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    Chicago Burbs

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  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    I love being able to talk about the White Sox with great fans, and it's definitely the best place to procrastinate.
  • Soxtalk Awards
    2005: Soxtalk Hall of Famer 2006: Sports Analyst of the Year
  • Favorite Sox moment
    The 2005 season.
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Frank Thomas

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  1. Right there with you. Will take the summer extreme over this always.
  2. Some reason I thought it would be up, thanks to the fact that a fair amount of America may not have had parties, meaning more individual TVs on. So much for that.
  3. If you're NW, there's one in Arlington Heights. It was actually the first place I ever ate when I moved here.
  4. There was 9 million appropriate places to post this. If this existed back in the day, it would've been magical. It was MLB's answer to NBA Jam/NFL Blitz back in the day. Hawk's the announcer, and the video below is a Sox vs. Sox game, haha. Baseball Almost Had Its Own NBA Jam, And Now You Can Try It
  5. I think we just figured out how to drive more compliance with masking up and physical distancing.
  6. I just find it interesting that the first time the home team gets to play the SB in their home stadium is the year fans are less able to go to the game than ever.
  7. On to the football now, but I'm good for at least 20-40 min of fly on the light anytime Star Wars is in TNT when I channel surf.
  8. Maybe they're going to have free beer nights at the park.
  9. And now this - browsing treadmills and came across this superb customer question:
  10. This was a good list. 100 Tips For A Better Life
  11. Theo Epstein — 2 months after leaving the Cubs — is hired by MLB
  12. Fear not Bears fans - https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2926195-rapoport-mitchell-trubisky-has-a-lot-of-work-to-do-to-convince-bears-on-2021.amp.html
  13. NBC just said Twitter locked Trump's account for safety.
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