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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. Why do we need to give up Diaz and Rauch now?
  2. Twins rule what exactly? They don't exactly rule the standings, and they definitely don't rule the White Sox..... 7-3 versus Minn.....6-1 in the Twinkie Dome.... :ho hum:
  3. He most likely won't be back in there with a lengthy rain delay, but he still could have went 6 or 7 innings w/ only giving up 3. Loaiza did the same type of thing last Sunday.
  4. And Maddux just owned us last weekend..... We don't know what Maddux is going to throw.....
  5. Well last season was the first time that "It counted." So they were so worried about enforcing the "This time it counts." theme.
  6. I don't want Ortiz. We can get Scho in the 5th spot when he gets back. Ortiz's ERA is 3.67 51 BBs to his 84 SO's. You can almost add a whole run to that ERA if he came to the AL, and those walks at USCF could make things ugly fast.
  7. It's not going to get cancelled with the game being on Fox, and it starting at noon. They have all day to get it in.
  8. Jose K's....We go down w/ only the ARow base hit. Going to the bottom of 1.
  9. Harris Rowand Lee Valentin Kong Timo Crede Alomar Diaz
  10. Ha...It's going to be fun. It's cool though; James Hardy, he's one of the basketball recruits for IU. He just took on football for the first time his senior year, and he had one of the city's best seasons at WR. He was also 2nd in the state voting for Mr. Basketball. He signed a football scholarship so he could play both football and basketball, because if he signed a basketball scholarship he would be be unable to play any other sport. I'm also a little afraid to hate Purdue football as much as I should. Bernard Pollard, he'll be a soph at Purdue this year, went to my HS. Pollard ended up starting all but two games this year for Purdue, and he was one of your better safety's. He was voted on to the Sporting News all-freshman team this season. I just have to root for the guy; if he stays on this track, look for him to be playing pro once his tenure at Purdue is up.
  11. Oh I definitely heard about the pick-up games. My friends and I were thinking of getting into that intramural baskeball. That sounded pretty awesome; I guess the championship game of that tourney is in AH. Ha I was even thinking of playing some intramural whiffle ball there; I still need some kind of baseball fix since I won't be playing any kind of organized league here on out. Very nice. I heard that Briscoe's awfully close to a lot of the off-campus housing and the Greek, so that'll be interesting to say the least.
  12. Nice. I ended up in Briscoe, and that's perfect IMO. Three of my five classes during the fall semester are in the Kelley school; so that's pretty convenient. Also it'll be nice for my obsession with sports, being so close to the Stadium and Assembly Hall. I bought myself footbal tickets at orientation (yeah, yeah I know), and I definitely plan on getting b-ball tickets when they go on sale.
  13. We'll do Aboz and DBAH0. I'm really just counting down the days here; I'm really excited for the fall. I finally got my housing information back the other day, and that turned out pretty well for as where my classes are etc.
  14. WSI is EXTREMELY bias. They see the world through silver and black sunglasses as they sip their silver and black kool-aid. BTW, I think it was foul, but you can't take a call back like that. They should've let it be.
  15. However, we're facing the same Maddux that we saw last week. We just need the offense to show up tomorrow.
  16. s***. Of course we don't want to hold on to first place forever. I know we'll still have 1 game lead if they win, but we never hold on to our 1st place leads for long.
  17. Or we could have let Gload sit, and we wouldn't have scored at all today. Mmkay.
  18. TIMO OWNS Zambrano I guarantee he rattled him with that called timeout.
  19. Only 1 hit...and we're up 2...36 pitches for Zambrano Let's do it Sox!!
  20. f***in' umps...... Gload doubles home a pair 2-0 SOX!!!
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