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Everything posted by greasywheels121

  1. 8-2 in the 7th now...Cuddyer w/ the HR
  2. Jose 2 run jack! 8-1 Sox in the 7th
  3. Going to the 7th...7 in a row retired by Buerhle
  4. It's going to happen, but I'm not that concerned with it. I'm more concerned w/ this: 6-1 Sox.
  5. That's what I use if I'm trying to follow a certain game and don't have the broadcast; they easily has the best scoreboard. It's perfect during the NCAA season too.
  6. Thomas has done an awesome job lately, and proves he can still carry us. But as of right now, it's nice to see this team can still hit the ball w/out #35 in the lineup.
  7. Let's not slow down on them. Wouldn't it be sweet as hell to score double digits every game this series?
  8. Well he did have a sweet bomb; only a 2 run HR. Not bad for a joke/prediction from yesterday.
  9. Wow...That was our first 1-2-3 inning this game.
  10. 6-1 Sox going to the bottom of the 5th
  11. Way to get out of the jam Buerhle....5 Ks and 2 BBs for Buerhle so far.
  12. Oh I know it looks plain; they were showing it off on PTI. It's a basic razor that vibrates I guess.
  13. They were talking about this on PTI; I guess that was some new razor Gillette is selling, some kind of new vibrating razor.....
  14. Eh....11 AM's worth it when afterwards I'll be completely done w/ HS, and then I get to go to party after party after party.....
  15. Nice and congrats man! We just had our senior recognition this past Wednesday; I'm having my Grad Open House this Sunday; and FINALLY on May 29 at 11 AM...I graduate!
  16. Pretty even.... 7 at Coors 6 on the road However his BA is a different story... .368 at Coors .210 on the road
  17. We don't need another 1B. We're more unsure about who should be playing CF; I wouldn't mind seeing Everett back here. I like Livan Hernandez though; I was hoping we could pick him up before ST.
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