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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. Sacrifice E-3!!!! 1st and 2nd...NOBODY OUT!!!
  2. Agreed. Paulie's been on a tear of late; he needs to be out there. However, people are always going to complain on here. If Frank was starting, people would be saying "Why isn't Paulie starting?!?" Blah, blah...... And there's no way we risk injuring Paulie by putting him at 3B; who knows how that'd go too. Paul hasn't had to play 3B in quite a few years. And about Kong's wife; they showed her during this wives softball game that they did today. They just showed her on the pre-game.
  3. Konerko's wife..... That's more than enough reason for Kong to start.
  4. Timo--CF Uribe--2B Carlos--LF Jose--SS Kong--1B Gload--RF Crede--3B Burke--C Loaiza--P
  5. Well whoever manages them this weekend could really help us if he could at least take 2 of 3 against the Twins.
  6. Good god, Vitale is awful. I can't believe he gets paid to write like a 6th grader.
  7. He's not bias at all towards the Sox. He's said on air that Ozzie's one of his best friends; I think he's just more upset as a fan. He really seems like he's pulling for the Sox this year.
  8. Where are the mods right now? This is about to fall off the first page.
  9. Haha I've gotten a lot of that lately too, especially since last weekend's Cub series. Unfortunately everyone I know is a Cubs fan here, but a lot of them were waffling after this weekend. Good stuff.
  10. Yeah KW is awesome....Here's another quote from this article on Chisox.com: No worries over deadline for Sox
  11. You're going to have a blast. I absolutely loved going to IU's. How long is it for UI? IU was 8am-9am the first day, and the second day was getting your schedule and what not so it was whenever your advising meeting was and however long it took from there. We had to stay in the dorms too; that was great. This fall is going to own so much.
  12. Not a clue. I think the story's probably deeper in this one than it was in the first. The first was just basically the introduction to Spiderman. I personally liked the first one also.
  13. I'll only get to catch however much of the game is complete up to 3:45. Hopefully we have a nice lead at that point!
  14. Ah well that was a FAST Reply! ....
  15. I just noticed the feature on the FutureSox board, and then I looked to see it here. I never really payed attention to it. What's the difference in typing a post in a 'fast reply' as to just the 'add reply'?
  16. http://www.whitesoxcentral.com/chat.html There's the chat link.
  17. Man of Steel, I'm getting excited too, and I like our chances. However, the Twins are always a scrappy team. They're going to go on a hot streak in the season. Remember how great everything was going for the Sox until we got into September last season? We've got to play the games. We've been paper champs the past few years; what has that gotten us?
  18. Well if he doesn't want to win, and be a part of this club, trade him. I know we can get something for him; I don't want any cancers here. However, I doubt that the scenario even happens that he's out of the starting rotation.
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