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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. Cerbaho-WG

    Summer Vacays

    Work is vacation for me. From September 2006 to July 2007, I'll be in Freiburg, Germany. Travel dstinations while in Europe: Basel, Switzerland Paris, France Shannon, Ireland Lake Ohrid, Macedonia Reykjavik, Iceland
  2. Zidane has a history of this sort of thing, as does Materazzi. Zidane stomped a Saudi in a match, and I've heard he climbed into the stands to beat the s*** out of someone when he was met with a Hitlergrüss. That being said, Materazzi probably provoked him verbally, which is really no excuse, but I was giddy seeing the replays. Italy rivals Portugal for dives, which is an incredible feat, and looked like s*** today. France controlled the entire game in the second half and AET, and Italy was lucky to run into such an atrocious goalie like Barthez.
  3. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 11:20 PM) And herein lies the disconnect between us. You simply have no clue whatsoever the consequenses of classified information reaching the wrong people. You simply have no idea what it is like to conduct a raid on a building and have the guys inside tipped off that you're coming. The NYT leaking this information to Al Qaeda is no different from some worm getting a sniff about an op we have laid on and telling the intended target about it. The price for such conduct is paid in blood. Ok, you've posted five different analogies that have been blown out of proportion. We get it. This is not giving battle plans to the enemy, this is not leaking nuclear secrets to Russians, this is not sabotaging the War on Trrrr. Let's not be naive and use our brains for once: do you honestly think that terrorists organizations are so dumb that they're funneling money to buy RPGs and AK-47s out of major banks? Are you that myopic? It's the same argument with the wiretapping going on. People are assuming that terrorist cells are just using landlines and cell phones to communicate with each other. These people aren't idiots, and I think we learned that five years ago. You want to blame someone for outing this dirty little secret, blame your own damn government. f***ing Dept. of Treasury, WHY DO YOU HATE FREEDOM?
  4. Let's add to the fire a bit: http://www.progressiveboink.com/dugout/archive/jon53.html Yet again, sarcasm rules the day and describes the situation better than anyone thought.
  5. Due to this thread, I now need to make a beer run. Assholes. Also, my favorite cheap beer is Baltika No. 9 from Russia. I got a case of 20 pint bottles from a Polish neighborhood in Chicago for $22. 8% ABV and it tastes very good. As my friend commented, "Wow, I didn't know they bottled God's nutsack sweat."
  6. QUOTE(My Dixie Normus @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 07:04 PM) When you call someone a ***, you generally are attemting to insult the guy because the word has a negative context. If he called him an asshole, should all the assholes in the world be insulted? He called him a s*** and garbage. Is Mr. Hanky going to be protesting Comiskey Park? I don't expect to see a pink picket line outside the ball park anytime soon. But if it did happen, I would trample that line to get in. What is this? The Brady Bunch? Ozzie: Jay is being a real stinker!! Jerry: Ozzie, you know I don't like that word! Ozzie: Sorry Jer, but he is. Paaaleeese. Edit - Bwahahahahahaha!!! Sox Talk profanity filter blocks out the word!!!! I move that in support of Ozzie, the Admins change the filter to have the word allowed. -Man Law- You cannot be this shallow, right? *** has more of a negative connotation than s***head, asshole or any other "tame" slur. It is in the same league as sexual/ethnic slurs. Even though using the terms gay and *** are now pretty widespread, it's still no excuse for someone to use the word because it is still a highly volitaile and virulent thing to call someone. To a lot of people, it's the same as calling someone a k*** or n*****. Make no mistake, though, this is being blown well out of proportion only because Mariotti works for ESPN. Do I have a problem with Ozzie using the word ***? Yes. Is it a huge problem? Hell no. An aside, can we stop this man law s***? Did you guys finally get tired of Chuck Norris jokes and had to find something else immature to make you laugh?
  7. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 01:19 PM) Gomes is on the team and Sweeney isn't? Hmmm....ok. Ugh.....I know we got Thome....but ugh..... He's not been pitching as well as haigwood lately, and I find it hard to fret over losing two guys who have ERAs around 3.5 in AA. As for Sweeney not being on the team, you take one world player and one American player from each organization. Thus, you cannot have Sweeney and Fields representing. Unless certain circumstances come up (one team not having enough of one position), two players on one roster doesn't happen much.
  8. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 03:08 PM) Slightly off topic Most homosexuals are not offended by the word "***". If you call them a homosexual male "***", they say, "Ya, so what?" If you call a man a "***", he usually laughs it off. If you call a man a "***" and he gets upset and tries to defend himself, why does he feel the need to prove himself? This has been brough to you by the men of the square table. You obviously don't have many gay friends. Gays usually take extreme offense at a random person calling them or any other gay person a ***. It's something completely different when a gay person calls another gay person a ***. My best friend is gay, and while he calls some other gay people ***s, I usually abstain from saying it because I know it's not PC for me to do so. Your men of the square table really deserves no comment, but I thought we evolved PAST cro-magnon man humor, yes?
  9. QUOTE(minors @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 12:44 AM) A CHILD IS A CHILD there it doesnt matter to me how far along it is. So that is why I abstain. If the women is raped yes it is still murder and family same goes for a family member and anytime the mothers life in jeopardy then it isn't It becomes a life saving procedure. Now why are people like Cerbaho, Heads, Lowercase, Rex and the liberals against the Death Penalty that kills thugs but yet gleefully defend abortion or "right to choose"? A killers life is more worth saving that an innocent helpless baby? Because in my mind it isn't murder, although I'm opposed to third trimester abortion where the fetus is fully formed. Look, if you're having an abortion through RU-486 (the day after) arguing that you're killing something is completely asinine. You're flushing out some dividing cells which could or could not be naturally aborted anyways. When you move up to the fetus stage, it's "life" is dependant on the mother. Take out a second trimester fetus and it's not going to survive on its own. Likewise with a first trimester fetus. You're not destroying life, because life hasn't even occured. Many doctors agree that a fetus cannot feel pain up until six months, and you're really going to argue that you're killing life when this fetus doesn't even have basic motor functions? And many have twisted the facts to support their own agendas. But if people are going to cry "damn liberal jew run media," here's a report from the Journal of the American Medical Association, which last time I heard was unbiased, but I could be wrong: http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/short/294/8/947
  10. Notice how Nuke and minors completely abstain from trying to define what an unborn child is to them. Is it a blastula or a fetus? Is a third trimester fetus different from a second? What if its organs aren't fully developed like every single fetus (ever)? What if a miscarriage occurs after the embryo is formed? What if the woman goes into septic shock? What if the woman is raped? What if the woman is raped by a family member? It's still life isn't it?
  11. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 04:46 PM) Here is a discussion question on that topic... Which would be more effective - creating a viable third party, or having the leaders of one party or the other drag the party back towards the middle? Answer: abolish the electoral college.
  12. Listen: Showalter obviously dislikes the White Sox and Ozzie, and it's pretty clear that he ordered Pierzynski thrown at. You know why? Because he wanted to get under our skin. Mission f***ing accomplished. This is avoided if Ozzie doesn't throw a hissy fit like a four-year-old, or if we don't decide to start throwing at the Rangers to prove how big the team's collective dick is. And on top of that, Ozzie completely demoralizes Tracey, who could help us during the season if Politte doesn't get better. Make a point this way: Win tomorrow, take the series. Texas won't be in the playoffs, and we probably will. Let them feel content on the golf course while we're still playing in late October.
  13. QUOTE(minors @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 12:36 PM) First of all I do not believe that murdering your unborn children is a constitutional right no matter what the courts say. You know, usually when you start off a post with "First of all," you keep elaborating on your point. Secondly, what to you is "an unborn child?" Is it a group of cells right after the sperm enters the egg, a fetus, or third trimester fetuses? You can't be be vague and expect to be taken seriously. I'll leave it at this: abortion shouldn't be an important issue right now. There are much more important things to discuss, and just because some states and fundies think they're being attacked because a woman can have the right to choose to have a pregnancy is ludicrous. But I forgot that the most important topics today are about gays, abortion, and flag burning.
  14. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 12:58 PM) Isn't the CR ranked high? #2.
  15. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 12:03 PM) My ideas were a lot more forceful and stringent. Decriminalizing illicit narcotics is the wrong answer. What should be done, and Ive talked about this before, is for simple possession of a small amount of weed the offender should be fined. If you're caught selling or with larger quantities only then should there be prison. As for the harder stuff like the coke, heroin and such, the answer lies at the source. What should be done is all known coca fields should be burned, napalm is a good way to carry that out, and the homes of drug barons should be flattened, preferably with them and their families inside. Back here at home, anyone caught selling cocaine or other hard narcotics should be executed and fed to the fish. I have no sympathy whatsoever for those who make money selling poison to our children. You do realize that this theory, like many of yours, is overly simplistic? I don't want to waste time trying to say how asinine I think it is, but do you honestly think the world would go along with such American dick wagging? Don't tell me that other counrties should accept this, start thinking in real terms and try to imagine the responses after you start napalming coca fields in Bolivia.
  16. The Sox drafted him in the 14th round of the 2003 draft out of Florida International, and has hit ever since he joined the organization. Why am I mentioning him? Because even though he's left handed, he could provide as a stop gap in center field if the brass decides Sweeney should stay in AAA. Why Nanita? He's a hitting machine: Career .304 average coming into this year Hitting well this year: Around .290 currently Excellent batting eye: Has more walks than strikeouts CF is his natural position: He played it overwhelmingly at FIU Why not? He's 25 and in AA Not a lot of power (although he hit about 30 doubles last year) So with Jerry Owens tearing it up at a .224 clip in Charlotte, how about, IF Anderson goes down, give Nanita a chance and let Anderson and Sweeney keep hitting in Charlotte. While he is a complete darkhorse, Nanita has gotten zero love from FutureSox or anyone for that fact. I think it's time he's thrown into the mix for consideration.
  17. QUOTE(farmteam @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 02:28 PM) I haven't read the thread, but is Samardzija gone yet? What about the Sox taking a chance on him in the later rounds? He's a big Sox fan but he won't sign. If we do select him, it'd be an easy interview considering he lives five minutes away and I've had several classes with him.
  18. QUOTE(southsida86 @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 02:05 PM) Anybody know anything about this kid? Has a lot of room to project, as he's only 5'11 170. His curveball from the video is absolute murder on lefties, has a huge two plane break.
  19. White Sox select Justin Edwards, LHP, Olympia HS
  20. Heads already has McCullouch's phone number. Jesus. (13:58:17) aernst022: if all else fails (13:58:21) aernst022: we facebook/myspace (13:58:21) aernst022: haha
  21. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 01:43 PM) Why didn't we take a power pitcher with our first pick? I'm sick of safe picks. Maybe there wasn't a shot at one, but does anyone know why? I'm sure there's more knowledgeable guys than me on this board. Because you want to get a return on your draft picks, and this draft is considered very weak. Safe picks usually produce very well up until AA, and then can be flipped for major leaguers who are already producing. Or they can be very good middle of the rotation starters, which don't fall out of the sky.
  22. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 01:37 PM) From watching the scouting video, he sits at 91-93 (so I could see him touching 94-95) and had a really nice breaking pitch, an 11-to-5 hook (clocked at about 78 MPH). Also had good movement in on righties and away from lefties with his fastball. I like the pick. From a guy with prior elbow surgery, he has a really easy throwing motion.
  23. http://muredhawks.cstv.com/sports/m-basebl...ong_matt00.html Stats: 36.2 IP, 27 H, 13 BB, 38 SO, 9 ER, 2.21 ERA
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