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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. Indy>>>Minnesota I know you're going to bring up the MNF game where the Vikes didn't have Moss, but you have to remember how awful Indy's defense is. IU would have a shot against Indy's defense.
  2. Wow this is like the NBA w/ the East and the West....some of those teams, wow....
  3. damn...yeah he did....I'm kind of glad too...
  4. Ummm....Shoot me if I'm being had, but a friend of mine in MA said they announced on their local news that the White Sox got RJ for Konerko and 2 minor leaguers. They didn't say who the minor leagueres were....
  5. I thought you were a Mich fan? Why is your 873297219834th sig an OSU one?
  6. PTI That 70's Show Seinfeld Best shows on TV
  7. Hammer time! Have a good one!
  8. Red...Why are you so uptight? Your team just won the world series. Why must you pick a fight with EVERYONE that acknowledges you of late. It's really getting old reading little attacks everytime you write something. Lighten up a bit.
  9. Obviously they'll have to get another broadcaster....
  10. I didn't really like him during the postseason broadcast this year. Fittingly, he's going to the Cubs. I wonder who's going to be joining him.
  11. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=239689
  12. Ha that was kind of fun....I felt like I was flying over Fort Wayne for a second. I found my house, and all my old schools. Good times.
  13. I feel much more comfortable going through with a trade similar to the RJ one, if we're guaranteed some years with these guys. RJ really scares me with his age and the fact that we might not have him but a year.
  14. Your university e-mail....if your school's one of the uni's that supports it.
  15. THANK YOU!! I hate how every time a former Sox player gets released etc...It must be discussed that we should bring him back. It gets a little old.
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