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About maggsmaggs

  • Birthday 12/22/1987

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    Give me something to do when bored
  • Favorite Sox player
    Sexy Alexei, CQ, JDa and MB.
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    Beckham, Danks and Shelby.
  • Favorite Sox moment
    The big brawl with the Tiger in 2000, the true defining moment for the White Sox
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Bo Jackson, Frank Thomas and Maggs

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  1. Except most accidental discharges (assuming it was one) occur in places where it is legal to have a firearm, here is it illegal to have a gun at GRF in the first place. Also, this isn’t an accidental discharge situation in the confines of the home where the risk of collateral damage is small, someone easily could have been killed based on the amount of people in the area. This isn’t some accidental discharge situation where the only potential victim is the negligent gun owner.
  2. maggsmaggs


    Start a house fund (somewhere with a decent interest rate; I use an Ally savings account) and contribute to that account monthly to cover unexpected house expenses. Nothing worse than having to get a new furnace, AC or water heater and having to pay for it without some extra savings set aside.
  3. I could live with playing the youngsters everyday in lineup if our rotation didn’t have so many questions. Fact is, Keuchel was terrible last year. And we have no clue what Kopech will do pitching every fifth day. Velasquez and Lopez are serviceable spot starters in a pinch, but neither should be getting multiple starts, which will inevitably happen with injuries and Kopech’s inning limit.
  4. Similar boat to you. I have a 15-month old and cancelled my gym membership when the pandemic hit. I bought the Bowflex select dumbells (https://www.bowflex.com/selecttech/552/100131.html) and some other gym equipment. I also found this woman's exercise videos on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/CarolineGirvan/videos). I only use her upper body workout videos because I run 5 days a week and I would be too sore from her lower body workouts. She's a terrific resource. But with the weights and her videos, I don't see a need to go back to the gym.
  5. Watt wants to win and the Bears are in bad cap shape. Watt is not coming here.
  6. And a fourth shot at finding a starting QB. I am worried his desperation will cause him to trade up in the draft to get a new QB and further set the franchise back long-term.
  7. Ok that makes. I was gonna say, no way you could get both in re-draft leagues without trading for one.
  8. Brooks responded to me last night. Similar e-mail to the other one posted, but also personalized a bit. Brooks is a good man and he is listening. Keep those e-mails coming.
  9. My sole source of optimism at this point is that both sides are quiet because the Sox have outside counsel working on this. They probably can fire him for cause for the DUI, but then there is the issue of their notice of the situation. So perhaps the Sox and LaRussa are working on some sort of settlement to have him go away and that is why the radio silence from both parties.
  10. With an owner like Reinsdorf, you just simply will not have sustained success. He has been the biggest obstacle to winning White Sox baseball, and unfortunately, this organization won't turn around until he is gone. Hiring LaRussa was embarrassing enough. Now this. At a legitimate existential crisis with my White Sox fandom.
  11. If the Sox hire more progressive, young coaches, it will make hiring LaRussa more bearable to me. But if we hire retreads, this will set the organization back.
  12. Jerry Reinsdorf always finds a way to fuck everything up.
  13. And does anyone think the Sox would be able to devlop a toolsy, but raw hit tool high schooler?
  14. The only solace I have is that there was no way the Sox were catching the Orioles last year no matter how bad they played toward end of the year.
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