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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. Fans wanted this guy gone before he even stepped on the gridiron. This is probably a wise time to do it. They just lost to MSU at home. That's like IU beating the Patriots in NE.
  2. I agree with that much. However, I don't agree with what either of you are saying. Yeah, you can tell me to "stay out of your business" and "don't read it, if I don't like it"; however, I try to take a look everything on the board. I just don't understand why stuff like this just can't stay between the two people INSIDE PMs, on AIM. I'm just getting kind of tired of seeing everyone air their dirty laundry for everyone to see. Yeah, I know someone's going to comeback with something very intelligent :rolly to say everything that I just said is wrong...but yeah, whatever.
  3. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1908871
  4. greasywheels121


    RIP Ashlee's "career"
  5. I'd say so. The team he picked didn't lose in that case.
  6. If I have to go down...we better all lose...
  7. There's a GAME going on in Indy....24 all w/ 3:52 left in the 4th between the Colts and Jags.
  8. greasywheels121


    LMAO...the video worked for me....She loafed REAL bad....I hope this gets more attention. End that career please.
  9. Thanks for posting that WH1. Also, KW is the man. We definitely need a guy like that to push a couple guys in our rotation down a slot.
  10. Good call! Plus, Boston needs something to talk about, they can't win this.....
  11. Ha if you insist....Just having some fun. Bernard was on the front page of ESPN.com this morning. That was cool, but if this is how you guys are going to do things the remainder of the season...We might not see him on there again until he's the first pick in the draft.
  12. Purdue pulls another NY Yankee, chokes the lead in the end. UM wins 16-14... And to provide equal coverage.... OSU with huge the upset win over IU today 30-7....
  13. lol...I love that final score. This Purdue-Mich game will be interesting....7-7 in the first.
  14. Same here. I'm not too surprised really.
  15. Jeter's also had 839859 more chances to do stuff in the postseason than anyone else in his short career. Also, I bet if Jeter had these same numbers in Milwaukee, we might not even know of him.
  16. One for the Aussies DB.... http://www.indystar.com/articles/5/188316-6755-204.html
  17. Ravens Lions Eagles Colts Vikings Panthers Rams Buccaneers Falcons Patriots Packers Seahawks Raiders Broncos
  18. Ala the BoSox painting the WS logo on Fenway last year....
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