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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 15, 2006 -> 01:54 PM) Also they make the assumption AGAIN that as legal immigrants they will still get paid a static wage. There will be no more illegals working for sub-minimum wage when/if they are made legal. It blows the cornerstone out of this guys arguement about keeping prices down. What the hell are you even talking about? Do you honestly believe that the wage increase once these people are legal would be so great that it would monumentally cause costs to increase? That's utter bulls***, and I'd love for you to actually back up your argument to blow these "guys", both of whom are economics professors at UC Berkley and Geroge Mason (Card and Cowen), out of the water. Once legal, illegals won't be being paid $20/hr, it's unskilled labor for crying out loud.
  2. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 15, 2006 -> 12:28 PM) Ah, having our cake and eating it too I see. Where exactly should we keep putting people, without plowing under farm land? Higher highrises? Also how are we going to feed more people, with less farmland, meanwhile importing less food and growing more of our own. Sounds like a little self-contradictory to me. Marginal Revolution...for the win! http://www.mercatus.org/article.php/1690.html
  3. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ May 14, 2006 -> 10:27 PM) I can deal with them, but I don't see the fascination. It's mind boggling that some people call them music geniuses. Oh God, it's so hard not slamming you into the ground based on your post and sig. So f***ing hard. Truth be told, their newer stuff doesn't interest me that much, but they still kind of made OK Computer. I heard that was okay. Confirm/deny?
  4. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 13, 2006 -> 11:02 AM) "...They take the pressure off stage performance with fantastic videos they project behind them...." We are supposedly talking about a live, rock n roll show, right? To each his own, but I find it ridiculous that these guys are categorized as rock music. They're records should be in the 'ambient' section right behind that Moby record that was mostly silence occasionally interrupted by sounds of a leaky faucet and f***in wind. Yeah, man, f*** those Icelandic freaks who don't play formulaic rock and roll that's been beat into the ground for the past decade. If you honestly think Sigur Ros is ambient, see them live, if not, you can be an ignoramus somewhere else. Please try and label them ambient after listening to Hjartad Hamast, Ny Batteri or Untitled #8. Brian Eno is ambient, William Basinski is ambient, you're just flat out wrong. I mean, the only apt analogy I can find is like you listened to half of Mogwai's catalog and labeled them quiet. You're so wrong you're unbelivable.
  5. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 14, 2006 -> 07:59 PM) 1, and I'll take the under..... Takin' the over.
  6. So what's the over/under on the amount of runs Mark gives up next inning?
  7. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 14, 2006 -> 07:45 PM) Or, that's why we should have brought Sean up. Unless Auggie can go 4 innings and Mark continues getting beat like a dusty rug, we could have really used a long man. Gage and I will pitch for free, although I did sprain my throwing shoulder two days ago.
  8. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 14, 2006 -> 07:40 PM) What does Charlie Haeger have to do with 2 double play balls that were f***ed up? You know, we wouldn't have to burn through our pen if Haeger got another chance. Now McCarthy is starting for no reason and we have no long man in the pen. Really, really stupid decision by the organization.
  9. Buehrle s***s the bed again after the offense gives him a cushion. Time to do some research!
  10. Anything over 20% is considered highly enriched uranium, so there needs to be a whole lot more information before people start calling for a bombing campaign. That being said, I'd give Iran a few years before they can make a crude weapon. If they just enriched uranium, which is a pretty heavy assumption to accept, then there is no way they can make a nuclear arm in such a short period of time (months). Years, yes, but months, no.
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 11, 2006 -> 07:20 AM) The thing is with a little luck on injuries, the Royals could be a decent team in a couple of years. They have a TON of great young pitching arms, and some hitters who just need some seasoning... but it seems like they are just jinxed. Heck thing about the problems already this year. Their number 1 starter just came back from Tommy John, their number 2 starter had somekind of personal problems which knocked him out for a long while, they closer got hurt during the spring, their franchise player has a horrible back... Heck there was a game against us where in May, KC trotted out a line up with 3 total home runs between all of the starters. We had 5 guys in our starting line up with at least that many. If KC were to spend a little bit of money on some solid vets who could knock in some runs, AND stay healthy, they could be a good team with no injuries. The next GM/MGR here could look like a genius for doing very little. I disagree whole heartedly. While KC does have some very good pieces in their farm system (Alex Gordon, Billy Butler, Huber looks pretty good), they have absolutely zero pitching outside of Grienke and Sisco. And when you throw your FA money at people like Redman, Elarton, Sanders and couple it with some abysmal trades (Wood, Buck, Teahen(, it's obvious the problem isn't bad luck, it's poor management.
  12. QUOTE(Harry&JimmyRocked @ May 10, 2006 -> 11:53 PM) obviously your life sucks bad enought to be the "tough talking message board guy" s*** guise he got me real good
  13. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 10, 2006 -> 11:37 PM) Tracey, 22 BB in 30.2 IP. You guys must hate him already. He was sent back to the starting rotation in Charlotte and cut down his walks pretty well in his last two starts. But yeah, so many walks, he's doomed to fail and we should ship him out for veteran scrap heap ASAP.
  14. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 10, 2006 -> 11:27 PM) Haeger needs to learn how to throw the kunckleball for strikes if he wants to be sucessful in the majors. But he showed enough tonight to suggest that he definitely has a future at the major league level if he can improve on that. He just needs more time to "refine" his stuff, if you will, as Cerb said. I think he'll be fine, if not good in the long run. He's already worked with Hough, and Phil Niekro has offered to help him as well. He's 22 with only one full season above A ball. His stuff moved everywhere, and it was much nastier than Wakefield.
  15. QUOTE(Harry&JimmyRocked @ May 10, 2006 -> 11:30 PM) get your lips off of his behind and your tongue outta his ***. he IS a scrub. he's a gimmick pitcher. he's at best an innings eater on the tampa bay devil rays. he doesn't belong on this roster. with the off day they could have skipped JC's spot in the rotation. THAT would have been the smart thing to do. so lets see what happened tonight. 1) we lost 2) used almost everyone in the bullpen 3) the bullpen blew up 4) we lost i guess we just differ. u preach patience and losing baseball. i'm a win at all costs kinda guy. u take the rookies and i'll take the established starters. Win at all costs by raping and pillaging the farm system? Joe Crede sucked pretty bad for about two years, so I guess he'd be shipped out? Anderson? f*** him, can't hit above .200. Cotts? Man, remember that game in New York? Garland? Mediocre. You prove my point that you're an ignorant fanboy all too well.
  16. QUOTE(Harry&JimmyRocked @ May 10, 2006 -> 11:00 PM) no way he stays with us. funniest thing is that supposedly everyone LOVES the knuckleball. we got more time on BBTN for this scrub than we do for having the best record in baseball. send him packing now and maybe get someone in the bullpen that can actually get guys out. All of you idiots calling for Haeger to be shipped off with no return are complete and utter fanboys. One start, one mistake is all you people need to s***can someone. He was obviously nervous as hell pitching for the World Champions in substitution for arguably the best pitch in all of baseball. If anyone thought he was going to be gangbusters and pitch even relatively well was naive. This guy is 22, has 20 starts above A ball with a knuckleball and he's a "scrub" already? Does anyone get second chances in the universe you live in? He was obviously upset as he was routinely yelling at himself after f***ing up. You're theorizing taking our best piece of the bullpen now and throwing him out there for a mere start when it's obvious we need him in the pen. If Contreras is out long term, then by all means McCarthy should be in the rotatioin, but to toss someone aside after one start is mind boggling. You know what McCarthy's numbers were after being called up for the first time? Less than stellar: 25.1 IP 31 H 22 ER 9 BB 17 SO Who else are the Sox going to throw into the fire for seemingly one start? Tim Redding? Lance Broadway? And what if they fare the same as Haeger? Where do you go from then? You people simply cannot judge someone on one start or you'll have a revolving door 25 man roster. Asinine.
  17. Xanax + alcohol = you sleeping for a long, long time. I was perscribed .25 mg and 1/4 would make me fall asleep in about 10 minutes. Alcohol could only make things better assuming you want to sleep 12+ hours.
  18. Cerbaho-WG

    Summer Jobs

    QUOTE(Texsox @ May 8, 2006 -> 04:22 PM) Anyone interested in a summer job on South Padre Island? It will be for 6-7 weeks and involve sailing, wind surfing, snorkeling etc. You must be 21 or older and available for a week of training later this month, somewhere close to you. PM me with any questions. And, if not, what cool summer internships and jobs is everyone lining up? Sounds cool. I'm actually moving to Spring, TX in late June/early July and will be 21 as of seven days from now. Looks as if I may have a job lined up at Texas City, though.
  19. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 8, 2006 -> 05:08 PM) Haeger isn't being called up to make more than 1 or 2 starts. I think this is mainly precautionary. No reason to have him go early on and end up adjsuting his delivery because he's in pain and than having him blow his elbow or tear something in his shoulder because he's adjusting from the pain in his hip. Stop derailing the thread by making sense, Jason. Sheesh.
  20. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ May 8, 2006 -> 05:06 PM) No but someone on WSI posted last night about Contreras limping off the field terribly before yesterday's game after playing long toss. I guess he was with his kids waiting in an autograph line and saw him limping. Someone in line said he jumped for a ball and when he landed he was hurt. Its very possible he hurt in throwing on the side Saturday as has been reported, but thought it was fine, only to aggrevate it Sunday. The guy who posted this posted it last night so I'm betting he is telling the truth. Sounds like a variation of Buehrle shagging fly balls and injuring his foot last year. If it's true, we need to purchase some protective bubbles for the starting five.
  21. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ May 8, 2006 -> 04:52 PM) We are in a bad way right now. The no injury streak has run out and conflicting reports have Dye still hurting. F. f***ing hell, calm down. We don't know the extent of Jose's or Jermaine's injury and you're ready to jump off the bridge. Give it a few days and more details will come out.
  22. QUOTE(bmags @ May 6, 2006 -> 03:49 PM) i only had a German final i wasn't worried about...plus i'm sick as hell right now. Good for you though man you are gonna have an awesome time. Do you know anything about auditorium theatre? Honestly i've never heard of it, let alone gone... It seats about 4,000 people and has world renowned acoustics. Probably one of the better places in the world to see anyone.
  23. At the Freiburger Münster in March.
  24. QUOTE(bmags @ May 6, 2006 -> 02:56 PM) yeah, i had finals so i couldn't wait up all night waiting for the suprise sale... It's finals and you weren't up all night? I was up until 6 AM anyways, so it was just a bonus before I got 3 hours of sleep.
  25. I also got tickets to the 20th, but I got in on the super spiffy WASTE presale, so I apparently get the best seats or something.
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