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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. LMAO...I was voting last night. I guess they decided to take him off the ballot, because if you notice, there's one less choice for the Eastern conference guards compared to the Western conference. :fyou Stern.
  2. I know a couple people disasgree with the idea, and we can just agree to disagree. However, I just don't feel this was all handled correctly. Ron Artest wasn't right, but he certainly wasn't wrong. Artest fouled Wallace, and there was nothing hard about that. Wallace was so out of line for even pushing Artest. Wallace continued trying to get at Artest, as he avoided confrontation. If Wallace never does anything, the fan would have never felt he had to throw anything. Jermaine O'Neal is not even close to being wrong. The fan was on the court. If you're on the court, you deserve to get the s*** beaten out of you. That's not your spot. O'Neal had every right to go after the fan on the court, because there's no questions that the fan had nothing but bad intentions by being on the court. I would love to see Artest and O'Neal voted into the All-Star game to spite David Stern. I created a group of the idea of voting Artest into the ASG on the facebook last night, and it's awesome. It's blown up fast. It already has 25 members, 1 being Ron Artest's brother, who goes to IU.
  3. If Wallace never got all his panties in a bunch, the fan would have never decided to throw something. And about your next post... Jermaine got the shaft. If you're a fan on the court, you're fair game. You deserve to get the s*** beaten out of you. The fan had no intentions of doing anything good. What was he doing on the court, trying to get to the other side? I don't think so.
  4. They'll make the playoffs....The East still sucks enough, that a diminished Pacers team will at least make the playoffs.
  5. WOW!! I love it...That's a great change!
  6. You spell his name wrong, even after you quote someone spelling it right?? Jason = Chisoxfn
  7. Kind of funny though...It was Wallace's temper that started all of this....not Artest's
  8. I got a link in mine too....Let's seriously vote him in.
  9. Doesn't mean much now. :fyou Stern You basically called that one right Palehose...
  10. If the Pistons weren't losing so bad...Wallace wouldn't have acted like such a b****. That foul was nothing abnormal.
  11. Artest --Rest of Season Jackson--30 O'Neal--25 Johnson--5 WTFFF Miller-1 Wallace--6 Several Pistons 1
  12. Final...41-10. Indy can pad themselves a bit in the standings if Tenn holds on...They're up 18-15 in Jacksonville.
  13. How about all of the above....This is going to be my first home cooked meal since August....I'm going to slam! There's going to be no leftovers when I leave...Either I'm taking them with me, or everything's been eaten.
  14. Welcome aboard! I wouldn't mind giving it a try, if he came cheap. However, I don't really see the Sox going out on the limb with this one.
  15. Haha...That'd be even worse than going on the court at a basketball game.. Football players are just a tad bigger....
  16. Let's hope Manning stays out of the crowd.... Indy goes into Detroit on Thanksgiving day.
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