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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. You obviously haven't seen pictures of the guy in Miami.
  2. I'm unsure if he'll come over here in 2005, but with the way he was quoted in the article, it certainly isn't out of the question.
  3. Robin is the man. I know it's a little weird, but I like having all the former players on the staff in one way or another.
  4. I remember getting a couple of those; however, they were always from schools that I didn't do much more than laugh at.
  5. http://www.indystar.com/articles/9/185580-1089-094.html
  6. We're White Sox fans, what says we have to like the Red Sox?
  7. ::Looks at my sig and avatar::
  8. Robin was a cool guy. That's also kind of cool to think he played in the 3 biggest cities (LA, NY, and Chicago) in America and put up some decent numbers.
  9. Well who can't agree with that statement?
  10. It seems Bud Selig is happy with the way the game's going right now. He won't take anything into consideration to change that, not even the players' health.
  11. I haven't even been her a year, but I've seen this debate pop up a billion times. However, the Simpsons is still quality for how long its been around. You're eventually going to run out of quality material after that long of run. The Simpsons is still up there in my book.
  12. RIP Christopher Reeves, the dying in 3 thing is extremely freaky.
  13. I was really shocked when I saw that. I always get to my computer class a bit early and browse ESPN.com. That one caught me off guard big time. RIP Ken.
  14. Yep... http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...=23589&hl=robin
  15. In the dorm...I'm one of Briscoe's Best....
  16. I remember when Unitas passed, Manning wanted to honor Unitas and wear the black hightop shoes that were Unitas' trademark. The NFL wouldn't allow for it, because it didn't match the uniform of the team.
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