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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. Wow...read this blip about Konerko and Frank...I'm really impressed about the last stat on Franklin.
  2. Robbie put up the same numbers here that he did in NY. NY hated him for the numbers he put up; it's pretty sad that we considered them good numbers. .253 BA...Woo hoo!
  3. I get the channel. I don't know what the hell they show on there besides the Tour. I usually watch it when I wake up in the mornings; I really enjoy it for some reason. Speaking of cycling, it'll be interesting next year at IU, when I get to see the Little 500 in person.
  4. He deserves it; that's going to be the Joe DiMaggio streak for pitchers. I doubt that record is ever broken at any level of baseball. Congrats to Gagne to reaching 84 saves in a row.
  5. I noticed The Cheat had something in his signature. It somewhat intrigues me; anyone else watching/following? I heard Lance say that this is possibly his last go at it; it'd be something to see him get the six-fectah. I know cycling isn't high up on the American sports meter, but Lance Armstrong is arguably one of the best athletes in the world. I read something that his lung resistance is like 80 something, while the average human's is around 50-55. That's pretty crazy.
  6. Hell...While we're at it, let's see what Frank can do in the bullpen.
  7. The Brewers have some GREAT current and upcoming talent in their system. I can't wait to see what this team does in the next few years.
  8. Interleague Play Interesting numbers.....
  9. I think it's pretty funny.
  10. I just saw it again, and I think I liked it more. I'm starting to think about it, and this probably is going to be the best of superhero movies. I know all this stuff is fake, but Spiderman seems like it's the most relatable story to the real world. Peter Parker's so much like the average Joe, and I love how it takes place in the real city of New York. I was thinking about Batman, and that whole series felt like it took place on another planet. BTW, there were two hovercrafts in that room.
  11. The same NY Mets that are tied for 2nd place and are only 2 games back of the 1st place Phillies.
  12. Mr. Larson's the best in that movie. He has that "Guns don't kill people, I do." shirt..... ....and when he's chasing Shooter McGavin up the hill for Happy's jacket at the end....hi-larious.
  13. I figured much. Though I would have kind of been intrigued by the thought of Duke falling off a bit, college basketball wouldn't have been the same. K's a great coach.
  14. I made this topic, and it's still on the first page..... http://www.soxtalk.com/index.php?showtopic=21650
  15. I feel the same way. He's not going to bite on the first bait.
  16. Sorry if this was mentioned elsewhere; I've been out all day. But I just realized ESPN is our curse. Our last two appearances on Sunday Night Baseball have ended in walk off walks for the other team. Seattle w/ Botch, and tonight w/ Shingo.
  17. Hmm....I was given the tip, and it's working for me....Sorry about that.
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