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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. Torre won't pick him. If they didn't pick him with the numbers he had last year at the break for the ASG in his HOME stadium, there's no way he'll be a coaches' choice.
  2. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice...Great news to hear after just getting back from orientation at IU. I'm so friggen' excited now for school to start; it's going to be a blast.
  3. If Frank has the numbers again, and we can get him into 2nd in the voting, he has a good shot of making that online ballot again. He could win that, as long as a Red Sox or Yankee isn't on that ballot.
  4. Agreed. I think she's probably the hottest of that Britney, Christina, Jessica Simpson group. She's more real looking than the others; I don't know...She's damn fine though.
  5. I'm back from IU, and I put in 150 votes in for Frank using different e-mails so far.
  6. Sox will be fine...I'm out for a couple of days for orientation at IU. Some of you people just need to chill. God damn. A lot of you were saying this team's unstoppable, they have so much heart, they'll never lose again after the way the fought last night. Today you guys are all b****ing that this team will never win again. Just stop. These things are going to happen. Either you're here for the long run or your not. Later.
  7. How exactly did DJ blow this game again? Was he on the mound to close the game or something? I must have missed that.
  8. http://www.soxtalk.com/index.php?showtopic=20744&st=0 WsoxShuf Posted on Jun 19, 2004, 09:45 PM Stop flopping dude.
  9. Oh yes we can.....f***.... We'll probably be 1.5 back of 1st once today's over with.
  10. Frank's solidfying that gold glove bid .....It seems like a lot more balls have been hit to first when Frank's out there. I don't know if that's the intention of the other team, to test him. Or I'm just paying more attention to those plays.
  11. Billy Koch was not a reliever..... The only way you can put Billy Koch and relief in the same sentence is the following: "Ozzie Guillen is coming to the mound to pull Billy Koch; a sense of relief goes over the crowd."
  12. Then what exactly would we do in the bullpen; our bullpen doesn't have a whole lot of flexibility right now. We can wait until ST to see what Cotts can do as a starter.
  13. JOSE VALENTIN!!!!!!!!!!! 2-2 BEE-YOTCHES!!!!
  14. :fyou .....Your fault Motown.....Never say those words during the process of a no-hitter/perfect game.
  15. That would be Motown aka YoungGun aka Sig stealer
  16. He went 4-6....HR, 2 doubles, and a base hit w/ 4 RBIs and 4 runs on Friday.....Terrible!!!
  17. Frank 2-3; w/ a base hit and double now.
  18. Well you can cancel the post-game show......
  19. JG watched the Tom Emanski tapes last night. 15 up 15 down.
  20. Neal Cotts only had the 1 AB, but he did himself justice.
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