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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 07:32 PM) I assume by "good stuff", in context with our minor league pitchers, that is 88-90 mph fastball and an 80 mph curveball? Right? 94-98 MPH fastball. Making a lot of mistakes up in the zone, changeup is medicore but he keeps throwing it. Good curve and slider, though.
  2. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 07:58 PM) I oughta just shut the f*** up in the future. I do know Philly was getting roughed up in Charlotte. Sweeney and Fields have doubles at least. Sweeney's OPS is above .800, someone tell DrudgeReport.
  3. Add another one. Final line on McCullouch 6 IP 4 H 3 R 3 ER 2 BB 2 SO Whsiler also pitching for Bham, good start so far.
  4. QUOTE(beck72 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 04:50 PM) The current sox players seem to hit him pretty well, esp Dye, Thome and AJ. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/bvsp?playerId=2557 That and Moose's last four starts against us have been 0-3 6.75 ERA or something. I saw it scrolling on ESPN's Bottom Line. If we can win tonight, we'll have a huge amount of momentum on our side as we take on the Tigers. Tonight is a must win.
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 10:01 PM) Holy cow! That PK play where he didn't score really hurts now. Really, really hurts.
  6. Anything taken seriously by people who read FrontpageMag deserve knee shattering blows by a lead pipe. Seriously, the website is run by David Horowitz, that should scream "ABSOLUTELY F***ING STUPID AND FULL OF HYPOCRITICAL BS!" to anyone with a brain.
  7. http://imagesocket.com/view/nedlbac.JPG Suck it, Joe.
  8. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 08:02 PM) It would feel good to beat Wang QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 08:03 PM) Wait, by "scapegoating" (which Im pretty sure is a terrible use of the word) do you mean blaming Ozzie for the teams problems? Or blaming the problems on everyone but Ozzie? Because the way you worded it, it could go either way. Oh boy, break out the grammar police when it's not even necessary. Get a clue. Let me put in simpler terms for you: you're deflecting blame from certain players onto Ozzie because it fits your mindset that Ozzie is causing the majority of the problems on the team. I would say that Ozzie most likely didn't pull Mackowiak aside and say, "Hey, Rob, 20 bux says you can't hit into a double play here," and Rob rushed up there looking to hit into a DP. After he did, Rob then high five'd Ozzie, took the 20 bux and was quite satisfied with himself.
  9. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 07:58 PM) I'm a lot more game smart than Ozzie, obviously. You sure have no problems scapegoating Ozzie when it comes to the team's problems and then saying how other people could do a better job than he could.
  10. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 07:49 PM) Because Ozzie has no f***ing clue what he is doing. Anyone ever see the Dusty Dice? Who wants to photoshop that with Ozzie's name, Sox colors, and Sox players names? Instead of positions, it could have "bunt," "steal" etc. etc. I'll do it if no one else wants too. Ok, Mr. Omnscient, please tell us your sage advice because Wang has been arguably the Yankees' best pitcher and is bound to settle down. I mean there's no sense in running because no one has even stolen a base off of Jorge Posada. Hell, everyone knows Ozzie personally sent Cintron there. Will you shut the hell up? If you want to have a cynical wankathon where you hope for the Sox to lose so you can tell us how big your cock is, please go somewhere else. Cynicism is one thing, but it's another for some idiot possibly still in High School to parade around like he's the pinnacle of baseball logic.
  11. I don't want to defend Reuters at all, but the person who photographed the original Beirut photo has also had some pathetic photo ops of a dead kid being carried around...for like an hour. I'll try and dig up the link. It's quite pathetic/laughable that one of the largest news companis in the world could be so stupid. Damn, I think people are going to get the point if there's a huge tower of smoke coming from a building. You don't need to clone it so it looks World War II for us to understand some horrible stuff is going on in Lebanon. What's even better is that a lot of dolts are going to use this as an excuse that the liberal run jew hating f** loving media are blah blah blah blah. Islamofascist islamofascist I swear to God if I say islamofascist one more time I'm going to turn into David Horowitz and have tree roots coming out of my ass. Put the tinfoil down and go back to LittleGreenFootballs where you can fraternize with your racist brethren.
  12. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 10:32 AM) I was on E yesterday, and it was $3.09, disgusting. Were you in Bloomington? The cheapest gas in Bloomington is usually off of 45/46 before Martinsville at the BP heading northbound. The absolute cheapest I've seen was in Martinsville off of 67 at the BP before you get into Martinsville's main drag.
  13. 6-4 BoSox after Delcarmen tries to blow the game. Zobrist has all 3 RBIs, which is amazing considering he looks skinnier than BMac.
  14. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 6, 2006 -> 02:39 PM) I wanted him to quit saying the games are over. How's Texas, btw? Oh, thought you were talking about the bullpen management. It is funny how these 17 and 18-year-olds say they can manage better than big league managers. It's one thing to say that Ozzie can't manage the bullpen, but it's something else to say you or someone else can do it better. Texas is hot as spiff right now, and the Roger Clemens jizzathon is back in full swing. Roger could give up a 500 ft home run and the announcers down here would still find a way to praise him. "Well partner, with any other pitcher that ball would have went 700 ft! Man, isn't the Rocket great? The Astros are almost to .500 now!" *high fives in the booth*
  15. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 6, 2006 -> 02:30 PM) I'm sorry, but just fishing quit it. This get's really fishing old, especially when it turns out to be wrong more often than we think. Don't get upset when they have a point. Ozzie treats his starting pitchers like five-year-olds. As if them getting the wins makes the team play better than if a reliever gets the win instead. I'm waiting for Ozzie to break out the snacks and juice to make the starters feel better, because it's obviously more important to coddle your starting pitchers instead of using your brain.
  16. QUOTE(brijames @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 08:15 PM) Tigers about to pull out yet another miracle late inning win against the pathetic tribe pitching. Damn I hate the Tigers. Uh, what? It's the bottom of the 8th, no one's on, one out.
  17. Here's a list of prospects/players we've given up since 2003: Jeff Liefer Rocky Biddle Delvis Lantigua Royce Ring Edwin Almonte Andrew Salvo Anthony Webster Josh Rupe Franklin "Let's Throw Chairs at Spectators" Francisco D'Angelo Jimenez Gary Glover Scott Dunn Tim Bittner (We just signed him as a FA) Tim Hummel (Likewise with Bittner) Aaron Miles Matt Ginter Jeremy Reed Miguel Olivo Mike Morse Jon Rauch Gary Majewski Brad Murray Alex Escobar Ryan Meaux Gio Gonzalez Daniel Haigwood Chris Young Jeff Bajenaru Joe Borchard Javier Lopez B.J. LaMura Tyler Lumsden Daniel Cortes Bolded players have reached the bigs. Now out of all of those players, who has had a significant or just mediocre impact in the bigs? Francisco, Jimenez, Miles, Reed, Olivo, Majewski. The former prospect that has come back to hurt us the most is.... Gary Majewski. Yes, after depleting our minor league system, the most valuable player we gave away was Gary Majewski (thus far). There's nothing saying that Gonzalez, Young or Lumsden will be better or worse than Majewski, but the past several years have shown us that we've given up very average players from our minor league system.
  18. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 2, 2006 -> 02:11 PM) I'll give you guys a clue. I don't think Jason wanted Boone Logan on the list at all, but he made it. Cerb you forgot Rogo on the premise that our system is REALLY bad. I left Rogo out so you could plug in a guy from the DSL so it looks like we might actually know something.
  19. From the obvious three of Fields, Broadway and Sweeney, there's: Logan Tracey Phillips Haeger Nanita Liotta Whisler Gomes Valido Egbert Harrel Perez Russel Cunningham Richard Chirino That's 19. For the other one just take a guy from the DSL or something.
  20. QUOTE(S720 @ Jul 29, 2006 -> 06:08 PM) And that's one of the reasons why he won Manager Of The Year in 2005. Oh give me a break. Ozzie was the benficiary of a very good team and received a lot of lucky breaks. Are you honestly telling me that Ozzie has a goddamn clue when it comes to his bullpen?
  21. Once again Ozzie shows he's a great cheerleader but a clueless manager. I mean, honestly, Ozzie is one of the worst managers I've ever seen in managing the bullpen.
  22. Bases jacked, pull him, Ozzie, you dumbf***.
  23. Time to watch real baseball; I'm going to watch MIN-DET.
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