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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. You're going to be up for a week....
  2. Just hold off on posting some of those then...They're not really necessary if that's all that are in at the moment.
  3. I think you're speaking a little early.... There's only 2% in.
  4. Surprising...being that that's Edwards homestate.
  5. This reminds me of when you said the Twins lost that one game...and then they came back and won it... Be careful...
  6. Geez...If we just had some good candidates, this wouldn't be happening....
  7. You know how they MLB is...They hate us.... I wonder really when the next time we'll get a GG on the South Side...
  8. I scanned it a little funny, but I'm up for a little light humor on this night....at 10, I'm moving over to the Daily Show....
  9. I don't know about Mitch...he's not leading the early polls. I've seen him come down to IU a lot. His daughter's a freshman here.
  10. Yeah...I check the shop on there occasionaly...That thing has been there for about a year now...
  11. If that's all it is...Why was ESPN radio even bothering? OMG!!! A plastic bag just blew by my dorm building...Tell the world!
  12. Damn....the Cubs definitely don't like Sosa anymore....
  13. greasywheels121

    State Laws

    It's until 6 pm...I already said this in the election thread guys....Keep up... http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...ndpost&p=491108
  14. My computers in business professor does not speak English well at all; however, he can do one hell of an Apu....
  15. I think you may be the first person I've ever seen that doesn't like Bayh...
  16. Drinking was mentioned earlier in this thread. I don't know if this is true for all states, but Indiana won't be selling alcohol tomorrow until 6 pm.
  17. I loved Rock. Great to see him back in Chicago!
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