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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. LMAO....I remember always thinking this guy was like in his 30s when he played at Purdue. He's definitely not worth that kind of money, but Jerry West knows what he's doing. Cardinal's actually become a decent player in the NBA.
  2. That's how I am.* *Only if neccesary
  3. I just have to follow suit on this. These were really great to read Josh. I didn't know much about the Sox pre-1991, so this really taught me a lot about the franchise. These should be kept in the archives or something; it's good for the fans to know some history on the Sox.
  4. That's exactly what I'm thinking, but you said it better than I did.....
  5. I think the Heat will finish better. The Lakers are going to fall back a bit in the West now. I feel that Minnesota, San Antonio, Sacramento, and Dallas will finish ahead of LA this year. I think that Minnesota should come out of the West. I feel the Heat have moved up a whole lot with the acquiring of Shaq. I rank them as the number 2 team in the East. I still think Detroit's going to be the team to beat, followed by Miami, and third the Pacers.
  6. This guy's trying to visit every Starbucks in the world....Holy hell....
  7. I haven't seen the Sox play since Sunday, and I can just add another day on to that mark. Gotta love WCIU!! Buerhle's going to get it done tonight. Zito's definitely been off his game this year; I just hope our offense can wake up and take advantage. Let's go Sox!
  8. I don't want Olerud, but 22 RBI's is also a cause of him playing for the offense-less Seattle this year.
  9. It looks good IMO. I just have the same beef as everyone else. How the blue buttons have all those white squares around them. If that could be squared around or we could get new buttons; it'd definitely be HQ. EDIT: I just noticed this; how come you can't see the locations of people when you're on the old skin, but you can on the new skin?
  10. I'm 18, and this last year of HS baseball was my 14th year of playing some kind of organized baseball. I played 3 years of HS Varsity baseball. I don't expect to play much more going into college, but I think I'll play like an intramural league or something.
  11. I read some of the other threads earlier today, and most of you said you would be happy with a .500 record on this road trip. Okay, we lost one game. Is my math wrong, or are people over reacting like always? Last I checked, we could still finish .500 or better on this road trip....
  12. greasywheels121


    Yeah, I would kind of like to know. It's on at 6 here, but I never get to watch because I'm working at that time.
  13. Going? I'm pretty sure it's there. ESPN is the MTV of sports now; you're lucky to see them actually show sports on there now.
  14. I was had....I deleted it. Pretend it never happened.
  15. Wow, I thought I'd be the only one playing as the Hoosiers on this game. What made you decide to be Indiana? Aren't you a Hawkeye fan?
  16. Well I'm just saying. I'm cool with a couple of these big trades. Garcia, and RJ would be nice because he would be around. However, I just don't want to "buy" a World Series victory and then turn around and sell the whole team. I kind of would like to see us win a legit World Series like the 2002 Angels and 2003 Marlins did. I know I'm going to get heat for that, since we've been all rooting for this team for a while now and not one of us can claim to seeing the Sox winning anything.
  17. Pass on Olerud. I really want to see us win it this year; but I want the core of the team to still be there. I don't want this to end up being the 1997 Marlins all of the sudden.
  18. It could be another bluff. We were in the Garcia mix early on, and then you didn't hear anything about the ChiSox being in any kind of deal for FG. This may be another attempt to put us under the radar again. IF (That's a big if, ).....we acquired RJ, my rotation would be the following: RJ Garcia Buerhle Garland Loaiza
  19. It's on Sunday night; it was taped tonight.
  20. Happy 16th Whitesoxin'...Just a month and a day until you can get your license!
  21. White Sox midterm report • MLB 2004 midterm report Sure, there were some offensive lulls for the potent White Sox attack. There also were a couple of hiccups from one of the steadiest starting rotations in the entire American League. But from the start of Spring Training until the final first-half game at home against Seattle, the White Sox seemed to foster a different clubhouse attitude for 2004. As a team that's been known to play better baseball in the second half, not to mention a group that already has all seven games against the Yankees off the schedule, the White Sox should be in good position to fight with the Twins right until the end for the Central title. If they get close or move ahead, don't discount another creative move from general manager Ken Williams to strengthen the roster. Club MVP: It has been a team effort that pushed the White Sox near the top of the Central, but Juan Uribe's early burst of energy jump-started the team from the get-go. Uribe seems more comfortable in a clubhouse full of players who speak his native language and has lived up to his vast potential to a level that he missed in Colorado. Uribe set his single-season high for home runs in the first half. Call him 'Ace': It's hard to pick a top hurler out of Mark Buehrle, Esteban Loaiza and Freddy Garcia. Buehrle was known as the left-handed ace and Loaiza as the right-handed ace, prior to the June 27 acquisition of Garcia. The right-hander strengthens the starting five from top to bottom, and gives the White Sox a true No. 1 pitcher with the stuff to dominate every fifth day. Greatest strength: Simply put, the White Sox can hit. Their power surge includes Magglio Ordonez, Frank Thomas, Paul Konerko, Carlos Lee and Jose Valentin, not to mention speed provided by top of the lineup tablesetters such as Uribe, Willie Harris and even Aaron Rowand. Biggest problem: The White Sox could use a little steadier effort from the leadoff position and a little more stability in the bullpen. But their biggest second-half worry is consistency. That concern ranges from a potent offense one week to a severe slump seven days later and even the starting rotation, which can go from six straight quality starts to six straight middle-of-the-road results. Biggest surprise: Guillen mentioned recently how Shingo Takatsu was so off his game during Spring Training that he was in danger of not making the team. Williams claimed, with a smile, that situation wasn't close to happening. But the Japanese import has gone from an afterthought coming into the season to the team's closer. Seeing hitters watch his 59 mph changeup morph into his 88 mph fastball on the next pitch truly has been entertaining. Team needs: Williams already addressed the team's biggest need, adding Garcia in a trade with Seattle to anchor a solid starting rotation. The White Sox also could upgrade at the leadoff position and/or catcher, where Sandy Alomar Jr., Jamie Burke and Ben Davis split time. Oh, doctor: Ordonez missed the final 40 games of the first half and 42 in total. The right fielder suffered a partial meniscal tear in his left knee and is expected back in Oakland to start the second half. Scott Schoeneweis made a trip to the disabled list with an inflamed left elbow, while Valentin and Thomas both suffered hamstring problems. Valentin's injury landed him on the disabled list. He said it: "As long as we win, I hope we have another 100 like that. It makes it exciting. When you believe in yourself and you believe in your team and they believe in each other, they believe they can do some damage." -- Guillen speaking of the White Sox's five-run ninth-inning rally against Cleveland on April 28, erasing an 8-4 deficit and pulling out a 9-8 win. The White Sox came from behind 25 times for a first-half victory under Guillen's guidance. Fearless second-half prediction: If the White Sox hit, they will win the Central Division. Even with the addition of Garcia at the top of the rotation, this team is offensive-driven and only will go as far as the hitters take it. Garcia completes a very strong front three for the White Sox if they make the postseason. Beware of this team if it gets on a roll.
  22. I really wish CBS had a sports channel. CBSSportsline.com is 500000000000 times better than ESPN.com.
  23. High quality. Seeing the banner, Garcia and Buerhle really do look pretty similar.
  24. I would have to go with Cub FANS...I really don't have a problem with the team itself, but it's the fans that make me hate anything Cubs. Their fans are such bastards. They're awfully arrogant people for not winning anything in 94 years.
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