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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. Broke my hand when I was 14 in a baseball game. I was up to bat, and the ball came in on my left hand before I could get out of the way. That was fun.
  2. Geez...I have the Phillies story on the end of page 27. Are my posts invisible people?
  3. I didn't keep track...I'll update later, but Ewing had 17 at the half. He's going to be THE star this year. DJ White was solid too; 13 in the first half. We won 101-64. We started out sluggish, but we finished STRONG.
  4. The best part about the game....the halftime stats...when you saw Horace and Pippen dunking... Also the breaking of the backboard in the 4th quarter.
  5. Can you copy paste that? I click on it, and it says story is not available.
  6. And we slipped back 4 spots too....
  7. Bracey's not staying, and I honestly don't think thats going to hurt us either.
  8. Geez you guys love ignoring my posts lately..... http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...ndpost&p=493335
  9. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=1915733 Mets Hire Willie Randolph As Manager
  10. greasywheels121

    Beer Quiz!

    I haven't seen That 70's Show in a while...but in the words of Kelso BURN!
  11. greasywheels121

    Beer Quiz!

    I thought Fosters would be #1....
  12. Nah....It's not going to be bad year; they'll be in the top half of the Big Ten and be back in the tourney. However, this is really only the beginning. I think 05-06 is the year that we're going to have some serious fun.
  13. We could do what Minnesota does.... Have the wind blow in when we're out on the field and blow out when we're up to bat. Why hasn't anyone thought of this? Come on Reinsdorf, you've got enough money to control the weather.
  14. Only if these Carlos clones have PK's attitude.
  15. I love getting Indianapolis channels here...I FINALLY get to see Pacers games... They win the season opener minus O'Neal and Miller in Clev, 109-104...
  16. Charlie Manuel is Philly Phillies new manager. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=1915690
  17. IU plays Bellarmine tomorrow at home. First exhibition game of the season.
  18. Hooabastank is awful....That CD would need a microwave, salt, and butter.
  19. Basically adding on to what Mike said, there were voter increases in every age. That is why the increase in teen voters was basically cancelled out and you see that the teens represented the same amount of the vote as in 2000.
  20. FWIW...MTV's goal was 20 million loud in the 18-30 age group, after there only being 16 million in 2000. They got just over 21 million.
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