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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. Agreed, I just want to see him get comfortable here this year. Next year is going to be the big year, and he's been the PF while in the lineup.
  2. He looked really good in the exhibitions. Last night was the first official game, and I think he played just about 20 minutes. He only got a couple baskets, and I think nerves had a lot to do with his performance; however, as the year goes on, Davis' confidence will grow on what he thinks of White, as will White's. I'm glad he's a Hoosier!
  3. I heard it was supposed to snow here later tonight. The whole region has a snow advisory. Hmm.
  4. Don't call it a comeback I been here for years Rockin my peers and puttin suckas in fear Makin the tears rain down like a MON-soon Listen to the bass go BOOM
  6. Eh...compared to the exhibitions, yes we did. Yes, the 3 point shot to inside basket ratio was a little under half; however, they have to get it inside more. That's what was working during the exhibitions. That's when the 3 point shot will really open up.
  7. Just a student, but these are my first days off. We didn't get Labor Day, Veteran's Day, or a fall break like every other school.
  8. Pacers 106-96 winners over Boston The Bobcats beat the Pistons 91-89.
  9. That's a great day. We usually do our's early December.
  10. It wasn't pretty...It looked a lot like an 03-04 game, but IU is 1-0.
  11. I stole the question from an ESPN poll. It's a nice light question to mix things up here for a little bit. I have to go with the buzzer-beater. When I hear that word; I just picture a montage of March Madness.
  12. ESPN was reporting the same, and they have said he's met several meetings with the cops in the past.
  13. I got back home last night, earleir than expected. So I won't be in B-Town for the regular season opener against Indiana State. It shall be interesting; I'm so ready though. It can now feel like CBB season to me now.
  14. Wouldn't be surprised.... Freddy Jones got the shaft. He was going in the stands to STOP the fighting, and friggen' elephants started clocking him.
  15. It's nice to see JM's name in MLB again; however, it's surprising it's only as a 1B coach.
  16. Great insight. :headshake You always add so much to a conversation...
  17. I agree; however, to pinpoint this whole thing on Artest is another wrong.
  18. No...that was Spreewell. Artest has never complained about money publicly.
  19. Wallace's confronting Artest is what got the fan riled up that threw the beer at Artest. If Wallace doesn't do anything, the fans never get upset enought to throw something. It was like dominoes.
  20. I think it was Palehose that brought up this point, and I agree 100%... The NBA basically is saying that it's okay for fans to batter players, and teammates should not support each other. Good job NBA.
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