksgiving. Interesting if true. Otsuka and prospects (and Young too, amirite?) would be a good deal if Garcia would be heading to Texas, but not with Garland. If we somehow were to receive Young as well as prospects for Garland, would everyone be happy with the trade? Just throwing it out there. Also, Rotoworld has a report saying some rival GM said that Garland could be traded soon.
  4. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 20, 2006 -> 08:54 AM) Income Disparity: Irrelevant Negative Public Savings: Irrelevant Foregin Trade Defecits: Irrelevant How is any of that related to unemployment? So as long as we have an UER that is low, the other factors are pointless? Come on, you know UER isn't a good barometer for how well the economy is doing.
  5. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 20, 2006 -> 08:49 AM) It is. What's your issue? Man, this is too easy. Real wages falling, income disparity widening (even compared to medieval ages by The Economist of all publications), negative public savings, foreign trade deficits, do I have to go on?
  6. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 05:18 AM) And hopefully he comes out and does well, because we're really lacking in middle infield prospects right now. He has posted +.800 OPS's over the past month and a half though down at Great Falls, so he's really come on as of late like u said. Having an OPS of over .800 in the Pioneer League is nothing to write home about. Considering he came straight out of college and didn't produce well in Rookie ball, he's got a long, long ways to go.
  7. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 05:57 PM) The inside information is that he went on the DL for Sciatica earlier this year. They jabbed a needle in his spine(an epdidural to calm it down), if it was something minor they wouldnt of given him that. Before he was on the DL he was throwing the ball 95-97, and was pretty much over the top, dropping down only to give a righty a different arm angle. Now he is exclusively 91-92, and is throwing sidearm to every right handed hitter. You dont need to be sherlock holmes to figure this one out. This is sadly the case. On one hand you're glad to see Contreras give it his all out there, but on the other, he's injured and isn't helping the team. There's nothing wrong with taking September off, plug BMac into the rotation and hopefully come back in October with recharged batteries. With regards to what Mack said, he's earned even more respect from me. He's a great asset to have, but everyone except for Ozzie knows he should playing left field instead. Thankfully he contributes a lot from the offensive side of things.
  8. QUOTE(chisox72 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 12:09 PM) I've got it!! Lets trot a lineup out there today that says, "WE WANT TO WIN." Gload batting 1-9, got it.
  9. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 10:40 PM) Since the ASB, how many games better are the Sox than the Royals? Sox: 21-25 Royals: 19-30
  10. QUOTE(shoota @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 10:36 PM) PFB JUST GOT OWNED BY A DOCTOR ON THE POSTGAME SHOW. Caller: Contreras has an injured back and he's dropping down because it relieves tension on his lower back. PFB: I imagine dropping down causes more pain on his back than throwing over-the-top. Caller: NOPE. NOPE. PFB: What? What are you, a doctor? Caller: Yes, actually I am. Throwing over-the-top causes more torque on the lower back than dropping down. Owned/demolished/pwned/destroyed/etc. Damn.
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 10:35 PM) AJP or Pods? Speaking of AJP, I was watching the Royals broadcast, and after he fouled off the 0-1 pitch from Burgos, he yelled "f***" so loud that the on field mic picked it up. It was funny hearing the Royals announcers be quiet and having a dead silence after AJ introduced a few hundred thousand TV viewers to the f bomb.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 10:23 PM) Name me one aspect that Pods is better at than Gload? Grounding out weakly to the left side. Flying out weakly to the left side. Striking out looking. Misplaying fly balls. Do I have to keep going? Ha.
  13. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 10:20 PM) Playing Pods? Pods is the best we got in that option. Oz is playing the personnel KW gives him. ROSS f***ING GLOAD
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 10:16 PM) Tonight was a great example of station-to-station, swing for the fences baseball. All I know is that Gload deserves to start against righties...and Pods deserves to never start another freaking game. fahom, this is the post-game curse-a-thon thread, we say f*** 'round here. And trust me, if anyone deserves a bunch of angry epithets, it's Pods.
  15. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 10:14 PM) All I can say is, if you can't get a clutch hit you don't deserve to beat the Royals. Best at bat of the game was AJ's in the "rally" inning. Never seen a team score just 3 runs while batting 25 minutes. Amazing what a rut we are in. Gload's AB was nice, too. It's almost nice to see our hitters use the opposite field.
  16. Here it is, boys, the post-game thread. f*** f*** f***
  17. Redding pitched in relief a few days ago, but the rainouts probably allowed Shines to shuffle the rotation for the playoffs. Haven't seen Broadway start in a while...
  18. I'm surprised to see Sweeney called up. I've now interviewed another big leaguer, mwha! Too bad I'm off to Germany in two days so I'll miss most of the games in September.
  19. QUOTE(CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 12:27 PM) The race for the wildcard comes down to the season ending series against the Twins and Nevin gets key RBI's to help the Twins clinch the wildcard. Certainly that is a possibility and if it happens I'm pretty sure this board will be wailing and gnashing their collective teeth about how the Cubs screwed us. It's certainly a possibility that I'm not going to write off, but the Soxtalk members are going to direct their anger at Ozzie instead. Phil Nevin and Neifi Perez didn't blow numerous games for us with their excellent in-game managing, and I can guarantee you that nevin and Perez will help us win rather than lose.
  20. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 11:34 AM) Anyone heard anything? http://suntimes.com/output/sox/cst-spt-soxnt01.html Boone and Haeger for now. Obligatory BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE!
  21. QUOTE(CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 11:52 AM) Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed. What happened to the kindler gentler soxtalk ? Its posts like yours that discourage people to open new topics. I see the same topics every day rehashed over and over. There's only so many ways to express why JD should or shouldn't be batting 3rd . We're here to discuss events surrounding and effecting the Sox. Whether I think Hendry is helping or hurting our rivals is of no consequence. It happens once with Perez you forget it. It happens twice with Nevin ( 21 HR and 64 RBI combined with 2 teams this season) and it becomes something worth discussing. I object to the insulting nature of your post. If you feel the need to berate the post that is acceptable. Questioning my brain function is not and I am owed an apology. Your post did nothing to contribute to the discussion. Well, you're not going to get an apology, and I stand by my previous post. Come on, stand back and look at everything from a non tinfoil POV. Do you honestly think that the Tribune board of execs was camped up in their board room smoking cigars saying A: Guys, the Cubs once again are done, but I've got an ingenious plan for them not to be considered the equivalent of a little league team from Russia. B: Fire Dusty Baker? A: No, let's start trading players to help Detroit and Minnesota and defeat the White Sox. B: Sounds almost brilliant! So we trade Zambrano and Ramirez for top flight prospects? A: No! We give them Neifi Perez and Phil Nevin! Phil Nevin and Neifi f***ing Perez? Do you know how abysmal those two players are, especially Perez? Neifi Perez is still the same moron who attempted a bunt in the bottom of the 9th down two with two outs and two RISP. Phil Nevin stopped doing steroids a long time ago. Hendry is just unloading his mistakes on other teams gullible enough to believe that Perez and Nevin are still productive players.
  22. Quite possibly the worst thread ever at SoxTalk, and that's saying a lot from all the crap we've seen. Stop posting until your brain starts functioning.
  23. QUOTE(valponick @ Aug 31, 2006 -> 04:48 PM) Navarro hits .259 vs RHP and .289 vs LHP, but you're right he hits much better from the left side. Um, look at the sample size as a RHB.
  24. QUOTE(valponick @ Aug 31, 2006 -> 04:23 PM) Thornton had already pitched 1 1/3 innings when he gave up the bomb and a righty was coming up, we were up by 1 run and had a chance to make up a game on the Tigers and keep our distance from the Twins, he should have and could have used his bullpen better. Navarro is a switch hitter who is much better from the left side, so I have no clue what the hell you're talking about. Leaving in Thornton was the right call.
  25. Gotta love the pitch calling by AJ/whoever in the 10th. Man on 2nd, no outs, 1-2 count and you throw a changeup to a left handed hitter? Idiotic.
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