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Not sure if anyone else has thought this but when I watch the games it looks to me like DJ is stoned out of his mind when they put the camera on him his eyes always look like he just got done smoking a fatty.
I will take a ticket just lmk what I owe you.
AJ may be getting traded??? This was said in the st. Paul Pioneer press today. "Word in Chicago is that the White Sox are having second thoughts about their acquisition of ex-Twins catcher A.J. Pierzynski, and might try to trade him soon." Sorry if this has been posted but I just seen it and didnt see anything mentioned on here. This would really shock me if it were true. http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/s...rs/11253831.htm that is the link you may need to sign up for it but it there. Nothing more was stated but was I put in this message though.
Yahoo Fantasy Baseball sign ups!!!
The_Godfather replied to southsider2k5's topic in PTC/Contest/Fantasy Board
Need league info for league 6 who ever is the comish let get it going. -
Yahoo Fantasy Baseball sign ups!!!
The_Godfather replied to southsider2k5's topic in PTC/Contest/Fantasy Board
You can set me up in one of the leagues as well I look forward to winning it this time around. -
QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 18, 2005 -> 09:55 AM) Nope, he is old enough. He was the shorter guy with glasses that was almost straight across from you guys. Saturday he was right next to Oz Jr. while he was over there. Where do you bowl at Steff??? What Night???
I was just watching Mike & Mike in the morning on ESPNNEWS and they said the Sox signed dye for 2 years 9 million dollars. I like the move he shoule be able to fill Maggs shoes rather nicely.
Wouldn't mind having those two at all. Kendall solves two holes for us Catcher and leadoff man. Althought I have my concerns with Dye staying healthy he would put up monster numbers here at the cell. I could live with it though. If we bring in Dye what do we do with Everett though Thomas is a Lock at DH, unless they move him to 1B which I dont see happening since they want to shore up our D. Maybe Lee takes over at 1B and everett moves over to LF I know I read somewhere that Lee plays 1B during fielding drills. Should be interesting to see what comes of this.
Here is what Im saying regarding this..... If we can sign him to Minor League contract why the hell not??? What would it hurt us? He possible could really be a huge help in the late Innings, and if he sucks it up you can just release him not really that big of a deal. Defense Defense Defense. This guy is a GREAT defensive Catcher with a rocket for an arm. How does this help the sox by keeping basestealers or would be basestealers at first instead of running on us and being in scoring position. Another you sit here and say over and over how much hitting at the cell would help your guys you want does that not apply to Diaz??? He would be an upgrade. Byrnes is not even close to the same player Lee is you have got to be out of your dam mind. There is no comparing Carlos with Byrnes this is one topic that is just stupid. Byrnes is a bottom of the order guy while lee is a perfect number three -five hitter. I would gladly pay him the 8 million then trade him for byrnes. What kinda Sos fan are you that you would be so eager to trade our best player for a BUM...READ IT A BUM. If just cause Byrnes avg. and homers. and whichever other stats have gone up each of the last three years makes you think that its such a good move let me ask you this then. Would you trade Lee and his 8 million for a guy like Coco Crisp??? NO you wouldnt why?? Cause your not getting market value for him we Coco Crisp numbers have gone up three straight years as well and his ops has gotten better and he's cheap. My point is this Lee is a MVP type player you dont trade those type of players with out getting someone who is similar to him whether it is a pitcher or hitter. Well you can't ignore bad numbers and he has had some bad numbers before last season. Man I swear you said the same thing about Beck didn't you??? Lets see Yep sure as hell seems like you did say that huh now who is making contradicting statements. So let me get this right it's ok for your guy to have bad numbers the guy you want to trade Lee ( OUR BEST HITTER )for, but its not ok for beck to have bad number who I would sign for a minor league deal yea that makes alot of sense. Like I said before I would still rather pay Lee an extra 7 million then trade him for Byrnes. Do you have his posters hanging in your room??? cause this love affair of yours is really blinding your sight cause im sure everyone on this board would agree with me you dont trade Lee for him. The whole first part I dont even know what the hell your talking about, I never stated I wanted Koskie I think he would be a waste of money considering you yourself have him projected at 260 and 280 avg with 25-30 homers for I dont know lets be easy here and say 4 million. My question is why waste the money we have a guy who plays solid D at thrid and can hit 250 with 25 homers where is the benfit of adding Koskie. Not to mention that he is VERY injury prone I want nothing to do with the guy. Oh one more thing Crede makes guessing here but I would say less then a million per year right now. So were gonna just add three million on to the payroll for no reason ... WOW that is Genius Sorry just a risk I would rather not take. BTW they have a huge group of Latin players in Anaheim and he was still a problem. Think it would be a mistake, not taking away from his talent but I would just as much take a pass on him. Catchers are there to call games, play solid Defense, and keep baserunners from stealing which Diaz can do. It is very important to have a good defensive Catcher one who can stop wild pitches and hold base runners could help decide games by limiting the other teams from running , hit and run plays and so on. Not to mention it also helps the pitchers when they have confidence in the guy behind the plate. So even if he hit 250 he would still be a solid pickup based on his Defense alone and would help us win some games from the vantage. Look at it like this Lowe "redsox" had early leads in Both of the games that he started during the playoff's Both because he had leads which allowed him to go after hitters harder then if he was trailing or knotted up at 0. That is how an offense helps your pitching staff it takes the pressure off them byt scoring runs early which takes the burden off the pitchers some. BTW My offense is A hell of alot better then yours so PLEASE dont compare them cause there is no comparison. We both feel strongly on our own idea so I will just agree to disagree with you cause now this is just getting to the point where we are repeating the same statements over and over again and the post keep getting longer and longer. I still wouldnt do that trade though JMO.
[ ] Instead of focusing on his bad numbers 2 out of the five years why not look at the great numbers he has put up in 3 of those years including a 1.70 era 20 sv's with a 1.07 whip as recent as 2003??? [ ] Again Diaz is a great Defensive C with a rocket for an arm... As for his offensice skills that is a judgement call but I say he could easily out hit the guys we have right now. [ Even if you take out the prospects you still dont do this trade. Byrnes is not as young as you may think he will be 29 on opening day 2005 for your information. As for his numbers being so great you compare then with CLee and tell me it worth it. The Players you want http://bigleaguers.yahoo.com/mlbpa/players/6558/career Eric Byrnes stats http://sports.yahoo.com/mlbpa/players/6245/career Tim Hudsons Stats The players you want to Give up plus prospects and 6 million http://sports.yahoo.com/mlbpa/players/6161/career Carlos Lees Stats http://sports.yahoo.com/mlbpa/players/5908/career Paul Konerkos Stats Byrnes is not that good he has had one good year and yea it was better then is season in 03 when he hit .263......263 yes .263 which last time I checked wasnt something I would not like to have at the top of my order and BTW he is 29!!!! not really what I call Young. Much rather Keep Lee thank you very much he is YOUNGER and BETTER!! [ .] Koskie is not really a need for us I'm ok with us going into the season with Crede at 3rd base I think he will finally put it all together this season. If im not mistaken Koskie hit something like .250 last year yea he had 25 homers big deal.This is not a need for us If crede really sucks that bad we can just move urbie over to third. As for Guillen NO THANKS he is a Cancer and would not mix well with the group of guys we have chemistry is everything in sports if your clubhouse morale is down you can forget about winning anything for that simple reason I pass on Jose let someone else take him off the Angels hands I want no part of the guy. [ . ] No they wont trade him they have invested too much into him to turn around and trade him for a guy they will only have for maybe 2 years. Think about it the Yanks waited two years before trading Conteras why do you think cause they still had hope he would get better that is the same thing they will do it Vazquez. Now the whole D-Backs going younger well If im right here PK is only 28 which is not Old but not young either but assuming that the chois is PK and a prospect for Randy or Jorge which they already said NO to I chose PK if I'm them. He fill the Void left by Sexson in everyaspect and is a guy they can have around for the next 4-5 years without spending a load of money on him like they would have to with Delgado or Sexson. [ .] If it took Pk, Garland, Prospect I would still much rather do that trade then the one you are saying. [byrnes = Vizquel Byrnes = Vizquel Agree Vizquel Thomas = Thomas Thomas = Thomas Duh Koskie > Everett Koskie Rowand Everett = Uribe Everett > Uribe See point made above ^^ Uribe > Gload Uribe = Gload. think Uribe was a fluke jmo Gload > Crede Gload = Crede.Jury is out on this one Davis = Diaz Davis Question. [ ?] It is clear that when pitchers have bigger leads they feel more comfortable and make pitches that they wouldnt if they didnt have that big lead. In other words the pitchers challenge the hitters to hit the ball more when they have big leads or leads period. Instead of having to live on the corners or picking and nibbling away they can go after the hitters which has always been the best way to go. By doing my trade we would still have a good lineup which would in turn make our pitching that much better. Cause they would be able to go after the hitters instead of trying to be mistake free.... Which only leads to them getting hit hard.
Wouldnt be so bad if the d-backs throw in Valverde in that trade he's a stud who would be our closers within the next few years...Not that they would throw him in but hell doesnt hurt to dream does it!?!?
I think he has 2 maybe 3 more years left in the tank jmo.
My only fear with this trade is that we would be right back to the same s*** with no reliable 5th starter...That being said I would still do this trade in a heart beat without a second thought as long as we can get an extension on Randys contract.
It could be worse I guess... But I think if they do that trade we would be looking at signing another FA pitcher to fill the 4th or 5th slot in the rotaton. So if that is legit we will have to wait and see what is anything the sox do to fill that last slot in the rotation. Regardless I would be happy to have Randy here on the southside.
"Rod Beck had an ERA of 6.38 last year, a K/BB of 1.7, had a K/9 of 5.6, had a BB/9 of 3.3, and a WHIP of 1.50 last year...all that in less then half a season in San Diego. He was cut because he was pitching so s***ty. Can he still pitch - no. I think I answered your question. I want no part of Rod Beck, and I don't think anyone else does either." Beck had one bad year in his last 5 years I would be more then glad to add him for the price he will be asking.... Which I bet will be less then a million he is well worth the gamble for a non guranteed contract... look at his stats for yourself http://bigleaguers.yahoo.com/mlbpa/players/4641/career "Why would we have Davis and Burke on the bench with Diaz starting? Diaz/Davis is a waste of space if the other is on the team" Ozzie likes to have three catchers on the team that was proven and stated by Ozzie himself. As for Einars performance last year he played a total of 36 games so give me a break He has hit well is the past and would be a huge upgrade on the defensive side over the guys we have on the roster right now. "Explains everything perfectly. I make several posts defending my trade and every point of the trade, and why all 3 teams would make the deal, and how much it actually does benefit the White Sox... ...and you're explanation as to why it's dumb is because it makes no sense. Wow. Simply wow." There is a reason why I really didnt waste the time explaining to you why I dont like your trade, one in which I thought you could figure out but since you can't let me explain it in detail for you then. 1. Your trading two of your best players for a good SP and A slightly above average hitter untop of that your giving up 3 prospects to A guy in Billy boy who lives from taking other people trash and turning them into stars. Not to mention throw in 6 million dollars as if we have the money to just throw around. 2. Not only do you trade 2 of our most produtive hitters you do nothing to try and replace their numbers do you really think adding byrnes and gload to the lineup makes up for Lee's and PK's production??? 3. If kenny would do this trade he would be laughed out of baseball by every GM out there. That is how stupid that trade offer of your is. "Another thing...are you saying you will trade like an A-level prospect for him, a grade A prospect for him, or a(meaning one) prospect for him along with Konerko? Regardless...none of those would get the trade done. NY can easily come over the top of that with Posada and Vazquez while taking on most of those two's contracts and taking on all of RJ's." A prospect as in "one". NY has one chip on their side and that is Vazquez which they will not trade regardless of what you may have read it will not happen. As for Posada incase you didnt notice the D-Backs are trying to go young they know they have no shot at the world series within the next few years so for them to trade Randy for Jorge makes no sense at all considering he is about 33 y/o. on the other hand PK fills a void for them at 1B Sexson is all but gone after being insulted with the offers they threw his way in wake of his injury this past season. If they can get a 40 homer first basemen and a top lvl prospect for Randy YES they will jump all over that watch. "Williamson is damaged goods and would be a risky pickup. I want to say that he is in line to have some type of surgery, but I can't be certain on that. If he were healthy, he would definately be good, but I'm just not sure how healthy he is." This one I will give you I didnt know the how badly he was hurt when making that statement But i would still consider signing him cause he is a stud to have in the bullpen. He is gone all of next year though so it is a gamble.Signing him would be looking toward 2006 before he would be ready. Kinda like what the yanks did with Lieber. Your Lineup Byrnes - CF Vizquel - SS Thomas - DH Koskie - 3B Rowand - RF Everett - LF Uribe - 2B Gload - 1B Davis - C I think My lineup is far better then that My Lineup 1. Omar SS 2. Rowand CF 3. Thomas DH 4. Everett RF 5. Lee LF 6. Uribe 2B 7. Gload 1B 8. Crede 3B 9. Diaz C "Again, not sure how much better this rotation is then mine, and mine is more cost effective and will be around longer then yours too." The reason My rotation of Randy Freddy Mark Conteras Garland Is better then your Hudson Mark Freddy Conteras Garland Its simple My rotation doesnt take away from our lineup as much as your would with My rotaion and us trading for Randy we only have to part with PK and one or two minor leaguers which is fine by me. Yours on the other hand we have to part with both PK, and Lee + 3 prospects + 6 million dollars which I hate to say would come off our payroll which would mean our payroll would be 67-69 million instead of 73-75 million. Now I know your gonna say well we get Byrnes two. So what It still doesnt make this trade worth it Lee is MUCH better then Byrnes without doubt. That being said if we could get Hudson for PK and a couple of prospects that would be fine but that is not what your suggesting.